Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 934: Suggestion: Please leave a last word!

"Badley, what have you changed in this deal with the outsiders? So mysterious?"

Among the team that just came out of the advance base of the Earth Star civilization, an Yikong man looked at a partner who was traveling with curiosity.

"Hey, I prepared some gifts for my son, and he's going to be an adult soon." Upon hearing his companion's question, Bardley smiled kindly.

"What gift? Wrapped so tightly?" The companion looked curiously at the package behind Bardley.

"It's nothing, just some ordinary gadgets!" Budley grinned twice, reached out and touched the animal hide behind his back. Then he used his years of hunting to harvest the savings he had exchanged with strangers.

Soon, the team returned to their tribe, and when Bardley climbed up the tree house to find his son, he found that his son was diligently practicing blowing arrows.

"Abba, you are back!" The Yikong teenager who is practicing arrow blowing looks at his father with excitement. He knows the purpose of his father's trip to the alien base this time, in exchange for his expectations. Something long.

"Xin, I'm back!" Seeing his son's expectant look, Bardley laughed, then he took off the package on his back and opened it, revealing a bright silver sniper rifle!

"White Eagle vi-type sniper rifle!" Seeing the open sniper rifle in his father's package, Yikong youth Xin's eyes showed excitement.

Because they are very close to the bases of strangers, they are quite familiar with the weapons used by strangers, and the power of various weapons used by their soldiers is naturally envied by the Yikong people, so there are Yikong people Ask these humans if they can trade such powerful firearms.

After some discussion of the Earth Star civilization, they finally agreed to sell these firearms to the Iraqi people, because as long as the Iraqi people buy their firearms, they can continuously obtain benefits.

You know, the bullets of a firearm will be exhausted, and the firearm will wear out due to multiple uses. These are the opportunities for the second and third transactions.

The Yikong people have no industrial foundation, manufacture bullets that match these firearms, and have the technology to repair them when they cause destructive wear.

What's more, these firearms were traded to Yikong people, and it is really simple to arrange some small means in them that do not affect the conventional use of firearms at all.

By selling bullets and repairing firearms, Earth Star Civilization can continuously **** blood from Yikong Civilization.

"Abba, how many bullets did you buy?" Yikongren Xin asked the most critical question. A firearm without a bullet is a burning stick, or worse than a burning stick.

"500 rounds!" Bardley scratched his head a little embarrassed. Just familiar with the firearm, it is estimated that more than half of the bullets will be used. If it is used formally, the rest is not enough.

"A little bit!" Yi Kong Juvenile Xin's face was distressed, and soon, his face showed an extremely optimistic smile. "But it doesn't matter, 500 rounds is enough. After I'm familiar with Baiying , You can hunt by yourself and exchange those white people's bullets with the foreigners. "

boom! boom! boom!

Juvenile Xin, holding a silver sniper rifle that was nearly two meters long, threw his father into a stone in the air and blasted them one by one. Every adult Yikong is a skilled hunter. For hunters, shooting is a basic skill that must be mastered.

So after a very short period of adaptive shooting, Juvenile Xin can reach within ten kilometers and hit nine out of ten. This is the inherent talent of the Yikong people, and the elves of the Erasian world. More similar.

"Abba, I can take the White Eagle out with you for hunting." After using up nearly half of the bullets his father bought from the base, the teenager Xin said to his father with excitement.

"Haha." The adult Yikong laughed heartily when he heard what his son said.

"Abba, look, is that a foreigner's warship!" Just then, holding a sniper rifle, the laughing young man suddenly pointed at his father and said in surprise.

"Huh?" Adelie turned his head in surprise when he heard his son's words, and then he saw seven warships nearly 50 meters long suspended above his tribe.

"How did the alien ship come to us? What do they want?"

It is estimated that the Yikong people frowned and felt a little uncomfortable. Even in primitive society, because of the existence of flight partners, they also have the consciousness of air supremacy.

But the father and son soon understood what the alien's spacecraft wanted to do when they ran over their tribal territory.


An incandescent to reddish beam of light shot out of the spacecraft, and then straightly bombarded the tribe. It was only for a moment, the sound of a violent explosion sounded, and then the ground began to shake slightly.

"A stranger, what are they doing?" Looking at the scene like **** in front of him, Bardley's body trembled slightly. Even if his head was stupid and never enlightened, he knew that the stranger was treating him Tribe do very bad things, they are attacking their tribe.

"Abba, they are attacking our tribe!" Juvenile Xin with a sniper rifle in his hand, watching the devastating scene of trees falling, flames burning, and smoky smoke rising in front of his eyes, his eyes became red and red, and he held up his sniper rifle , Aiming at the alien spacecraft, without thinking about it, he pulled the trigger.


The sniper rifle that had fired 247 bullets changed at this moment. The light blue energy lines on the gun began to turn red and black, and then exploded.

"Ah!" The boy holding the sniper screamed at this moment, his hands were blown off on the spot, the flesh on his chest rolled, the blood dripped.

"Xin!" Seeing that his son had suffered such bad luck in an instant, Badley rushed over and hugged his son in his arms. He found that the breath of life on his son was rapidly passing away. .

"A stranger!" Bardley looked up at the spaceship that was bombarding his tribe, with anger, remorse, and hopelessness in his eyes. This White Eagle sniper rifle suddenly came out of the bomb, and related to the behavior of strangers at this time, he knew that it must be because these strangers had manipulated the gun inside.

Budley, an Ikon who was shrouded in all kinds of extreme emotions, maintained a clear rationality at this time, "What should I do? What can I do? How can I save my son? What can I do to protect my tribe? "

"King Ur!" And just when he was desperate, a mighty figure appeared in Bardley's mind uncontrollably. This honest Iraqi man from Yikong thought of the man in a foreign land in this despair. Human bases run rampantly.

"If such a powerful Baghdad is our tribe, then these aliens would not dare to attack my tribe!" Bagley, feeling helpless because of his weakness, thought so, "If I could also If you have the power of King Ur ... "

And just this Yikong man, because his tribe is in a state of destruction, his son is about to enter death, and after a useless fantasy and remorse and blame, he clenches the spear in his hand and is ready to follow His tribe died together.

But at this moment, a golden Changhong came at a high speed from a distance, crossing the sky with a thunderbolt, and then instantly penetrated an Yikong man's spaceship.

The air seemed to freeze in half. After staying for two or three breaths, the spaceship burst through a large hole and burst. In the fireworks generated by the explosion, numerous metal fragments scattered with black tails scattered.

Until then, Jin Hong broke the atmosphere like a thunderous roar, before it reached Bardley's ears, and with the sound came the billowing air waves.

This shock changed the Bardley standing below, but also scared the other six Ikongs that were frantically destroying, and their cruel slaughter of this small Ikon tribe below was also interrupted. Already.


"What was it just now?"

On a battleship, the captain sitting on the captain's seat looked at the holographic screen in front of him in horror. From the corner of his eyes, he could see the wreckage of the battleship that had fallen to the ground.

You know, at the beginning of the war, they opened up the largest energy defense force field. This ship has the same defense level as the destroyed ship. In other words, it can be destroyed by the same attack ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Warning! A biological energy response above the lord level was detected. In the energy level determination, the energy level is determined to be 100,000!

caveat! One hundred thousand is the extreme value of the battleship detection device, not the real data for detecting target creatures!

Suggestion: evacuate at full speed now! "

Suddenly, a reddish black frame was projected on the main screen of the battleship, and then the sound of the brain sounded in the battleship, aggravating the fear in the hearts of the soldiers on the battleship.

"Detection: Overlord-level creatures breaking through extreme values ​​are rapidly approaching. According to calculations, the speed of this battleship is not enough to complete the retreat!"

With the report of the brain, a golden light lit up at the end of the distant sky, as if to dispel the darkness and bring the bright Dongsheng Chaoyang!

"According to calculations, the chance of survival of all personnel of this battleship is 0.001%. It is recommended that: please ask all personnel of the battleship to find the data terminal closest to them. Within three minutes, leave a last word less than 100 words. Upload your last words to the base's information server within the time, and then return them to your relatives. Finish! "

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