Titled Sword Fairy of Douluo

Chapter 56-Heaven Dou City

You can search for "Douluo Titled Sword Fairy Search Novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Silves City, in the Hall of Souls, a luxurious office.

"Deputy Hall Master, people, people are lost."

Five ordinary dressed people stood in a row with their heads down, headed by a young man.Several of them lowered their heads, not daring to look up at Vice Palace Master Chen.

Vice-Hallmaster Chen sat behind the table, looked up at these people, and said angrily: "I lost it? Then go and look for it! Do you still have to teach you?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Let's go."


Originally, it only took Su Qin two or three days to reach Tiandou City, but it took seven days to arrive in a carriage.

In these few days, Su Qin did not go to waste, except for the necessary diet, Su Qin was practicing.

At the south gate of Tiandou City, Su Qin got out of the carriage here. In addition to the carriage that Su Qin took, there were many other carriages parked here, waiting for guests who might go out.

Tiandou City is the largest and one of the two most prosperous cities on the mainland. The walls of Tiandou City are as high as 100 meters, and they are all repaired from the hardest granite. Each of the soldiers patrolling and standing guard is up and down the city. The whole body armor, holding a spear, and the murderous air exuding from them, you can see its brilliance.

The tall city gate is ten meters long and ten meters wide, which is enough for six rides to run in parallel. There are two auxiliary gates beside it, which are also five meters high and wide. Pedestrians can only enter through the auxiliary gate, and the central gate is tightly closed. .

Su Qin looked at such a magnificent city gate, feeling slightly in his heart.When he was about to enter the city, Su Qin deliberately looked at the bulletin board at the gate of the city, and did not see the recruitment information of the Blue Blaster Senior Soul Master Academy. He thought to himself that it seemed that Liu Erlong's academy had not yet completed its expansion.

Su Qin retracted his gaze and followed the flow of people into Heaven Dou City.

Although it is only at the city gate, the prosperity here is dozens of times more prosperous than the commercial center of Nuocheng.However, the vendors here basically serve ordinary people or low-level spirit masters, and Su Qin rarely sees spirit masters above level 30 staying here.

Su Qin simply scanned the environment here, came to a grocery store, and spent a silver coin to buy a more detailed map of Heaven Dou City.

After all, Su Qin is here for the first time, so it is better to buy a map to recognize the way, otherwise, if you get lost in this Heaven Dou City, it will make people laugh.

This map has a brief introduction to the streets of Tiandou City, as well as shops and hotels in various places.According to the description, Su Qin found a hotel suitable for his little noble status.

It was in the evening when Su Qin left the hotel and came to a small tavern where dragons and snakes were mixed.

Su Qin was wearing ordinary clothes, and the upper half of his face wore a pure white mask that had been prepared a long time ago.

Su Qingang has already entered here, and some people in the tavern are looking at Su Qin, but they all look back soon.

Su Qin pretended not to see it, and went straight to the bar of the tavern, using the pseudophonic skills he had learned before, making a somewhat hoarse voice in his youth, and said: "Give me a glass of the best wine here." Tianya Micro novel www.tywxs.com

"Okay. Wait a minute." The middle-aged bartender said.

The bartender took out a large glass, filled Su Qin with a large glass of wine, brought it to Su Qin, and smiled: "This is the best wine in this shop, a cup of ten silver coins."

Su Qin took the wine glass and took a sip. The entrance was slightly spicy, which was considered to be a better one among ordinary wines. Su Qin nodded slightly, took out a gold soul coin and moved it over on the bar, then whispered: "Where are the black market and underground fighting arena here?"

What Su Qin wants now is a low-key improvement in strength, but Su Qin already has some fame in the Arena of Souls, and going to the Arena of Souls in major cities is not a wise choice.

However, in addition to the semi-official Arena of Souls, there are also black markets and underground Arenas of Souls hidden in the underground dark world.

This news was learned by Su Qin by chance, but Su Qin hadn't taken it to heart before. Until what happened before, if Su Qin wanted a low-key development, he had to step into these dark and low worlds.

The black market, as its name suggests, is a bazaar where things are traded in the underground world of unknown origin.But the Underground Arena is not so simple.

The rules of the underground fighting arena are much less than those of the semi-official big fighting arena, and at the same time they are much more brutal.

In the Great Fighting Soul Arena in the major cities, the game is the most popular way of fighting souls. It is a way of fighting souls that cannot harm the opponent’s life. However, the underground fighting soul is different. Unless the opponent concedes defeat, he must be born and die. The winner wins, the dead loses.

The bartender did not take the gold coins, but raised an index finger and whispered: "Add ten gold coins."

Su Qin's brows hidden under the mask slightly wrinkled, pretending to hesitate a little, and concealedly took out ten gold coins and handed them over, saying: "Be more detailed."

The bartender saw the gold coin handed by Su Qin and accepted it with satisfaction.He took a glass of ale, sat down opposite Su Qin, and said: "The black market and the underground arena are in the same place. Simply put, the underground arena is in the center of the black market. The black market is located in the slums in the north of the city. You can find it there. A tavern decorated with auction hammers and wine glasses is the entrance to the black market."

Su Qin continued to listen, but seeing that the bartender did not continue to speak, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he asked in a low voice, "It's gone?"

The bartender took a sip of ale and said, "There is more, but I need to add money, one gold coin. What else do you want to ask?"

Su Qin was taken aback, looking at the bartender in front of him, and he realized that this person was really bullying him, a foreigner, and wanted to cheat him.

Su Qin frowned, staring at the bartender, anger flashed in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Do you know what you are doing?"

The bartender looked at Su Qin with a smile, and said: "The news is a gold coin. If you want to ask, you can pay. If you don't have it, please leave."

Su Qin looked at the somewhat arrogant bartender in front of him and said, "You have bad rules, right?"

The bartender took a shot of the ale on the table, stood up, looked at Su Qin condescendingly, his eyes were full of playfulness, and said: "In my case, what I say is the rules. I left it here. A message is ten gold coins. . If you want to pay, please leave if you don’t."

When the bartender said this, some burly men in the tavern stood up one by one, walking towards Su Qin with unkind eyes, forming an encirclement and faintly surrounding Su Qin in the middle.

Some other customers in the tavern looked here with a faint smile on their faces, drinking small wines, and waiting to watch a good show.

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