Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 945: True God Charm

"Sir, can I take your time?"

On the streets where people came and went, a young girl full of youthful energy stopped a youth with a tired and decadent face.

"Is there anything?" The exhausted young man wanted to refuse, but when he saw that he was such a beautiful young girl who stopped him, he refused and stopped talking.

"I want to tell you about the gods, charms that can bring hope and opportunity to people!"

The young beautiful girl looked at this young man with a smile and knew that she was a bad dog.

"Charm? What kind of **** is this? Why have I never heard of it?" The youth searched the memory in his own brain and found that there was no such number in his brain.

"This is the true **** of the Pandora world! Not the **** of our world." The girl smiled.

"You preach the faith of the gods of the other world?" The young man looked at the girl in front of him in surprise.

"What's wrong? This is the true god, why don't you believe it? Those in our world are all fake gods!"

"True God?" The young man laughed disapprovingly when he heard the girl's words.

"What a laugh, don't you believe it? Do you know why I call it the new god? Because as long as you pray prayerfully, you will surely get a response! Change the dilemma you face in your current life!"

"Changing life's dilemma? Then what **** are you? Tell me about it!"

"This is the true **** who came to the world of Pandora. Charm can bring good luck and crack all the gods of calamity!" The girl said, and took out a delicate fist size from the rucksack behind her. Charm proportional statue.

"How much?" The young man couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw the statue. He had an urge to buy it because the statue was too delicate and the carving object was abnormal. majesty.

"Are you going to believe in Faith?"

"If I truly pray to it, it can solve the dilemma of life I now face! Then, of course, I believe." The youth replied.

"That being the case, the statue will be given to you. Remember to pray prayerfully once a day." Upon hearing the youth's answer, the girl shoveled the statue into her hands without hesitation, and then turned to leave. Already.

"Ai!" Looking at the girl who was walking away, and then looking at the delicate statue in her hand, the young man smiled indifferently, "What is this? Chat with a beautiful girl and you will get Do it by one hand? It looks like I'm lucky today! "

After sighing, the young man returned to his home with a better mood, and placed the charm statue on the bedside of his narrow bedroom.

And when he did some trivial things, washed up, lay on his bed, and was ready to sleep, he turned his head to see the statue again, and then he couldn't help but take it off the bedside and put it in his hands. moment.

"Idol of the true God, pray to you, you can get a response? Since that's the case, then I pray to you now, pray that you can let me sleep tonight!"

With a joke and a faint expectation, the youth returned to calm, and then began to pray to the statue of Meisha. The so-called prayer words and prayer rituals were made up by him at will. After all, the girl did not ask him. What he did was just asking him to pray.

And just ten minutes later, the young man opened his eyes. He felt that nothing had changed on him, and then he put the idol back to the bed with a smile.

"True charm! If you can let me sleep tonight, then I will worship you day and night!"

After saying something with inexplicable thoughts, the young man lay down the light and closed his eyes. Because of the recent academic troubles that will enter the society, young people have not fallen asleep for a long time.

But this time, instead of going through sleeplessly as before, he fell into a hazy state, as if awake but not awake, like sleep but not asleep, he felt his consciousness was still awake.

But at this time, his sober consciousness seemed to "see" a pair of dazzling golden pupils, and when he looked at the golden pupils, his consciousness fell into a complete coma, and then, like thunder The snoring sounded in this small room ...

"When did I fall asleep last night?" In the early morning, the young man who woke up earlier than his timed alarm clock sat on the bedside and lost his thoughts. He remembered that he seemed to fall asleep not long after closing his eyes last night.

But he still remembers clearly that before he closed his eyes, he saw a pair of bright golden pupils. He turned around and picked up the magical **** statue on the bedside, then looked at it carefully. Finally, he had some Horrified to discover that the statue's eyes were golden.

"True God!" After the horror, the young man held the statue in his hand tightly, and then stared at him deadly. "As long as the religion is pious, there will be requests!"

As a young man who lives at the bottom and is busy with his life, he doesn't care whether the **** belongs to his own world or a different world.

He only cares about whether this **** can achieve the point that the girl proclaimed to her yesterday, and prays sincerely, and then he can respond and solve his dilemma.

If he can do this, then even if he is a **** from a different world, he doesn't mind praying to him religiously, as long as he can solve his troubles, that's enough.

He doesn't care what invasion of faith, what the world is competing for, what the camp is opposing, this is not something he should consider for the bottom people who ran for his three meals every day. This is what those great men should think about.

He only cares about his own problems. If he solves his food and clothing problem, how to solve his employment problem after graduation, so that his future can become better.

In fact, this attitude of the youth is the attitude of most ordinary mortals to the deities. As long as you can give me hope, you can give me visible benefits.

Then I believe in you and worship you. If it can give me the peace and wealth of a lifetime, then it doesn't matter if I give you my soul after death.

In the earth-star civilization where there is an energy crisis, too many humans are filled with panic about their own future, and in this panic, proclaiming a true God faith that can prove their true existence is simply another Simple, no difficulty.


"His Excellency Speaker, I want to impeach 35 members of the parliament, led by Heya. I impeach these parliamentarians to betray and sell the entire human interest of Earth Star, and seek for my own benefit.

In the closed conference room, a young MP stood up and glared angrily at Heya and the MPs around her.

"What crime is human crime? I have been a member for so long and I have never heard of it in federal law!"

Upon hearing this member's allegations, a middle-aged member of Parliament suddenly smiled and spoke. His expression was relaxed and extremely relaxed, and he did not take the allegations of this young man at all.

"Because there is no other crime in federal law that can describe your crimes, so I compiled it!"

"Member Goethe! When did you have the legislative power? Why don't I know?" Upon hearing what the young fellow said, a member of parliament asked him with a joke.

"Don't shy away from my question, you guys, you betrayed the interests of our geocentric civilization, you need the evil **** of Pandora in exchange for life!"

Goethe said impassionately, and the more he said, the more angry he became. After speaking, he looked at the speaker who was superior,

"My Excellency Speaker, I don't think it would be appropriate for these people who betrayed our civilized interests to sit here. I propose to deprive them of parliamentary positions, their political rights, all their personal assets, and all forfeiture."

"Well, Goethe, you impeach them. So, can you prove that they have betrayed the interests of our civilization?"

The speaker looked at the iron-headed baby with a headache, but he still had to ask him according to the regulations.

Of course, the members of Goethe said he knew that they were in close contact with the gods of Pandora's world. After all, the changes in them were too conspicuous.

One by one, from the state of being seventy and eighty into the soil at any time, has become a middle-aged person with a good spirit. If there is nothing in the middle, how can he believe it. So, he also made an in-depth investigation and found out about ~ www.readwn.com ~, and then he was excited.

Someone can resist the temptation of longevity, but this does not include him, the speaker who has already been at the pinnacle of the earth ’s civilized rights. He feels that he has not enjoyed enough.

"Evidence? Isn't enough evidence on our aircraft to see on Pandora's planet? Those indigenous people wearing animal skins and hunting with wooden spears have now learned to use our rifles, and they have also worn the perfect fit for their size. Kinetic armor!

If this thing was not tailored for them by some of us, could these indigenous people make it themselves? This is the best proof that these people have betrayed our indigenous civilization to the indigenous people. "

"Mr. Goethe, you are wrong. These weapon armors are not made by some of us, but they have made them themselves. They already have the technology to independently manufacture kinetic energy armor and energy rifles!"

"You still sell them knowledge and technology? Do you want to destroy our civilization?"

"You have misunderstood us again. This is not what we provided to them. This is what they found out. The wisdom of these Yikong people is not inferior to us humans."

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