Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 895: Founding ceremony

"What's going on?" Ayelos stepped out of his dormitory and looked up at the sky. At this time, Sinapus looked as usual. Various dragons and flying beasts were freely between the floating cities. Flying.

However, Aiolos still clearly felt the difference between the current Xenapus and the previous one. The number of dragons flying in the sky is obviously more than before.

"Aiolos, don't you know such a big thing?" At this moment, a door of the dormitory next to Aiolos also opened, and then a dragon with scales flashing purple in the sunlight was walking slowly. The ground came out of it, then changed its corresponding body shape, squatted beside Aerous, and looked up at the sky with him.

"What's the matter? I don't know." Even if a real dragon was squatting beside him, Aerlos's expression was very calm. What was this? He usually had a class with nearly a hundred dragons in a classroom.

"The dean is ready to establish an empire! He is ready to officially become the emperor!" Amethyst said with emotion, the establishment of the eleventh empire in the world will have a profound impact.

The ten empires on the main continent have one thing in common with their ruling classes. They all have a part of human blood, but in turn, they have inhuman characteristics.

Behind the top ten empires are some powerful alien races in the world. They are not pure human empires, but on the bright side, they still have human names.

After all, in terms of the overall strength of each race, human beings are indeed second to none in the Erasian world. The average ethnic strength is stronger than that of human beings, and there are not as many as humans, and the number of races that are more than humans has already weakened its potential to an unacceptable level.

And the Titan flowing in the body and Muria with the blood of the Golden Dragon, he has no trace of human relations. The empire he established will be a true alien empire, and the ruling class will be occupied by non-humans.

For humans living in this empire, the only thing they should be thankful for is that there will still be half of the blood of the golden dragon in the body of the future emperor, and the golden dragon, as we all know, is a kind of dragon friendly to humans.

If Muria is a pure-blooded Titan, the human life in this empire will be embarrassed, because the Titan treats all beings equally and without any bias.

However, maintaining fairness for all beings is the greatest injustice to human beings, because the ruling class is not human beings, and in many alien eyes, human beings are delicious food, and they are the best choice for many huge monster recipes.

According to human beings, fortunately, the emperor who ruled them not only possessed the blood of the Golden Dragon, but also had the memory of human beings for one life. Therefore, he is quite friendly to human beings in terms of governance.

And the humans living on this land should be more fortunate. The alien emperor chose his successor. Although he has no trace of human blood, he has spent the most important life in his life as a human being. stage.

"It was about to establish a nation!" Aiolos showed a look of amazement when he heard the words of Amethyst Dragon. "I said, why are there more and more dragons these days!"

"Because the Dean wants to hold a grand founding ceremony, what could be more imposing than the tens of thousands of dragons arranged in a regular array flying across the sky?" Amethyst smiled aside.

"Ten thousands of dragons flew across the sky together, such a scene is indeed unthinkable!" Ai Luosi thought along the words of Amethyst Dragon, and immediately felt a surge of emotion, he could not think of some, tens of thousands of powerful What kind of scene would the dragons get together?

"You can't imagine that it doesn't matter, anyway, you can see it in person soon!" Amethyst smiled beside him, "But I'm a bit unlucky, I can't see such a scene!"

"Why don't you see it?" Aiellous asked his doubts, but in a flash, he responded, "Oh, I see!"

"Because I will be a part of this big scene!" Amethyst laughed, "I have received a call! As for you, you should get a good viewing seat!"

"I hope so!" Aiolos smiled.


"It is really the founding ceremony of the new generation!"

On a floating ship cruising above the sky, Aerlos, wearing a slim military uniform, stood in the captain's room and sighed lowly. He saw the outside scene through the glass porthole.

Without blue sky and white clouds, all his sights are all kinds of huge floating ships, these magical iron and steel creations exuding the icy breath have filled Aerlos' vision.

But Aerlos knew that what he was seeing now was just a drop in the ocean. He now belonged to the announced empire of Xenaps, the 13th Sky Fleet, and the 9th Scorpion Lions! And he, the temporary commander, is responsible for temporarily commanding a floating fleet of up to 1,200 ships.

That's right, just that day, just after Ioros had talked to the Amethyst Dragon, he received the call and was also very honored to participate in the founding ceremony.

Too many things are not clear to Aerlos. On the day when the founding ceremony officially started, he stayed in the ship and listened to what has come from the distant place to the mainland. The 11 emperor emperor Muria spoke. The emperor did not speak for a long time, or even very short. When he finished reading the speech that was less than a thousand words, the emperor directly began to announce the founding ceremony. The core-the military parade!

The founding ceremony, no matter how many tedious etiquettes and lengthy speeches, this is all false. Whether it is other countries or the nationals of the Empire, it will always be the parade ceremony that pays most attention to the founding ceremony.

The founding ceremony of the empire is, like other countries, showing its own army to the world. In other words, show your muscles to other countries and show your deterrence to the world.

And Muria's choice of showing muscles is also the simplest and rude. He directly dismissed the hidden law of Xenapus, and then convened most of the legions of gold or above. Keep these regiments guarding around Sympus, which consists of 132 floating cities.

Then, Snipers began to cruise the entire continent according to a long-established route. This process lasted three months, and its participation in biological scale was the largest and the longest in the history of the world.

After all, even the Orlando Empire that had the blood of hated dragons at the time, when the founding ceremony was held, there was no way to make up 100,000 dragons, not even one-twentieth of this number, but the current Xenaps Empire This was achieved, and the dragon was only one of the main forces of the military parade, but not all.

Around Xinapus, who is now cruising the entire continent, there are ten times more giant legions around the dragon, and each giant has a gold-level strength to walk.

And these are only a small part of it. Muria also pulled over the dependent legions that he had cultivated over the years from his grandfather.

The domineering appearance of these war beasts born for the killings was demonstrated on the crystal screens rising in each city through the magical technology promoted by Muria at all costs, and then caused a sound of amazement. .

"Well, I thought there would be a good Guanli seat. I can only find some recorded videos to watch after the military parade is over!"

Aerlos, who was standing in the captain's room, exuded his thinking. To be honest, he is really a bit bored now, because the route of a floating ship has already been prescribed, and he does not need to give an order at all. Perform a secondary manipulation.

When he was thinking divergently, Yu Guang noticed a half-human-sized diamond-shaped crystal flying from a distance, and there was a rotating translucent crystal eyeball, and under this diamond-shaped crystal, it was evenly distributed. With five smaller rhombus crystals, under the action of the runes, they held the large crystal above them, exuding a force that could resist the gravity of the earth.

Noticing that this special crystal eyeball flew over, Ai Luosi quickly concentrated his attention, sitting on the captain's seat, with his back straight, making a serious diligence.

At this time, this big eyeball also flew directly to Ai Luosi, UU read the book www. uukanshu. com pointed his eyes directly at Aerlos, gave him a frontal shot that lasted for nearly a minute, and then turned around him twice, and came to a 360-degree shooting without dead ends, and finally flew fast. Come out of the captain's room where Aerlos is.

"Whew!" After noticed that this crystal eyeball flew away, Aerous breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, he knew what the thing was, which was a kind of miniaturization researched by the scientific research institute of Siempus Golem.

This golem does not have any combat capabilities, and the only function is to broadcast everything he sees to a specific crystal screen simultaneously.

In other words, Aelos's every move just appeared simultaneously on the crystal screen of the founding ceremony in various cities.

"I shouldn't have made any mistakes just now!" Aiolosi calmed his mood and made sure that he didn't make any mistakes. Then he thought of other places.

"Parents and sisters should also be watching this Founding Ceremony! There is no reason why they should not watch this grand occasion. In this way, they will definitely be able to see my beauty!" . biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this site

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