Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 893: Demon Mystery

"Almost ready to announce the establishment of an empire!" Muria, sitting on the throne, glanced at the various statistical results in his hand and sighed.

He plans to announce the establishment of an empire when the total number of intelligent creatures under his rule exceeds 10 billion. Now, the number of intelligent creatures living on the Xenaps subcontinent has exceeded 5 billion.

Muria believes that as long as fifty years, as long as he gives some support in policy, only his human beings can easily achieve the quantitative target of 10 billion.

"I'm going to completely lay the foundation of this empire before Aerlos takes over my position!"

Muria thought silently in his heart, then turned back, looked at his subordinates, and asked them his own questions.

"Do you think there are any loopholes in my institution? Or are they inadequate?"

"Master, I think there is still a bit of imperfection in the judicial system!" When Muria had just spoken out of this problem, on the dark side of the Xenaps subcontinent, the mighty deep prison demon Myers stood up.

"Oh?" Muria smiled, looking at her number one dog leg. "What else do you think?"

Since the promulgation of the Code, Myers has directly transformed into a super-bar essence, the kind of bone essence that picks bones in eggs. The most strange thing is that he is himself, because he specifically picks the thorns in the code.

Then, he used his stab to find Muria's complaint. He set an example and explained the truth to Muria Code where there is a problem. Then after Muria nodded, the guy ran back and compiled the code. The group of devil picked out the relevant ones and waved the butcher knife mercilessly, killing and killing.

"Master, I have n’t found the problem for the time being, but I have found a very fatal problem in other aspects. The essence of the code is just the words written on the carrier. The reason why the code is a code is because there are a group of people Use it as a basis, and truly implement the content it records. When there are no law enforcers based on it, the code is no longer a code. "

"So what do you want to express? What is the problem you found?"

"Master, I think it is the judge who truly implements the will of the Code, but the judges are selected from various races. After all, the judge is still a creature of all kinds without material, and if there is desire, there is no guarantee of absolute Justice! "

"Myers, you mean, you found a judge who violated the code and reversed the black and white for his own selfish desires, right?" Just as Myers's voice had just fallen, there was a cologne. Come out and ask Myers.

"No!" Myers answered with a smile.

"Since not, what are you talking about?"

"It's just a matter of planning. I said that all judges are creatures, and creatures can change. They all have desires. They can maintain fairness and justice now, but they don't mean they can do it in the future."

"It's ridiculous!" Myers's words just ended, and several metal ancient dragons stood up and scolded him. These ancient dragons followed Moria, and then they were placed in the judicial system by Muria. They are Muria justice. The most powerful judge in the system.

"Master, you see, even Gulong is the same. As long as I touch their interests, they will stand up and attack me. If I violate the code one day, I will stand in the court and they will judge me. Will the punishment be intentionally increased? "

Myers didn't even care about the scolding of those ancient dragons, but looked up and watched Muria's suggestion. He knew who his master was and who he needed to serve.

"So what do you think, to eliminate this hidden danger in the future?" Muria glanced at the few rumbling Gulongs, just a glance, these Gulongs were quiet, honestly, one Dare not speak rashly.

"It's very simple, as long as the judge is replaced, as long as the judge has no need for external material and does not need to worry about any threat of intimidation, he can maintain the most basic fairness and justice, and follow the rules of the Code to conduct trials."

"That is to say, you feel that the demands of the judge are nothing, and you don't need to worry about life threats. What you said, I only think of one thing, which meets the conditions!" Muria said with a smile, " Taling! "

"Exactly! Your Royal Highness, I think only the created spirit body is the most suitable to be a judge." Myers resolutely answered.

"Then do you know that, even if it is Ta Ling, as long as you have experienced enough years, you can have the same emotions as normal creatures!"

"If that's the case, just replace it! The judge must not have any emotions!"

"Then do you know how much resources will be consumed if you want to complete what you said?"

"Wait a minute, although the consumption of resources is horrible, it is definitely worth it in the long run!"

Myers lowered his head and said, "It ’s like Her Majesty Hades's use of divine power to resurrect mortal people. Although this behavior is very unworthy in a short period of time, if you look ahead, The gains would be terrible. "

"Well! What you said makes sense. About this, then you go ahead and make a detailed implementation plan for me."


...... Ten days later, Muria, who was looking over the table of Muria's impartial judge on the table, suddenly heard a clear voice,

"Master Muria!"

"Casio? Is there anything?"

"Your father, His Excellency Ansor, and your mother, Her Excellency Atelier, are ready to go to the void. Would you like to come and see you?"

"Of course!" Muria put down his plan and stood up.


The seven-color rainbow light was used as a torn space, and it directly bombarded Muria's courtyard on the Titans' land that had not been inhabited for a long time.

"My parents come again!" Muria, who appeared in the courtyard, turned to look at Casio, who had gathered his body aside.

"Master, be calm and restless, you need to teleport for you again! By then, you will see your parents."

"They are outside the void!" Muria raised her eyebrows. As his strength gradually increased, Casio's authority gradually increased, and Casio could now teleport him to any corner of the world at will.



Outside the barriers of the Erasian world, a vast metal continent is suspended above this continent, where the Blazing Gods, the Titans, and even the Archaeological Dragons, which are rare in the physical world, gather here. Some of them are smiling, some are somber, and they seem to be welcoming a coming grand occasion.

At this moment, a Changhong with seven colors of light came straight from below the material world, and then bombarded this metal continent. The mighty power did not attract much attention of existence, because the existence here is all Has reached the pinnacle of the material world!

The appearance of this beam of light attracted the eyes of two beings, one is a stunning girl with blond hair scattered, and the other is a majestic titan with a battle armor hung.

"Father! Mother!" Muria, who had just been teleported from below by Casio, fell on this metal continent. When his vision returned to clear, he immediately saw his parents approaching him.

"It seems your news is very well informed!" Seeing the appearance of Muria, Jin Long Niang raised her eyebrows.

"You're heading to the void, why don't you tell me?" Muria asked a little unpleasantly.

"What is there to say, when we have successfully broken the boundaries between legend and epic, it will be the same to tell you again when the time comes!" Jin Longniang gave a haha, seems to say a little carelessly.

"The first batch of legendary peaks that used the magic of the sky magic have returned?" Muria asked with a little confusion when she saw that the pair of Jinlong Niang and her parents must become epic.

"Two of the Titans, two of the Celestial Goddess, and one Archaeological Golden Dragon, a total of five went to the void. Except for one of the Celestial Celestials, the connection was cut off in the void, and the rest of them have all returned shortly before! "

Ansor told Muria about the news. The five legends used the mystery of the demon, and as a result, four successfully broke through. This success rate can basically complete the mystery mastered by the blazing gods and the Titans.

"What's going on with the missing Blazing God?" Muria asked, puzzled.

"I don't know ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are too many things that can happen in the void, and you should also understand the principle of the magic of the magic of the sky. Although the success rate is high, it is still a certain danger!"

"If you can have problems with the legendary peaks, then this luck is too bad!"

Muria smashed and smashed his mouth. He was speechless. The principle of the mystery of the demon, he had roughly figured it out.

Spell mystery is also very simple to say. No matter the world will instinctively desire promotion, and the promotion of the world is inseparable from the help of the wisdom and civilization that she gave birth to. But the world wants to nurture a civilization that can enter the void, which is bound to be extremely bumpy, and it will experience endless suffering.

And the mystery of the devil is to choose a world where the civilization bred by the world has problems. The caster seals all his powers, then enters this world, reborn, gains new life, and obtains the legal identity of the target world.

Then, it is to see the existence of using this secret technique to use his legendary accumulation to become the leader of this world civilization and eliminate the hidden dangers of civilization. Remember the website URL, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this site

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