Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 902: Titan, also make sense!

"Arrogant!" Hearing Muria's words, the current emperor of the Orlando Empire grunted, "I don't dare to talk so wildly! What qualifications do you have?"

"You guy, why did you pull me to the same level as you? You are not qualified, I have it!" Muria responded with anger, and he didn't seem to have much counsel now.

The strongest race in the world is his own family, and the slightly inferior Blazing God family is his wife family, and the metal dragon family is also his own family!

Such a relationship, such a backstage, in the Eracian world, Muria really does not know what he needs to be cautious, or what to fear.

"... what do you exist? Get your name!"

"Can't guess?" Muria, who just broke out the palm of his hand and crushed the bones of the imperial emperor, asked with a smile.

"..." The emperor of the Orlando empire was slightly silent, and there was nothing he could guess. He had already guessed when his palm was forcibly crushed by Muria's palm with unstoppable force.

"This guy, I want to take it away!" The palm crushed by Muria began to heal quickly, and then this seemingly intact palm pointed to Aulos, who had been imprisoned standing on the ground.

"Are you awake? If you want to dream, you can go back and do it!" Muria responded with a joke tone.

"I must take him away!"

"Oh!" Muria sneered.

"He must give an explanation to my sister!"

"What account? I gave it for him!" Muria still responded with a strong attitude, without any counsel.

"He touched my sister, and he was responsible for it!" A faint voice came, and the current emperor of the Orlando Empire was also very angry. Although Aiolos was a passive bearer in the process, he was a direct beneficiary of the results.

"..." Muria was silent immediately, and did not respond immediately. After a long silence, he continued to speak, "What is the meaning of your touch?"

"A strong-blooded man, a beautiful girl, what do you think of this touch?" The Emperor Orlando asked.

"..." Muria was silent for a second time. "What's your sister's name?"

"Felizia Elmos Nino!"

"..." Muria was silent for the third time, because he thought the name was very familiar. He knew it a little, and remembered the appearance of the blue-haired girl.

"I'll talk to him first!" After a long silence, Muria finally spoke a word, and then caught the Emlo, with the speed that the Emperor Orlando hadn't had time to react, and then withdrew directly.

"You ..." Seeing Muria who walked away, the current emperor of the Orlando Empire was a little depressed, but there was nothing he could do. He had just ascended the throne. He was only the successor of the empire, not the founder, Although he is the same legend as Muria, there is a fundamental difference in strength.


On top of the highest peak of a rolling mountain range, Aiolosi looked complexly at the man standing in front of him, calling slowly.


At this moment, Ai Luosi's mood can be described as mixed tastes. He has been in the world for so many years. If it is said that Muria has no idea of ​​his bloodline, it is certainly impossible.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down at the vast sea of ​​clouds below, Muria turned around with a complex look after hearing her son shouting his father,

"Shit, do you know how old the dragon princess is?"

"Eh!" Aorous froze when he heard Muria's question, and his face was embarrassed. "I don't know!"

"Let me tell you! I just heard her name when I was in the world! In other words, she is about 600 years old!

She is older than your father and me! Why is your taste so unique? Fancy such an old woman? "

Muria looked at his son with a depressed expression, but at the end of his speech, his complexion gradually became serious.

"There are so many beautiful, lively and lovely girls in the Imperial Dragon Academy. You didn't look at any of them, but in the end, you got mixed up with a woman who was five times your age! I was weird too, I remember What you instilled as a child was quite normal, so why did your concept of spouse look like this when you grew up? "

"No, Dad! What are you talking nonsense?" Aiolos, who had complex thoughts and was thinking about what to say to his father, heard the series of cross-examinations by Muria and suddenly fell into a state of aggression. Then he discovered that his father seemed to have misunderstood something,

"My spouse view is no problem! I don't like so many heterosexuals who are older than me!"

"So how do you ..." Muria looked at his son with skeptical eyes, trying to find out if he was hiding his true hobby,

"Oh, what, I don't blame you. There is a saying among human beings, the same rice, and a hundred different people. You have no such thing as a spouse, because we have a long life. The gap of hundreds of years is nothing. You are happy, really. No matter what you do, Dad supports you! "

"Dad!" Aylos finally couldn't bear Muria's nagging, and shouted, "Can you listen to me first?"

"You said!" Muria nodded and motioned for her son to continue.

"I was forced, I was the victim, and the dragon princess was the one who took the initiative!" Ayolos shouted, feeling a bit inexplicable.

"You're serious, aren't you kidding me?" Muria looked at her son with a subtle look.

"No kidding!" Aeros nodded heavily.

"Shame!" Muria slowly spit out two words, then turned back with a complex expression, and looked back at the vast sea of ​​clouds in front of her, "What a shame! How can I have such an uncontested son!"

"I'm too far apart from her. My resistance is useless to her!" Aielloos quickly looked at his sighing father and justified.

"Well, shame! My son was actually pushed backwards! This spread, I will be laughed to death!"

Muria ignored the explanations of his son, but continued to lament. However, there was a little bit of luck beside the lament. Fortunately, it was the son who was pushed backward. If it was a daughter, he should almost call a legion!

"Let's talk, how did you meet her? And she's still mingled with her!" Muria asked after a long sigh.

To be honest, the world of Aeros can be said to be very large. In this case, the two of them can still collide together, and this negative distance contact has happened, which can be said to be very destined.

"I met her on the edge of a duchy in the Ionian subcontinent ..."

Aiolosi begins to tell Muria the process of meeting her with the dragon princess, Felicia. Its roots still seem to fall on Muria.

Because according to Aiolos, it was the Dragon Princess who came to know him, and after investigating him, he started to deal with him. The simple thing is to find him a fault and make him restless. .

Muria thought for a moment. If he remembered it correctly, the mother of the dragon princess, Felicia, was a great master in astrology and divination. As her daughter, Princess Felicia of the Dragon may have inherited this talent, and she probably noticed something wrong with Aerous.

Otherwise, there is no reason to explain why an empire's princess focuses on a dragon descendant that is not yet legendary. After all, the identity of the two is normally two parallel lines and will never cross together.


"I was interrupted by a hand, and then you came back so dimly?" In the palace made of blue diamonds, the former emperor of the Orlando Empire growled loudly.

"He is the emperor of the Xenaps Empire, and my strength is not as good as him!" Said the young man who had just arrived on the throne and was full of spirits.

"You can't beat him, you can call me!"

"Is there a difference?" The young man looked at his father, and what if he called his father, not just to add another beaten emperor, "they are Titans behind them!"

"What's wrong with the Titans? The Titans are amazing?" The resigned emperor asked angrily in his palace.

"Well, the Titans are really amazing!" Unfortunately, the wife of the former emperor ruthlessly dismantled his stage. "If you are determined to go against the Titans, you must be the one who suffers in the end!"

"You ..." The middle-aged man's blood flew up suddenly, and blue diamond-like scales appeared on his face ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then he glared at his wife for a few breaths, and then punched indignantly. In his seat,

"The Titans are amazing! But they also have to make sense! Their ethnic group moved my daughter, shouldn't they give me a reasonable statement?"

"Argument? If you are not afraid of being beaten, you can ask them for it!" The gentle and graceful beautiful woman stared at her husband. "

"But I am a daughter, he is a son!"

"What do you want?"

"At least I want to give my daughter a reasonable name!"

"Then you go to them, the emperors of the Senapus Empire are uncertain and don't know the exact location, but the location of the Titans does not need you to know where you are, go, no one is stopping you!"

"Go, don't you think I dare? Even Titan, you have to make sense!" Remember this site's website, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this site

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