Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 916: Titan's practice

"Well, Ur, if your strength is really stronger than an Yikong adult, then conquer a strong wind foal now!"

Batu riding on horseback pointed to a group of strong wind foals wagging in the plain in front, and told Muria that the so-called strong wind foal refers to the six-legged horse-shaped creature that Batu rides on.

"Huh!" Muria, who had been patient for a while, jumped off the war horse and walked towards the grass-eating horses. He was not used to having too close physical contact with the same sex, even if that person was his father. .

"Fresh wind foal, Blue Creek beast, hey!" Muria chuckled as she walked towards the herd of horses. "These two creatures are just like they were prepared for the Yikong people, and they have become Yikong adults Comes standard. "

As Muria approached the herd of thousands of horses, these strong wind foals were quietly eating grass, and it seemed that Muria was non-existent.

"That's it again!" Seeing this scene, Muria pouted his lips and looked at the sky. He did not receive any attacks on the way from the tribe to this steppe, and they passed some carnivorous creatures. The territory is the same, as his father said, as long as they do not actively attack, those creatures will not provoke them.

"I'd better pick a mount for travelling first! It's useless to think so many!" Muria's eyes toured the herd of horses. A herd that has reached such a scale must have a leader to lead them in action, so, He was looking for that horse king.

"I've found it!" Without much effort, Muria found the horse king who stood tall, its body was taller than all the strong wind foals.


Muria's body was slightly bent, then the body was relaxed, and disappeared in place instantly. A few pieces of green grass debris circled in the air for several times, and then landed on the ground leisurely.

"Ur!" Seeing Muria's undisguised target, Batu and some Yikong people anxiously shouted his name, trying to stop him.

Indeed, in the wild, as long as the Yikong people do not actively provoke other creatures, those creatures will not actively attack the Yikong people, but once the Yikong people take action, everything is different.


It's like a war horse, but a more vociferous cry than a war horse rang over the grassland. Muria had no shouts behind him. He was already riding on the back of the horse king, holding him tightly from the top Two tentacles extending from above.

... When the sun rose to the center of the sky, the exhausted horse king camel walked towards Muria with tired feet and walked towards the group of Yikong people who were watching.

"Ur, how are you ..." Then, as Muria had expected, Batu was like a female, muttering in front of him.

Muria listened to Batu's complaints with a smile, and he felt the concerns, but he was also proud.

"Abba, I have conquered a strong wind foal, we can start hunting!"


When the sun was about to set, a hunting team set off from the Turan tribe early in the morning returned to the tribal territories that had gradually glowed in the afterglow of the setting sun.

In this hunting team, almost one or two heads of prey were carried on each of the strong wind foals.

"Batu, your son is really a genius!"

When he was about to return to the tribe, an Iraqi man couldn't help but lamented Batu, this is not the first time he said such a thing today.

Although Batu felt that he had heard similar words and could hear cocoons in his ears, he still couldn't help but smile and show his white teeth because of this sentence.

Muria heard the words of praise to him, but there were not too many emotional fluctuations on his face, which should have been the case.

This game was intended to take Muria out to meet the world, familiarize himself with the environment, and teach hunting skills. When Muria decided to show his ability, it became a game of his own. Personal debut in this world.

At first, in order to disguise, Muria opened the black bow that Batu had requested for him, and fired two arrows. These two arrows missed one arrow, and one arrow only injured the prey.

Starting from the third arrow, Muria was too lazy to pretend, and directly showed his true level. The arrow would be hit, and there was no false hair.

The consequence of his doing this is to make his Yikong people, including his father, protect him into spectators, and become a group of passers-by who will only sigh and sigh.

"Ur, put down the prey in your hand and come with me! Let's meet the elder!" After entering the tribe, the hunting team returning with a full load immediately attracted the attention of many Yikong people.

But Batu didn't care, but shouted Ur's name, and then carried the prey, which was one circle larger than his body, and climbed sensitively to the tree.

"Oh!" Muria rolled over and dismissed the horse, calmed him down, and followed him. It just came to this strange area and was still a little uneasy.


"Elder!" Soon, Batu, carrying the prey larger than his body, took Muria into the elder's tree house, and shouted very respectfully.

"It's Batu and Ur, how did you come here!" In the dim tree house, the old man in a reclining chair opened his bright eyes, sat up with a smile, and looked into him Two large and small Yikong people in the house.

"Elder, please take a look at this prey! This was killed by Ur!" Batu's words pointed to the prey under his feet with an irresistible delight.

"Huh!" At this time the slightly old man noticed the prey placed in front of him by Batu, and then he looked carefully, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

The head of this night wolf seems to have been crushed to death by some kind of blunt device. Looking at the cracks, it seems that a Yikong man broke it with his fist, but such power Beyond the scope of ordinary Yikong people.

"This is ..." The elder looked up at Batu.

"This is when I took Ur to hunt, he killed with his fist!" Batu turned and pointed at Muria, who was standing behind him.

"The elder!" Seeing that the elder's eyes fell on him, Muria shouted with a smile. Compared to Batu's restraint, he seemed very relaxed.

"Little Ur, are you really killed?" The elder asked, pointing to the night wolf with a broken skull under his feet.

"of course!"

"That being the case, throw your fist at me with the power to kill this night wolf."

"It's not good!" Muria scratched her head.

"Ur, throw your fists at ease. The elder was a Baghdad before," Batu said beside him.

"It used to be, but it's not now, old man, but there should be no problem in taking a punch from you, so little Ur, don't hesitate."

"Okay!" Hearing the elder said, Muria was no longer polite, walked in front of the old man, and then hit a standard straight punch.

In the course of his fist punch, two faint but bright white patterns appeared on his wrist. Although the light was dim, it was unusually prominent in this dim tree house. .

"Sure enough, hahaha!" The elder grasped Muria's fist, and a more complex and bright white light pattern appeared on the palm of his palm that caught Muria's fist.


A few moments later, Muria holding a tree bark book, and walked out of the elder's tree house with Batu, whose face showed unstoppable joy.

"Abba, I'll go back and study Baghdad's cultivation method first." Muria Yang raised the bark book in Yang's hand and said to his father.

"Okay, you go back to study first, and I will take it to your tree house with your Aunt for dinner." Batu said in awe, he was almost grateful, especially the elder. Said his son could definitely be a real Baghdad before he reached adulthood.

"Hmm!" Muria sighed helplessly when she saw her father, who seemed to be looking for others to share her joy, and then left.


"Well, it's good to not expect too much, it's a rough way of practicing!" Muria sighed in the tree house, who had given the elders the practice of Baghdad to him. .

This method of practice, to Muria, is like an adult, watching the graffiti of a three-year-old child. However, although it is simple and rough, the effect on Muria is quite huge.

The hardest part is not from one to ten thousand, but from zero to one. With this practice that can take advantage of the large number of energy ore under his feet, his strength will be rapidly increased in an explosive manner.


Five years later, Muria has come to this world for twelve years, and his body has grown to a level comparable to that of an adult Yikong. As for power, it is not a level at all.

"Big elder!" Muria, who was strong and tall, appeared shapely and slender, and came to the tree house, watching the elder man in the tree house slowly getting up.

"It's little Ur! How are you practicing now? How much stronger?"

"Look!" Muria, dressed in animal skin, didn't move ~ www.readwn.com ~ but one after another bright and dazzling white light patterns emerged around his body, shining the entire dim tree house It's bright.

"Okay! Your strength has become stronger again. It seems that I underestimated you five years ago!" Muria, who had been shrouded in light, laughed. "Is there anything you come to me today?" "

"Elder, I came to see you, I want to tell you, I want to travel for a while, I'm not sure if I will return." Muria converged on the light pattern on her body, and recovered to be ordinary. The appearance of Yikong people.

"What do you want to do when you travel far?" The elder asked, puzzled.

"I want to challenge Baghdad in the other Ikon tribe in the Ayary Forest!" Muria said his thoughts.

The practice of Baghdad entrusted to him by the elder, he has reached the end of cultivation, and every part of his body is covered with light patterns. He now needs to find a new path, and his strength is far from enough.

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