Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 904: Little Empire Princess

"Look, it's estimated that in less than a hundred years, Aiolos can break through the legend. At that time, he will get his real power and get back all the memories that I sealed in my childhood.

At that time, he will become the second emperor of the Xenaps Empire, and as the emperor of the empire, he can have a reasonable number of partners!

At that time, it is enough to give the princess of the dragon a concubine. As for the position of the queen, it is naturally reserved for the partner that Iolos really likes. "

"Emperor with multiple companions! Ha ha!" Michelangela's attention was completely attracted by other places in Muria's words, "It's been almost 400 years. Are you tired of me? Want to add new Your partner? Are you planning to use my son to test my attitude first? "

With Michelangela's questioning, the weapons and armors conceived by her in a palace shook slightly, and flew into his hands at any time as their master called.

"I said, this is our son Aerlos, not me, I do n’t have the idea of ​​a Donat partner at all! In this life, I am only you, and I will not be with the rest of the opposite sex. Any tangles! "

Looking at Michelangela's look, Muria immediately began to swear and swear to excuse herself. If she misunderstood him, he would not have to live his own life.

"Really?" Hearing Muria's assurance, the blazing blazing flames on the wings behind Michelangela slightly converged, and at the same time, the armor and weapons in a palace were stopped. It's shaking!

"Of course, I have no ambitions, just to propose a new solution for Aerlos!"

Muria explained, "Princess Dragon Ball Princess Felicia, she is pregnant with our grandson, or granddaughter, even if she is different, looking at the child, we can be patient and give her a name. !!

And Aerlos is about to become an emperor. As an emperor, he has multiple partners, and no one will blame too much! Of course, I have no such idea! "

"Hmm!" Michelangela nodded, agreeing with Muria's thoughts, and immediately she thought of a new question, "Does this child still have the right to inherit your place after birth?"

"I said, if you want to sit in my place, you must have the blood of the Titans or the Blazing Gods. This child, after he was born, I will give him the title of Prince! And give him a piece that matches his title. Area, as his territory! But the throne, he is impossible! "

"Then arrange it like this!" Michelangela nodded.

"I'll tell Aerlos about this and ask him for his opinion! If he doesn't want to, I'll think of other ways!"


In the Osloni subcontinent, Aeolos, who was just thrown by his father on this subcontinent, was in a very complicated situation. After being confused for an hour or two, he ran into a city and began to explore the surrounding areas. There are no monsters on the cholera side. If so, he was going to chop two, soothing his depressed mood.

But just as Aerlos had pinpointed his goal, and was about to set off, a gentle wind blew into his room from the hostel where Aoroso was living.

Aoyelos, who was ready to go, turned his head sharply and looked at the leisurely young man who appeared on the seat in his room. At this time, his face changed rapidly, because he really didn't know what to do. This emotion is facing his father.

"I came to you this time, and there was nothing else, or the follow-up to the last thing, the princess who had a relationship with you, his father ran to your father and my home to stop me, he Ask me for a statement! "

"What did he ask you for? This is not my initiative, I was forced!" Aiolos responded with a somewhat complex mind. From the perspective of the majority of men, of course he did not suffer from this, and Also took advantage.

After all, she is the princess of the empire, her appearance is really nothing to say, and her family is really nothing fussy.

"But the problem is that little princess, she is not voluntary, she also had this relationship with you by accident!" Muria felt a little pain in her head, rubbing her brows.

He hadn't come across such a **** thing for hundreds of years, but he just threw his son out and traveled for a while, and let him run into it.

"So what was the result of your talks with her father?" Aiolos felt even worse, and this matter was strictly a mistake, but neither the princess nor him needed to do it. Responsible for field errors.

"Give her a name! Anyway, you can legally have multiple partners in the future!" Muria said the way he figured out.

"This ..." Ai Luo Si opened his mouth, seriously, he was very reluctant about this matter. The princess's figure and appearance are really nothing to say. When that happened, he was very comfortable. The problem was the princess. He didn't really look at you.

"You're going to be a dad, and I'm going to be a grandfather! So for this child, I promised you!" Muria opened his face embarrassed, and the hit rate was really no one.

"What?" Aeolos froze. At this moment, he felt as if a current passed through his body, making his body slightly paralyzed. The impact of this news was really too great for him.

"how can that be?"

"Although the probability is small, it is indeed possible!" Muria looked at her son, "How many times have you done with her?"

"I can't remember," Ai Luosi replied a little awkwardly, "I remember when I came out, the time seemed to have passed more than a month, and I felt a little floating when I walked!"

"Pay attention to temperance!" Muria yanked the corners of his mouth and slowly spit out four words. Although he sealed the power of Aiolos' blood, it was a seal, not a deprivation. The foundation of his body was still there. Yet.


"Okay, needless to say, I know you are a passive bearer!" Muria waved his hand, feeling that the son was a bit shameful.


"I also want to ask you something. I know you have no interest in this princess, so I want to ask, do you like the opposite sex?"

Muria stared at his son with interest, watching his every move.

"..." Suddenly asked such a question, Aerlos was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

"Looking at your reaction, it should be, but what do you do as a big man? Why not just say it directly?" Muria looked at the silent son and concluded.

Aiolos remained silent, without saying a word.

"This attitude of you should be unrequited love! I am afraid the girl does not know that you like her, or that you are not sure whether this girl likes you, so you did not answer me just now, right?"

Muria looked at the silent Aiolos, and continued to analyze, "According to your life experience, it should not be your childhood sweethearts who grew up with you since they were young, because they do not have a company to accompany you, nor is it After all, the dragons of the Dragon Academy have not seen which dragon you have a close relationship with, after all these years! Well, I probably know! "

"Dad, I still have work to do now, I'm leaving now!" I didn't seem to hear his father's analysis, and Aeolos hurriedly left the hostel.

"The only thing left is the Titan! It seems that my arrangement has worked. This kid should look after a female Titan, and I don't know which one." Muria pondered his chin and thought, he felt It's time to start investigating after going home.


"Have you heard? Brother is said to be married to a man who is more than 500 years older than him! They have already made an appointment!"

In the vast Divine Realm, Tiffany found Gladys in a pleasant bath, and secretly told her sister this news she had heard.

"Where do you hear the rumors? Isn't my brother still travelling in the Erasian world?" Gladys, lying in the pool of water condensed by the divine power, looked up and leaped high, and then "stunned "Tiffany fell into the pool and burst into a big splash, and asked with a little confusion.

"But while he was traveling, he had a relationship with a princess of the Orlando Empire. I heard that the children were pregnant, and the three of us are expected to be little aunts soon!" Soaked in the pond, Tiffany replied lazily.

"real or fake?"

"What did I lie to you? You can't stop robbing me of money." Tiffany glanced at her wicked sister.

"Any more news?"

"Yes! I heard that although a marriage contract was set up ~ www.readwn.com ~, the one who seemed to be unable to become his brother's real wife, could only become a concubine!"

"Do you know what that princess is called?"

"do not know!"

"Let's go and inquire and explore the situation of our future sister-in-law."

"Don't go in such a hurry, I just just came from below, and let me talk for a while." Tiffany's soothing face, although the attributes do not match, but the divine power has a very powerful moisturizing effect on all lives.

"What do you know, my father is about to leave, and then my brother will be on top. At that time, what kind of brother's wife is will have a great impact on our future lives. You do n’t worry about it now, you will lose money later. But it's you! "

"Gratis, you always do this, always thinking so much! What can a little princess do if she gets married? What can we do?" Remember this site's website, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this site

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