Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 912: God tree

"Ur, come back!" When Muria entered the tree house, Hida, the mother who was preparing dinner for him, shouted Muria's name!

"Huh!" Muria nodded.

"Come and get ready to eat! Your father hunted a patterned tree python today! You can eat as much as you want today!"

"Abba, have you been injured?" Muria's gaze looked at the male Yikong who was sitting next to him with a long bow in his nursing hands. This was his father, Batu, a standard adult Yikong who was cheerful , Like hunting, but not addictive!

"It's just a small tree python. With the help of my partner, how could it hurt me?" Batu waved his hand indifferently when he heard the question from his son.

"That's good!" Muria looked at his mother, and Hida was holding a bone dagger to handle the python, which was a large snake nearly ten meters long, but its seven inches were covered by It was torn, and if nothing unexpected happened, it was made by his father's Blue Creek Beast companion.

"Come over to eat! Today's meat is full." Hida greeted Muria to sit at the table, a stone with a faint golden light, this is a table exclusive to Muria.

Then, a piece of fresh, thinly sliced ​​snake meat was placed on the stone in front of Muria, and the sound of grilled meat was heard, and a flavour of meat fluttered.

"Corona stone!" This is the name of the Yikong people for this kind of stone that acts like a small electric oven. Muria knows, "There is no need for a flame!"

This is a rather magical stone. It can store the heat from the sun during the day. At night, or when it is needed, the heat stored in the corona stone can be released in a specific way.

In front of me is an application of the corona stone, which heats cold meat. This kind of stone is also one of the sources that hinder the development of the Yikong civilization. It is not that the stone is not good, but for the Yikong, the corona stone is too convenient, and it is convenient enough to replace the fire .

The first primitive creatures controlled the flames. One was to drive away the beasts, and the other was to heat food to reduce the possibility of illness. These two effects of fire are quite bad for Yikong people.

There is no need to say more about driving the beast. There is no powerful monster in the tribe of the Yikong people to invade. And ordinary monsters simply did not dare to approach the Yikong tribe.

In terms of heating food, only in terms of safety performance, corona stones that can release heat through special methods are far better than uncontrollable flames. You don't need to think about how to choose.

"This world is too spoiled for the Ikong!" Muria did not know for the first time and sighed. This magical stone has almost no difficulty in getting, even if he is an Ikong child, just go out casually You can pick it up all around.

The real trouble is that most of these stones are irregular and need to be polished to make them look what they need, but compared to its convenience, this is not a problem at all.

There are many problems with the Yikong civilization, and they are also very serious, but this is the conclusion reached by Muria from a neutral perspective. From the perspective of the Yikong people, there is no doubt that their civilization is no problem, because they do not need to worry about any physical troubles, it is just good to just maintain the status quo.

"Forget it, I can't manage that much right now, let me fill my stomach first!" My mind is thinking about how to lead Muria, the Yikong civilization born in peace, to the hunger in her belly. Pull back to reality.

What we are talking about is nothing. Let him fill his stomach first, and then he will have the energy to dry the other. He is a doer, not a dreamer.

Thinking of this, Muria picked up his own homemade chopsticks, took the snake meat that had been roasted on the corona stone dining table and put it in the mouth. After chewing two mouthfuls, he swallowed it.

how is the taste? Muria's evaluation is that it can be eaten. That's it. After all, with the current level of civilization of the Yikong people, they can't play too many tricks. At most, they just pick some seasonable plants and apply them to roasted meat.

But Batu, who noticed that his child started to eat, couldn't help twitching. He was different from other people in his family. On average, he would go out hunting one day in two days.

The reason is that his son likes to eat meat very much, and his meals are so large that he needs to take half of his leisure time to go hunting.

And this point, Batu did not complain too much, the son can eat is a good thing, he is not unable to afford. In addition, his son was originally special than the ordinary Yikong people. Wuer was born very strong, and his developmental level far exceeded that of his peers.

In this case, Batu is naturally very pleased. Every qualified father hopes that his son-in-law can achieve more than himself. This is the meaning of inheritance. One generation is stronger than the other.

"Slow down, this snake is big enough for your meal!" Hidda laughed, seeing Muria's gobbling posture, holding a bone knife, skilled in action, and cutting snake meat.

"Hmm!" Muria nodded at her mother's words, slowing down slightly. In fact, he can eat faster, because before he was born, the blood gas running method that he tinkered with when he was bored gave him a very good foundation.

This is not the reason why Muria ’s appetite is so horrible. The real reason is because Muria has created a set of breathing methods that tempers his body and strengthens his body according to the rules of this world.

At this stage, the only way to gain nutrition for his body with his ability is to eat, so Muria ’s appetite will be so horrible that it has exceeded the daily needs of a normal adult Yikong.

嗝 ~~

When the sun completely set, Muria's home was completely shrouded in fluorescence from the trees that supported the tree house. Muria was also sitting at the table, comfortably hitting a full stomach.

After hearing that Muria was full, his parents, Batu and Hida, were quietly relieved. The reason for Batuson's sigh of relief is that if Muria is not full, it means that he The prey brought back this time is not enough, and next time, he needs to hunt bigger beasts. The reason why Hilda was relieved was because she was tired.

"Are you full today? Ur!"

"I'm full!" Muria had a smile on his face and rubbed his belly. Under the influence of the breathing method he had tailored for his body, the snake meat he had just eaten was quickly broken down. Nutrients are transported throughout the body.

Of course, compared to when I just ate, now the decomposition speed is much slower. After all, although his breathing method is exquisite, his body is also limited.

"If you are full, just go to rest. Of course, you can go out and find your friends to play!"

"No, I'm going to sleep!" Muria picked up a soft leaf, wiped the oil from her mouth, and was about to leave the tree house. His parents didn't eat from start to finish, and Muria didn't ask, he was already used to it.

Because his parents had already eaten long before he came back, not eating with his son is a unique feature of their family. There is no way, Muria is too good to eat, sitting with him If he eats together, his parents are likely to be hungry, so they eat directly.

"Oh, yes, Dad! When you're hunting, will you run into life-threatening dangers?" Muria, who was about to leave the tree house, suddenly stopped and asked.

"Danger to life?" Batu lifted up and looked at his son in doubt, "Of course not."

"No? But the elder told me that there are many powerful monsters in the wild, horned beasts, nightsabers, bloodthirsty ants ..." Muria uttered the names of more than ten monsters that the elder told her "The elder said that these can cause life threats to the adult Yikong people. Is the elder trying to lie to me? There are no such creatures in the wild."

"Of course, the elder did not lie to you. I have seen these monsters you said in the wild." Batu felt his black hair. "They do have the power to threaten our lives, but as long as we do n’t provoke They, these monsters don't bother us. "

"I won't bother you, will you not attack when you see it?"

"Yes, as long as you don't attack them ~ www.readwn.com ~ they will not attack you!"

"This ..." Muria moved her lips and wanted to say something, but she couldn't say it. What was it?

"Ur, do you have any questions you want to ask?" Hida looked at her son and asked with a smile.

"I want to know, why isn't there a powerful ... for example, creatures like Meisha come to occupy our tribe, our tribe is obviously so special!" Muria asked puzzled.

"Hahaha, Ur, the reason why no legendary monster like Meisha came to invade our tribe is because of the shelter of the **** tree!"

"Divine tree! What is a divine tree?" As soon as Muria's eyes lighted, he got a new piece of information.

"You will know this later. Don't ask any more now. Go to sleep!" Unfortunately, his parents did not explain to him, and their words were full of respect for the tree of God.

"Okay!" Seeing his unwilling parents, Muria nodded helplessly, and then walked out of the tree house. He didn't live with his parents at night. He had his own tree house.

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