Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 887: Congratulations! Aiolos!

"Ayelos, is your college admission notice?"

"Not yet." Aiolos, who was sitting in his seat, was still as usual, with a mild smile. Although he has not yet received an offer letter, according to his results, there will definitely be a college admission.

"I don't!" Long Nu smiled. According to the old practice of getting admission notices when seniors and older sisters graduated, the sooner they got the admission notices, the stronger the university they were.

Of course, there are still some people who still cannot get the admission notice, but they have failed in the college entrance examination, there is no university to read, and they must work in society.

However, every high school student who completes his studies, no matter what industry he wants to pursue, can get a very high starting point, far ahead of ordinary people, because they have very professional knowledge.

"The admission letter for Vermeer University is here!" Just then, a shout came from outside the classroom. Then in the classroom, some handsome and handsome students could not bear it anymore, so they followed. Rushing out with this cry.

Of course, the first to rush out were some handsome young girls with far more than normal human appearance, and they all had a certain spirit blood.

"Let's go out and see!" Looking at the indifferent Dragon Girl, Eddie, Ai Luosi asked with a smile, and he was also looking forward to which university he would be admitted to.

"Our admission letter is estimated to be a while away." Dragon Girl Aidi said with a smile. Many of the universities set up on the Xenaps subcontinent are funded by foreign forces outside the mainland. The purpose is to find a way to have a relationship with the world ’s first strong tribe. At the same time, It's also about recruiting talent for yourself.

And such a university will have more or less special restrictions. For example, just to be a member of Vermeer Elf University, not only need to have excellent grades, but also have a certain spirit blood. If you have enough elves, you can even lower your admission score.

And like Dragon Girl, Eddie, it would have been included in a university opened by the Dragon tribe. In this way, she and Aiolos have a high probability of entering the same university and becoming students of the same school again. At the very least, young girls feel so self.

"Let's go and see! After a goodbye this time, some people may find it difficult to meet in the future!"

Ellos took the lead, and the Dragon Girl kept up obediently. Although Ailos has not responded to her pursuit so far, she believes that as long as she persists, she will definitely get successful.

Ioros ignored the Dragon Girl behind her, thinking about what was inside her little head. After he walked out of the classroom, he saw seven horned beast knights descending from the sky. Some sky knight arms.

"There are only seven college admissions notices!" Ai Luosi sighed slightly when watching this scene. No matter which university you are in, you can't enter it. These universities have very stringent requirements for new students, and their enrollment rate has reached an outrageous level.

You know, just rushed out of his class, there are already more than seven students with the blood of the elves, plus the whole grade, the students with the blood of the elves can imagine, but only seven students were finally admitted.

And the rest can only leave in grief, end their student careers, enter the society, accept the arrangements from Xymples unconditionally, work for a period of time, and repay the life that Xymples gave them when they were studying. After the grant, you can freely choose your own job.

Next, Aerlos did not return to the classroom, but stood on the teaching building, looking down at the lively scene. The messengers sent by the universities with admission notices were diverse. , Strange.

The normal one is similar to the horned beast knight sent by Elven University, or the griffin knight sent by the mainstream human race university, and some more strange messengers are deadly undead, haunting the unknown. Crows, and even little bats from the sky ...

Of course, these seemingly evil creatures have been officially notarized by Xanapus and will not cause any harm to any legitimate citizen.

If notarized undead, demons, or monsters, no matter who they are, they can be killed and not guilty. In other words, if someone dared to harm these fair monsters, they would be punished by the code.

"Roar!" At this moment, two thick roars came from the distant sky, and in the excited look of Dragon Girl Eddie, two golden dragons with scales appeared in the sky.

This is a kind of dragon that is very similar to the dragon. It is also a four-legged biplane. However, unlike normal dragons, they have no horns on their heads, and they are much smaller than the real giants. Dragons, but even so, the dragon veins on them are very strong.

"Our admission notice is here!" After seeing this scene, the face of the dragon girl Eddie became very excited, and the two golden Yalong knights represented two copies from a certain one specially opened for dragon-born creatures. College admission letter.

One of them does not need to say much, it definitely belongs to her. Her father has already told her a tone, and the other must belong to Aerlos.

Because in this high school, there is no better Dragonborn creature than Aorous after her.

Eddie knows that in the law enforcement activities that the school sent them out to practice, Aerlos was frequently forced into the surrounding maze for various reasons, and then suffered various hardships.

But fortunately, each time Aerlos stepped out of the maze and gained a lot of benefits, that is, the dragon blood of Aoros constantly awakened in this experience again and again.

And just when Eddy the Dragon Girl began to fantasize about her wonderful college life with Aeolos, the two golden Yalong knights actually separated above their high school, one knight flew in the other direction, and the other The knight flew towards the location where Aorous and Ed were.

"Edi Yalong, congratulations, you have been accepted by De Plana Dragonborn University!" The knight sitting on the back of Golden Yalong held a golden scroll with a spirit of support and sent it to the dragon girl Eddie With a smile on his face.

"This ..." The dragon girl Eddie took the admission notice that fell in front of her, and turned her head to look at the other Yalong knight. "The knight is flying in the wrong direction? What is he doing?" Fly there? "

"Freshman, do you think we sent the admission notice wrong?" The knight on Yalong's back heard the words of the dragon girl Eddie, and asked his face solemnly.

"Isn't it wrong?" Eddie watched the Yalong Knight send the acceptance notice in his hand to another boy who looked inconspicuous, and his face was suddenly unwilling and angry.

"That admission letter, obviously it should be AiRussian!"

"Aiolos?" The Aaron Knight who wanted to reprimand the unruly elementary school girl heard the name of Aiolos, took a moment's glance, and then looked away from his schoolgirl to Aiolos. .

"You are Aerlos, the big monster who has maintained full academic results since the beginning of school?" Yalong Knight looked with strange eyes and looked beside him, but he was not so attractive. Aeolos.

"Monster?" Ai Luosi heard the evaluation of the young man in front of him, and hesitated, "I'm just an ordinary high school student, not a monster!"

"Well, come on, you monster, you are the only one on the continent!" Hearing Aeolos' words, the Yalong Knight only regarded it as self-confidence.

"I'm the only one?" I heard Frost frowned. How could there be only one of him? He remembered that every time he took the exam, it was as few as seven or eight and as many as twenty or thirty, keeping him tied for first First name.

"Of course there is only you. This time, only you have passed the college entrance exam alone, the full score! You are not a monster, who is a monster?"

"Isn't it tied with me?" Ai Luosi felt inexplicably uncomfortable. Normally ~ www.readwn.com ~ wouldn't there be more than a dozen people tied for the exam with him?

"No, I am a student who assists the admissions office's teachers. After reading the results of your college entrance examination candidates, only you will get a perfect score!"

"Then if Ai Luo Si is the first in the department, why don't you accept him?" Aidi, the Dragon Girl, couldn't help asking.

"The school teachers wanted to be admitted, but our school doesn't have this qualification!"

"Then there is a better Dragon University than our college?"

"Of course!"


There was a shattering sound of something. Four high-level space cracks appeared above the high school where Aerlos was located. Then, with the overwhelming dragon power, the rising and falling sounds of dragons rang through the city.

Then, an almost endless amount of golden light emerged from the martyrdom that had been constructed into space, paved a golden light avenue, and spread to the feet of Aerous.

Ai Luosi raised his head and looked up along this golden boulevard. He saw that at the space martyr, there was an old man with a kind face and a gentleman, and the overwhelming but not scary Long Wei Officially released from him.

"Congratulations, Aerlos. From today on, you will be the ninety-ninth non-pure blood dragon student at the Xynops Dragon Academy!"

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