Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 906: You are honored

It was a very blurry light and shadow, so blurred that it had no shape at all, but when it appeared behind Aeolos and extended indefinitely, Aeolos fell into a kind of trance.

And his pair of golden pupils that seemed to be shining with light, at this moment, became even more gorgeous and brilliant, blooming with dazzling light, letting each end rush up to meet the demons of Ailos's pupils, unconsciously He lowered his head, because when he saw the pupils, he could feel a majestic height and wanted to lower his head and bow his head.

At the same time, Aiolos' body was shrouded in a layer of hazy light, a golden thunder arc ran through him, invisible wind spread over him, and a field began to build.

Every demon approaching a certain range of Ayelos can feel a burning, numbness, and a sense of cutting. Not only that, they can also feel a stress from the spirit, just like facing the Demon King. .

This field with multiple effects initially appeared, but it is not obvious, but as time goes by, its envelope continues to expand, and the effect continues to increase.

Gradually, there were thunder visible to the naked eye, and a flame with a sacred burning effect appeared around Aerous's body. At the same time, there were invisible blades that the devil could not see at all, tearing their bodies.

Following the demon rushing towards Aeolos, some of the weaker ones have not yet approached Aeolos, their bodies are directly shredded, and slightly stronger, only the skin and muscles are cut, but with divine purification The flame of effect followed their wounds and began to burn their bones and lungs.

This field began to spread continuously, and the number of demons affected was increasing. Eight thousand, nine thousand, ten thousand ... 100,000. Aionos standing here was like a reef standing in the torrent. However, no matter how this wave of demons impacts, they stand still. Instead, the demons are constantly falling down during the impact.

And this is just the external changes triggered by Aerlos' breakthrough. Its mighty power can stop the slump of a war, and his own changes are even more amazing.

His body is constantly expanding, three pairs of high-powered dragon horns are derived from his forehead, the bright light spreads behind him, and then differentiates to form ten light wings, and these wings are still materializing. To be real.

And when the wings appeared, all demons below the gold level within three kilometers of Ayelos were shrouded in a white sacred fire, and then turned directly to ashes in the mournful screams.

And even the gold-level, soul-level demons also have a painful roar, and the closer they are to Aerouss, the greater the damage they suffer.

That's the case, there is still no devil withdrawing, because in this siege battle, their demons have an advantage. As long as they are on-charge demons, look up, they are all similar.

In fact, in the legion-like charge, the devil is very easy to fall into a violent state. As long as the battle damage ratio is not too exaggerated, the demon's mind will not run away and retreat.

Therefore, even if the surrounding area of ​​Aerousse was covered with a layer of ashes generated by the demon being burned by the sacred fire, the demon rushed forward.

Aiolos almost carried the demon's slump with his own power, attracting the attention of some legendary demons.

Immediately, there was a flame of Barlow flame, holding a beheading sword and a flaming whip for him by the abyss rule, walking towards Aeolus, the huge power, let all The demons retreated, each step leaving a lava footprint on the scorched earth.

As for this scene, Aerlos was unaware. He is now immersed in the wonderful experience of breaking through the soul from the legend. He can feel the shackles his father has set for him, and the new legend that is being generated in him. Under the impact of force, it continues to break.

And this time, the broken rune was completely annihilated and dissipated, not the same as his breakthrough before, he was slowly healed after being crushed, and continued to seal his true power.

And as Aerlos continuously broke through the seal formation in the body, the towering light and shadow behind him continued to expand, and gradually began to form. It was a ten-winged dorsal wing, a frontal dragon horn, and a body. Piercing armor, like an ancient god-like existence.

"Abominable breath, the guy from the heavens! It's a mixed race!" The Baloyan demon striding towards Aeolos sneered and clenched his beheading sword.

It can sense that Aeolos is now breaking through the legend, but it doesn't care that it knows that it is a mixed-race guy. Even if it really breaks through, what can it do? At most, it will make his collection more. Skull from Celestial Legend.

"Quack! Get out of here!" In the abyss, Barlow, a sub-demon lord who had already been counted, broke into the realm of the power easily dispelled by Aeroth.

All the negative effects in his field were not effective for him. They were blocked by his body magic inflammation. He passed along the road without knowing how many demons stepped on. In the end, he kicked away and judged the spirits and pressed them on Ai. Oros was less than a hundred meters away, raised his beheading sword, and then volleyed to Aiolos.

Under the wave of this decapitated sword, the atmosphere made a general explosion sound. The visible air marks lingered on this side of the decapitated sword. The space where the decapitated sword passed was trembling slightly. The black fissures healed at a very slow rate.

And just as the Barlow Flames waved the Beheading Sword, the huge light and shadow behind Aorous spread to the top, and when this beheading sword lingering the dark red magic flame was about to fall to Aerous's head, That huge light and shadow emitted a dazzling brilliance, as if the light was burning.

Under this radiance, the slightly small body of Aiolosi gradually became photochemical, and thus gradually dissipated. And when the beheading sword fell, it was about to touch that flame.

A palm wrapped with gold-bordered, white-bone bone scales protruded from the flames, grasping the beheading sword, and in the eyes of Baloyan's confused eyes, a horrible unbelievable The force acted on the palm of its sword, and the beheaded sword that it had held in its hand since its birth was thus detached from its palm.

"..." The Ballow's mouth is wide open, and the flames that can burn the soul spew out of its mouth. This is not an attack. It is only because of the surprising response it subconsciously took after its sword was taken away. .

"Lighter than I thought!" At this moment, a faint voice came out of the flame, and then the beheaded sword just taken away was thrown back to Barlow.

"The Blazing Protoss!" The Barlow Enchanter who had regained his half-length weapon issued an angry roar. Devil also has pride.

But it is clear that this demon's brain is still incompetent. His chaotic brain ignores the existence in front of him, and possesses the arrogant and unreasonable power that can easily take away its weapon, but is still silent in the embarrassment of the weapon being taken away. in.

"Give you a chance, for the first time I have mastered such a huge power, it takes a battle to get used to it!"

The light was dim, revealing Aerlos standing on the bone, his gesture at this time was exactly the same as that of the ancient god-like light and shadow behind him, but compared to Gang that was nothingness, it looked a bit like Unreal light and shadow, now he is extremely real.

"You are honored to be my first opponent to break the legend!"

"Zwart hybrids!" The secondary abyss lord Barlow Yanmo stared at Aerous, he noticed the difference between Aorous and the Seraph that he had seen. The wings behind the true Seraph were not Aoros. The back shines with a metallic luster, as if a feather can be used as a wing for a sword.

"Mixed race? You are right!" Ai Luosi smiled, and then a nearly 200-meter-long war gun appeared in his hand, holding it hard, each one was as thick as a python. Golden thunder roaming over his body!

A violent hurricane spread out from the center of his place. A demon-centered slaughterhouse appeared. Any demon standing at a distance from Aeolos Miles ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ling Chi was generally turned into bone muck and minced meat, and a layer of flesh carpet appeared.

And such a cruel and violent scene, for the first time, let the demon who has entered the violent state of victory stop, this is directly irrespective of the level and the type, the scene of all spikes is too horrible, now on this layer of flesh and blood carpet, at this time Already covered by sacred fire, to ordinary demons, it is equivalent to **** to humans.


Aiolos, who cleared the scene instantly, did not give the slightly confused Barlow flame in front of him the opportunity to continue to speak. The long gun trembled, and a shot was drawn on the chest of Barlow flame. The violent power, when The body of the demon lord was drawn in two, and the blood was splashing everywhere.

Due to not being able to control the skyrocketing power well, after Ioros blew up the demon lord's body, there was still a lot of power left. Hundreds of meters of gunfire flew over, just like clearing wheat. After a large number of demons, more than a dozen mountains passed through and disappeared at the end of the sky.

"It's too weak!" Looking at the Barlow flame that was beaten by him in one shot, Aeolos shook his head slightly with no interest, the ten wings behind him spread out, and the pure white blazing sky flame gradually turned crimson. , And then swept towards the Barlow flames who were trying to recover the incompleteness.

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