Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 931: The temptation of immortality

"Can you rescue Ah Ji?"

When she heard what Muria had said, even a human in a panic, she looked at Muria with a look of horror and shock, especially Dr. Ellen, and she was particularly excited.

"Of course you can." Muria smiled slightly, his current strength is equivalent to the soul level of the Erasian world.

Although it is impossible to have the right to reverse life and death like his own deity, the Pluto possesses the power to reverse life and death, but with his current strength, he restores the vitality of an ordinary creature that has not left the body, and is similar to the Great Resurrection. The same effect is still possible.

After speaking, Muria ignored the shocked expression of these ordinary humans, and reached out to Aki, who seemed to be living on the ground.

The golden light flowed out of Muria's hands, shrouded in his body, and the girl's stiff body floated up, floating in a position flush with his chest.

Then the golden light surged all around, pulling the vitality that these ordinary mortals could not see into the body of the girl.

Then, in these ordinary human eyes, a miracle-like scene appeared, and Yaji's scary bruising skin began to fade away slowly, and then returned to the original white and translucent skin.

Then, a blush that symbolized life appeared on her face. Aki, who had no signs of life at this moment, began to make a slight movement of her nose, and her full chest began to move slightly, but she was very conspicuous.—She Started breathing.

"Cough!" A slight cough sounded, then the girl hovering over Muria's chest slowly opened her eyes.

"Really resurrected!" Dr. Ellen, who witnessed the miracle of the deceased's resurrection, burst into unprecedented brilliance, and found that she seemed to find what she wanted. Although the appearance is different, the final effect is the same.

At this time, the awakened girl Aji, with a confused look in her eyes, remembered everything she had encountered before she lost her consciousness, that nightmare-like experience,

"I breathed in the air of Pandora's world. I should be dead, but now I ..."

The girl felt her unprecedented body at this time, then slightly tilted her head in response to a wonderful feeling, and immediately saw Muria standing next to her, and Muria's majestic gesture gave her a powerful visual impact,

"Are you a god!"

The girl murmured softly and asked Muria. She remembered that her life support device had been broken at that time, and she inhaled the air of Pandora's world, as she expected, very fresh and sweet.

The emergency training she did in this world, she remembered that as long as she breathed in the air of this world, no one can come over, but now she is awake again, with the best attitude since her birth. wake.

"Aki, he is not a god, he is a King of the Ekong!" At this moment, a shout sounded next to the girl's ear, and Aji followed the figure, and then saw that he was caught in shock. Mentors and classmates.

Then, Ji felt her body floating in the air slowly landed, and she was put on the ground by this god-like being. After landing, she felt a sense of loss, a slight regret came to her mind.

"Aki, you can actually breathe!" At this moment, a student exclaimed, she was surprised to find that the protective cover on her head and the life support device had been damaged, Aji, was breathing the world freely at this moment. Air, no trace of discomfort on his face.

"I ..." Aki, who was reminded, was also surprised to find that she was breathing much fresher air than her world, and she had no symptoms of discomfort.

"Don't be too surprised, this is a small reward for inviting you here." Muria smiled and said something depressing and wanted to spray him.

"Oh, your way of inviting us is really special!" Sure enough, there were students complaining immediately with anger.

Suddenly throwing a human who grew up in a civilized society into the primitive jungle, not only can't eat and drink warmly, but also feel frightened every day. In this case, it is basically impossible to maintain a peaceful mood.

"No way, after all, the normal invitation method is no way to invite you here. So you can only use some special means."

Muria's face didn't show the slightest wrath. If nothing unexpected, these people are expected to work for him to death, so tolerate them slightly, nothing.

"I don't know what the Queen invited us to do?" At this time, Dr. Ellen stood up and asked Muria respectfully, her eyes looking at Muria full of frenzy.

"Is the first thing you have to do? Teach my knight the common language and words of your civilization!" Muria bluntly spoke his request.

If you want to learn the advanced technology of another civilization, it is the most basic to learn the language and characters of each other's civilization. Otherwise, even if someone puts the information in front of you, you won't understand it.

"This ..." Upon hearing Muria's words, the PhD student subconsciously wanted to refuse, because this one knew the ambition and the danger to their civilization.

"Yes, the great King Ur, it is my pleasure to be able to serve you!" He did not wait for his students to answer at all, and the female doctor Ellen directly agreed to Muria.

"Well, you are very good!" The leading female doctor was so knowledgeable, Muria nodded with satisfaction, but he knew that the other party was so knowledgeable, there must be some reason.

It may be fear of his strength, but it is more likely that there is a certain need for him, and this female doctor probably presumably wants something from him.

"As the first foreigner to obey my orders, you can make a wish to me!" Of course Muria knew the truth of Qianjin's horse bones, so he spoke very generously, "If your wish is in my ability Within range, I can help you achieve it! "

"The great King Ur, can you please give me a look that never ages?" Ellen the female doctor asked half-expectingly and half-respectfully.

"Never aging face?" Muria smiled at the request of the female doctor. "This is very simple!"

Muria raised his hand and pointed at the doctor. A golden light shot from his fingertips, and eventually fell into Dr. Ellen's body.

Then the female doctor's face began to change at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. There was no composition on her face before, and her skin was smooth and delicate and elastic.

No matter who she is, she will subconsciously think that she is a middle-aged old lady who is good at maintenance, and now, when Muria pulls the surrounding vitality into her body and transforms her body, she feels completely It's different.

But at first glance, she felt like she was a magnificent young woman. She went straight from an old aunt to an imperial sister.

With such a huge change, her students were stunned, especially those female students, whose eyes were even more shiny, which woman did not love beauty, and which woman did not want her face to stay at her youngest and most beautiful time forever.

The most important reason why these girls chose Dr. Allen as their mentors is to retain their looks and delay their aging.

And now the method that Muria now showed directly completed the research of Dr. Ellen many years ago, he seemed to directly reverse the time of Dr. Ellen, and let her go back to her youngest time.

"Well, you can take off the bulky life support device." Muria directly and rudely instilled a vitality into this mortal body, and said to her with a smile.

"I can also breathe the air of Pandora's world?" Ellen female doctor froze. Under Muria's gaze, she did not hesitate to take off the protective clothing on her body. Examples come first.

"As for you, as a guest invited by me, I will also give you the right to breathe freely in this world!" Muria used her strength to help these ordinary humans strengthen their lungs a little,

"Just rest here for a while and get used to the environment and start your teaching!"

After speaking, Muria turned and left, leaving time and space to these captives.


"Teacher, why do you agree with this indigenous king?" After Amu's departure left, a student stood up and questioned Ellen ~ www.readwn.com ~ Didn't you see what this indigenous person wanted? "

"What if you see it?" Ellen's face was indifferent, "Did you forget why we came to this world?"

"Gather and record the plants of Pandora's World, and then make a long-lived potion that can delay life and aging!" Said Aki, who was resurrected by Muria.

"We didn't find the right position, but we found a great deity who can give us eternal life!"

"It was the mentor, he said that he was not God."

"No, isn't it?" The female doctor Ellen turned her head and stared at the student who raised herself. "Look at my face, then look at your classmate Aji, return to old age, and reverse life and death. This is not the spirit holding Right? Now we meet a great deity, but you are still talking! What is wrong with serving a deity that can give us eternal life? "

"But even if he is a god, he is also an indigenous **** in this world, not our god!" Remember this site's website, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this site

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