Titled Sword Fairy of Douluo

Chapter 550 has passed for a hundred years

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Su Qin's eyes fell in a little surprised in the buds of the little dance. In addition to temperament, there is no difference in temperament, the appearance, the body seems to be in a mold in a mold ratio.

"Since you are interested, then go to the lake of the starry big forest center, looking for a prison magical dragon, Zi Ji reported. However, your current strength is not enough, you need to work hard."

Su Qin nodded against the two women, then throw two self-family badges to them, there is a breath he left, can protect them safe.

The two women took the token, although there was some doubts in my heart, but they were respectful: "Yes. Adult!"

Su Qin nodded, and looked at the little dance of the mouth, put the trees: "Little dance, give your mother to gather together. If you can get god, you can also resurrect a few people you want to resurrect. "

The little dance is put down, put into his mother's arms, and then takes the hand of A., go to Tang San, and introduce her to Tang San.

Tang San is a gift in Su Qin, thank you, with a small dance and his father left the Pope Temple. He knows that now it is necessary to leave them to Su Qin.

Death spider emperor also knows that the current atmosphere is not right, hesitated, she left the Arouse of Arouse with a resurrection.

Su Qin squatted next to the Snow, and it was a few soul bones than the earlier of the East, slowly said: "Small snow, you are the angel god, the sacred, soft, can use your power Turn the body for it.

Although the Bibi is now cultivated, her talent is still very strong, only need to provide her energy, she can re-cultivate, but this time I need to re-give her a gain. If it is still a Rakatho, it is likely to repeat the same mistakes.

Her soul rings can also be replaced by God, God gives the soul ring is the highest ring-rich in accordance with the user, and it has absorbed two 100,000 years of soul rings in accordance with the user. Since then, he will follow the soul of the soul. All the rings become a 100,000-year-old soul ring, so her strength after God can be stronger. "

Su Qin is still a little sorry than this peerless woman.

Thousands of snow hugged the eastern, looked up to Su Qin, and his eyes have also restored the Qingming, slightly, she didn't ask Su Qin to know these, slowly open: "I understand."


In the next time, the Snow has always used Shen Li and carefully nuisance than the body of the East, and the status of the ratio is gradually better. After a week, I woke up than the East.

Bisong is here to know that the snow is not left, carefully cares about her, and the heart is very touched, and because the influence of Rakhashen disappears, her thought is not full of evil, and has a lot of Snow. After the month, the relationship between their mother and the daughter is gradually improved, and the Bi East has gradually found a feeling of mother.

At first, when I knew that my body was repaired, I still have a somewhat decadent, but I learned that all passions and future may, she didn't have decadent, except for the time to get along with thousands of snow. Most of her time work hard.

Time is not in love, it is always quiet, this turn is a hundred years of time.

In this time, there have been a lot of big things, and the most shocking the world is not the Empire - Wuhun Empire!

The Wuhun Empire took only ten years. It is unified to be a whole piece of Dou Luo. This feat must be attributed to the gods of the gods of the gods, under her rule, in the empire All people live all over the peace, Ankang's life, no one dare to resist, and no one has the strength of the resistance.

For a hundred years, the most powerful forces of Douro's star has went to the angel God, and he also has 36 strong gods. He is the sea god flower Yiyi, Raytheon Xi Xi, Light God ratio East, God of War Yu Tianheng, Fengshen is laughing, the charm of Hu Lena, Ice gods, the gods of the gods, there are dozens of 99 limit Douro.

It is because there is so much powerful existence, it can truly establish the position of the Wuhun Empire.

In addition to the Wushu Temple, there is a batch of neutral gods headed by the Sinovi Tang, which takes the Zhuli Tang, and he does not control the things on the fight, and it is also a bit of vision with the Wushu Temple.

Douro World Wushu City Pope Temple.

At this point, you gathered all the gods of the Wushu Temple. There is only 4 first-class gods in the Wushu Hall, and the rest is two, three-level gods, but Bouli Xing is a lot of new life, can say that this is the biggest feat of Du Luo. .

He has gathered here, and he is a flying world.

The attention of the Pope Thousands of Snow swept from the eyes of the people, and now she still has a bit incredible, but hundred years of time, the Wushu Temple can give birth to so many gods are also enough to make her proud. She is actually a little doubtful that this is actually the gods of the gods, for the sate, to increase the power of the gods and resist the crisis.

"Time is above, we also have a flying world today." Thousands of snow came to see everyone, slowly said.

Everyone below is nodded.

Next, a magnificent gate has emerged in front of everyone. This door is carved on the golden mysterious inscription, full of mystery, with soft power fluctuations, and evoke the gods.

The door is slowly opened, revealing the scenery inside, the brilliant Gothic architecture, the blue sky, there are many unknown vegetation, next to the gate, there is hundreds of gods respectful waiting.

Thousands of snow, first step in the first step into the door, suddenly breeze, blow up her hair, the air is full of pure energy, just simple breathing, the energy absorbed is more than fighting Luo Xing has more money to have a lot of months, both one in the sky, is unparalleled.

Is this the god? It's a good place!

This is the first sense of thinking after thousands of snow into the gods.

Bisong et al. After the Ten Thousands of snow, they also stepped into the gods, and felt the breath in the goddess, and their hearts sent the same feelings.

When the Millennium Temple got all into Douro's gods, He had a slow door to the gods behind him, and then slowly disappeared in the air.

The door of the gods in the Pope disappeared, and there was no trace of slightest, and only left a strong legend on Douro's Star.

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