Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 924: People are stupid, have more money, come quickly!

"This indigenous, did he find us?"

A warship suspended outside the world of Yikong people, an inspector looked at the blue face with a smile on the big screen stupidly.

"Obvious thing!" A middle-aged man in a military uniform came to the screen, staring at Muria's face, his face revealing thought.

"Based on the Yikong language translation we translated, I want to know what this guy just said?" The commander of the fleet sat at the captain and gave instructions.

"He's saying: Do you see enough?" Soon, Zhinao translated the sentence that Muria had just said.

"Sure enough, he noticed that we spied on him! This native is very unusual!" The general who walked to the screen looked at Muria's face and sighed slightly.

Just as he sighed, Muria's face suddenly appeared cracks on the screen, and the screen fell into darkness.

"The detector was destroyed!" The general in front of the screen sighed with a little regret.

"It doesn't matter if you are destroyed. We have already got very valuable intelligence. It is just a star chip detector produced on the assembly line. It is very good to be able to get such information."

"The scene just recorded is not recorded, and it will be re-played again!" The commander of the warship gave instructions. He not only served as the captain of the aviation warship, but also came to the ground troops named by them on the planet Pandora. commander.

As for why he remotely commanded the army at such a high distance from the ground, naturally he was afraid of death! Although this Pandora world is rich in resources, there are too many unknown things, and there should not be too many creatures that can threaten his life.

With the release of this order, the screen lit up again, and began to replay the scene of the Yikong people who had been bought by them into the Ayary Forest.

"Pause for a while!" The captain shouted at the beginning of the picture, and the suspended picture was the phantom knight who landed from the sky and came to intercept.

"Does this creature have a record in our database?" The captain asked, pointing at the huge wing bird with a wingspan close to more than 30 meters, the danger he perceived in this creature, the speed of this creature Seems a bit too agile.

"Yes!" Soon, the fleet's onboard intelligence brain responded, and then projected a very blurry image, which was simply a blurry dark shadow.

"It can be concluded from the information gathered from native intelligent creatures that this is a winged creature they call the phantom, and only if you become Baghdad will you have the chance to conquer!"

"Baghdad! Is that kind of humanoid tank?" Hearing here, the fleet commander's face showed surprise, then he waved to let ZhiNao speed up the video playback, and then stopped the video screen when the team entered Murray. The entrance to the humble stone temple of Anna.

At this angle, we can see more than thirty phantom knights standing in the stone hall, standing on both sides of Muria. Although their phantom partners are not by their side, they can be seen only by their momentum. These more than thirty are the privileged classes of the Iraqi people, Baghdad!

"How strong is this guy?" The commander of the fleet stared at Laura's head lazily, and the numerous Baghdad arch guards stared at Muria looking at the door.

"Can you find his relevant information?" The army just asked it habitually, but the fleet commander did not report any expectations. Although Zhinao had connected a large-scale database, it was not a panacea. What? all know.

"By comparison, there is a video related to it, and a combat evaluation report!" But Zhinao gave a completely unexpected answer from the fleet commander.

"Let me all out!"

Soon, a video of Muria's spear shot down the detector recorded three years ago was released, and at the same time, there was also a part of Muria's evaluation of the combat capability at that time.

"Missile silo? This code is interesting!" After reading the report, the commander noticed the title given to the indigenous leader and immediately smiled.

"But this title doesn't seem to match the strength of the leader." The fleet commander stared at the purple-black monster on the screen where Muria was the seat.

"Linda, is there any information about this monster?"

"Sorry, no matching results were found, but it can be concluded from speculation that this is a leader-level creature, and it is 90% likely to be the evolution of Phantom!"

"Lord-level creatures!" The commander of the fleet was a little darkened. He would never forget the end of the ground base when he encountered a leader-level creature. All conventional weapons were invalidated, and only after using a strategic missile, Successfully repelled it.

Yes, after using a round of strategic weapons, they just repelled them without killing them. After wounding the lord creature, it tried to escape and they couldn't catch up.


"King Ur, what are you doing?"

When Muria grabbed a miniaturized detector brought by this team and crushed it, the leader of the team immediately stood up to question him.

"Presumptuous!" And when the Baghdad in silver armor stepped forward, there were two phantom knights holding a spear and stepping forward to prepare to intercept him.

When Muria raised her hand, they stood honestly and did not do too much. Muria watched this somewhat angry Baghdad and pointed out that it had become distorted. "I do n’t know what this thing is?"

"Of course I know, this is a stranger, a tool for detecting terrain. As long as you bring it around, it will automatically record everything around it, and then the stranger can gather a very detailed map based on these data! "

"If you know, why did you take it with you?" Muria asked curiously when the Bager reached the answer.

"Why can't you take it with you?" Baghdad looked at Muria a little aggressively. He didn't understand what was wrong with bringing this kind of thing around.

"..." Muria squinted his eyes, and at this time he realized a very serious problem. Only he felt the malice of this interstellar civilization, but the Yikong people in this world felt that the civilization from outside the sky, right They are friendly, so they have nothing to guard against.

This is also caused by the surrounding environment, because when the Yikong people go out for hunting, no matter what kind of creatures, as long as they do not actively attack each other, the other party will not actively attack them, and this has caused this group from Ayaray The Yikong people outside the big forest have no vigilance against visitors from outside.

"It's stupid!" Muria, who realized the problem, sighed helplessly, and his sigh didn't converge at all, and all of the Yikong men from afar heard him.

"King Ur, are you insulting us?" Baghdad in silver armor showed an incredible color on his face.

"No, not to insult you, but to give you a fair evaluation." Muria shook her head and looked at the group of Yikong people who had been sold to help others count money, and she was really helpless.


"Tell me, where is the so-called divine land?" Muria interrupted the silver armored Baghdad rudely. "I have no interest in arguing with you whether you are stupid. In my opinion, you are stupid, of course. This can't blame you either. "

"Go straight to the west. After the sun rises about seven times, you can reach the land of God's grace!" Under Muria's bland eyes, Silver Armour Baghdad felt a great deal of pressure, and then he couldn't help himself Say the answer.

"I'm more curious to ask, are there many teams like you everywhere that invite the Ikon people tribe to the land of **** grace to deal with strangers from outside the sky?"

"..." Silver Armor Baghdad closed his lips tightly, and he didn't want to answer, but when the bad eyes on both sides of Baghdad turned to him, he finally gave in. "Many, there are many teams like us."

"Does this mean that strangers? They want you to inform more of your family?"

"It was proposed by them, but we felt that it would also be of great benefit to other members of the same race, so we agreed."

"So you are going to blame other fellows as the strangers mean?"

"King Ull ~ www.readwn.com ~ I don't understand what you mean. By dealing with strangers, we Yikong people can get great benefits. We just pick a wild grass and a leaf from the wild. Catching a very common prey, or even picking a stone from under your feet, can be exchanged for treasures from strangers.

We invite you to participate in such a great deal, and you are abusing us for being stupid, I don't understand. "

"Hahahaha!" Muria laughed at the words of this silver armored Baghdad. The feelings of these interstellar civilizations that have fallen to the ground are in the eyes of these Yikong people. This made him laugh.

"You said you could trade a stranger with a stone or a weed. It seems you have done something similar!"

"Of course, this set of hard clothes on me was just picking a stone in the tribe and changing them!" Silver Armor Baghdad said proudly.

"Is this kind of stone?" Muria took out a seemingly ordinary black stone, which is a shining stone that can release a brilliant light at night.

"Yes, this is the kind of stone you can pick up anywhere."

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