Titled Sword Fairy of Douluo

Chapter 54: Invitation

You can search for "Douluo Titled Sword Fairy Search Novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Quick! Open the protective cover!"

The young lady bunny girl who hosted the stage looked at this scene and shouted anxiously.

The staff on the side also opened the protective cover in a hurry.

A layer of light blue defensive cover quickly rose from below the soul fighting platform, and one breathing effort covered the entire soul fighting platform.

The audience on the audience stage, seeing this scene, was scared to stand up or the crowd who had run out a bit far away to eat melons, and then slowly breathed a sigh of relief. They did not expect that they would watch the fighting spirit once daily. Almost took his own life.

The two princes in VIP room No. 1 saw this scene with shocked expressions in their eyes, and they did not expect such a thing to happen.

The old man in VIP room No. 10, seeing this scene, directly shot up to the crime, his eyes flashed with anger and anger. He just wanted to stop the incident, but after thinking about it, he didn't make a move.


He Cao’s powerful attack landed on the soul fighting platform, making a violent roar, splashing a lot of dust, covering the entire soul fighting platform, and the smoke filled the entire one-on-one soul fighting platform, letting the spectators Can't see exactly what the result is on the fighting spirit stage.

At this moment everyone looked nervously on the fighting spirit stage, wanting to know what the result was like.

"Cough cough cough."

Several coughs came from the smoke, and Su Qin, wearing a black mask and a black cloak with a bloody pattern on his body, slowly walked out of the smoke.He slowly raised his head, facing the host desk on the side, and said in a hoarse voice: "Now, can you announce that you have taken it?"

The bunny girl in charge of the host watched this scene with shock in her eyes and turned to look at a staff member.

This staff member quickly realized that he came to the side of the smoke in the center of the soul fighting platform. Three spirit rings, one white, one yellow and one purple, appeared on his body. His second spirit ring flashed slightly, and he sucked at the smoke. After taking a big breath, the smoke quickly flowed towards his mouth, and after only three or four breaths, he inhaled all the smoke on the fighting platform.

Immediately, another staff member ran up from the stage of fighting spirits, came to the corpse of He Cao on stage of fighting spirits, carefully inspected it, and quickly ran back to the stage of hosting, and said something to the bunny girl in charge of hosting , The expression on the host’s face gradually changed from shock to unbelievable.

Her excellent professionalism quickly brought her back to her senses. To the audience in the audience, she excitedly announced: "The winner of this battle is the black sword Qin Su.

!Let us congratulate him on his 31st consecutive victories!"

"Qin Su! Qin Su! Qin Su!"

The audience in the audience heard the host's official speech, and suddenly shouted Su Qin's name with excitement.

Su Qin nodded slightly on the fighting spirit stage, and under the enthusiastic shouts of the audience, he staggered and left the fighting stage slowly.

The soul master passage that was not long originally, this time Su Qin walked a little longer.At the end of the passage, Su Qin saw three people, one was an old man with gray hair but wearing Wuhundian costumes, one was a man with a gorgeous robe and golden hair, and the other was standing beside this blond man. Next, a brown-haired man with slightly inferior clothes.

Seeing these three people, although Su Qin's eyes did not change, there were some waves in his heart, and it was indeed a little bit public recently.Su Qin ignored them, came to the staff on the side, handed out the Silver Fighting Soul badge, and registered the points.59 Book Bank www.59shuku.com

After simply registering the points, Su Qin seemed to have not seen them, and walked slowly in the direction of leaving.

"Brother Qin Su, please stay."

There was a soft cry from behind, Su Qin stopped, slowly turned around, looked at the talking brown-haired man, and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"My name is Guo Da, and this person next to me is the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Silves. He has something to discuss with you. I don't know if I can talk about it?" The brown-haired man laughed.

"Yes." Su Qin thought for a moment and nodded.

"Hello, Brother Qin Su, this is not a place to talk, let's talk to another place slowly." The blond young man smiled and stretched out his hand.

Seeing this, Su Qin stretched out his hand to shake hands with him slightly and questioned, nodded and said: "His Royal Highness Lao."

At this moment, the old man in white who had been standing by without speaking also spoke. He smiled and said: "The old man has a story with Qin Su. I wonder if I can be with His Royal Highness?"

A look of anger flashed through the eyes of the prince, but a smile on his face said: "Naturally it is possible. Vice-Hallmaster Chen please."

"Hahaha, then there will be Prince Lao." The white-haired deputy hall master Chen said with a smile.

Then the four people left the Silvester Arena together and came to the most luxurious hotel in the vicinity. With the identity of the prince, a few people came to the most luxurious box here.

His Royal Highness sits in the first place, Guo Da sits on the right side of the Prince, and the Vice-Hall Master Chen sits a few places away from the left side of the Prince. Su Qin sits opposite the prince.

The table in front of the few people was full of various exquisite food and wine.

The prince raised the wine in the glass and said to Su Qin with a respect: "First of all, congratulations to Brother Qin and Su on his 31st consecutive victories. I respect you for this cup."

Su Qin looked at the wine glass in front of him, did not move, looked up at His Royal Highness directly, and said: "Your Royal Highness, I wonder if you have anything to do with me? Still looking straight."

The prince put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at Su Qin wearing a black mask, and smiled: "Brother Qin Su already knows that I am the prince, why not take off the mask first?"

Su Qin shook his head and said, "I also hope that your Highness will forgive me, I can't take the mask."

"Brother Qin, in front of the prince, how can you be so rude? Hurry up and take off the mask? Isn't the appearance under your mask revealing?" Guo Da frowned and said lightly.

Su Qin shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this won't work. Is it because the prince wants me to remove the mask?"

Guo Da wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the prince on the side.

His Royal Highness smiled and said: "Since you don't want to take it, don't take it. I have heard Brother Guo say that a ruthless man has come in the Arena of Souls in Silves these few days. I am very interested. I don’t know if you would like to join my subordinate? I heard that you have not obtained the third spirit ring. As long as you join my subordinate, not only your third spirit ring, but what you need for your future breakthrough For all spirit rings, I will prepare a spirit ring suitable for you. I wonder if you are satisfied with this condition?"

After the prince finished speaking, he looked at Su Qin with confident eyes. In his opinion, his condition was already very good.

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