Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 939: Star Pirate

In the endless darkness, a huge palm of light stretched from a distance, then blocked all the vision in front of it, then everything in front of it fell into the endless light, and then a fierce explosion roar came, There were panic shouts.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is the last picture from the glorious flagship of our respected General William."

In the completely closed conference room, a video with the highest level of security has been played.

"After receiving the last video of the war record, we can no longer receive the signal of General William's glorious flagship. Now tell us about your views on this video!"

"I would like to ask, what is that palm? Is there some sort of taboo weapon in the indigenous world of Pandora?" One member raised his hand and asked.

"It's not some sort of weapon, it's an attack from a super creature in Pandora's world!"

"What super creature? Stronger than the lord creature?"

"Yes! Only through the collection of previous data, we can conclude that the creature that shot down our glorious battleship completely crushed the first lord-class creature encountered by our army, the Mountain Shifter!"

"What is the existence of a fully crushed leader creature?"

"We haven't collected much information yet, but we call this creature above the lord level the overlord!"

"As a result of our army's encounter with the hegemon, you have also seen that all the encounters with him, no matter what, are all dead."

"I want to ask, how strong is the overlord?"

"According to some unconfirmed information, the Honor Ship fired the main gun at this overlord creature. When it was completely locked, it did not hurt the overlord creature in the slightest, but was still in the process of escape. Shot down by a hegemonic creature. "

"So how should our army deal with this hegemonic creature?"

"We don't even have a lordly creature to deal with it too much, let alone a hegemony!"

"According to you, should we abandon the mining of Pandora as the world's energy and mineral?" A member of parliament asked coldly.

"What a joke, no matter how many people die, the energy extraction of the Pandora world must be continued. Once it is interrupted, the demise of our world can begin to count down."

"I have already said that you should not take military action against the Pandora world!" MP Harvin said angrily, "You guys? I think there is no problem just just working on the indigenous creatures of the Pandora world! A creature as terrifying as God! "

"Mr. Harvey, please calm down. This creature is indeed very powerful, but it is not a god! He can resist the bombardment of the glorious battleship, but it does not mean that he can carry other weapons of our civilization!"

"These things must not be used!" A white-haired old general immediately objected. "Using those things, what good is it to kill these creatures? We need to conquer the Pandora world, not to destroy it. , We need the resources of the Pandora World! "

"I just put forward an idea, we are not without killers who are monsters, we can kill those monsters at any time, it just depends on whether we want to!"

"Obviously it is good to obtain the resources of the Pandora World in a peaceful way. Now, you are trying to get more results, and everything is messed up by you!

The friendly relations that have been established with the surrounding indigenous tribes in the past three years have been abandoned at this moment. From now on, all indigenous tribes will be our deadly enemies! "

"Havin, you scold us, we recognize that the results of this incident have shown that we are all wrong, but can your scold solve the problem? What we should do now is to calm down, then unite and find out way of solving the problem!"

"The Prospect Base has been destroyed, so if we want to continue to mine resources in the Pandora World, we can only use some special methods!"

"what way?"

"Just like the pirates of our world two thousand years ago, the fastest sailing boats, looting coastal ports, leaving government forces helpless!"

"Do you mean to let our army be a pirate in the world of Pandora? Is this your idea? It's ridiculous!"

"Otherwise, what else can we do?"

"I said, have we fallen into a misunderstanding of our thinking? Our military actions seem to have only offended small creatures in the Pandora World. Creatures in other regions do not seem to know our behavior!"

"In other words, do you mean, let's change the area and continue our previous behavior?"

"Yes, it has been proven that the indigenous people of the Pandora World are very interested in the products produced on our assembly line. This time, we are determined to use peaceful methods to obtain resources!"

"If the second transaction can be carried out smoothly, I suggest that more bases can be opened to trade with the indigenous people of the Pandora World!"

"Good suggestion, I think it's good, so vote now!" The highest speaker of the parliament agreed with the suggestion made by the member, and then began to vote.


"King Ur, what should be done with the destroyed compatriots of these tribes?"

On top of a mountain, a phantom knight took his mount at the feet of Muria, with a frenzy in his expression, respectfully asked.

He can see that at the edge of this mountain, there is a huge metal wreck with black smoke. He can imagine how magnificent and spectacular this wreck is, but the wreck is now changed. To be distorted.

And its distorted and broken place can clearly see a huge palm print. This huge artificial object originally floating in the air was broken by the hand of a powerful being, and at this moment, the being was standing In front of him.

"Move them all to Yunjianfeng! Tell them that this is the will of the **** tree! The **** tree will bless them! And you will send them this way, hard work for you!"

Muria's tone of lightness determines the next fate of the Yikong people who have survived in this area. In order to stabilize the emotions of these Yikong people, there is no psychological burden to pull the **** tree as a guarantee!

"King Ur, we have been very sorry that we did not help in the previous war. Just escorting, for us, is just a waste of time!"

Phantom Knight kneeling on the ground with his head on the ground, he really regrets that he did not participate in the magnificent war just ended.

"Don't feel guilty. Your strength is still too weak. If you face these alien warships directly, you are not capable enough. You need more strength!"

Muria murmured his evaluation of the current Phantom Knight. These Baghdads on phantoms can easily shoot down the aerial fighters of the Earth Star civilization, but when they are confronted with conventional battleships that are tens of hundreds of meters long, it is really difficult for them.

Therefore, when Muria was reminded by the tree of God, he only brought the evil spirits and did not bring his own knights. After all, he could not bear to fight against a huge group of iron and steel creatures he had cultivated.

"We will try our best to practice!" Hearing Muria's words, the phantom knight bowed his head in shame.

... As Muria successfully repelled the first invasion from the Earth Star civilization, his fame also passed for the first time outside the Ayary Forest.

In this war, he also became the biggest gainer. The first thing is that the number of Yikong people who have moved to Yunjianfeng has reached an unprecedented 30,000.

However, two-thirds of the Yikong people are survivors of the war, and their hearts are filled with strong hatred for the humans on the planet, as well as the infinite worship of Muria and his mounts, and the Mew King.

At the same time, the world ’s suppression of Muria ’s deity has been further relaxed. Therefore, Muria has begun to release the blood-infesting ability of his deity, and has begun to transform the Yun Jianfeng ’s ecosystem. Imprint.

However, this transformation is subtle, and it takes a period of precipitation to see significant results. Such time buffers Muria. Muria believes that his shot this time is enough to deter these geocentric humans for a while We dare not take any more forceful measures against this world in a short time.

... three months after the war ended

The appearance of a younger and younger doctor, Dr. Ellen, was escorted by a phantom knight ~ www.readwn.com ~ walked into a magnificent palace, and then sat in the palace, the high being Worship.

"See Her Majesty the King!"

"Well, Ellen, how did you teach my ethnicity during this time? Are there any disadvantages you can raise, don't cover it up!"

"Here, Your Majesty, you know, because of that war, your people are abnormally rejecting us as humans!" When asked, the female doctor did not cover up, but took her time Speaking of distress.

However, she put a little whitewash on her language. You must know that the Yikong people in Yunjianfeng are more than just rejecting these humans. If it was not the shock of Muria's prestige, they would have died a long time ago. No residue left.

"It's been a hard time for you!" Also clearing up the plight of the human teachers who were forcibly invited, Muria nodded: "However, if you want to accomplish something for me, you still need you Work harder! "

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