Titled Sword Fairy of Douluo

Chapter 64 The Third Soul Ability

You can search for "Douluo Titled Sword Fairy Search Novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Su Qin exhaled and looked at the Mirror Shadow Beast who was seriously injured and fell to the ground. The Mirror Shadow Beast in front of him may die at any time because of the loss of a lot of blood.

Su Qin stepped forward slowly, and in the Mirror Shadow Beast's eyes full of fear and malice, a sword pierced out, easily piercing its eyebrows and ending its life.

With the death of the Mirror Shadow Beast, a purple light emerged from its body, forming a purple ring on its corpse.It's time to absorb the spirit ring.

After the thousand-year spirit beast dies, the spirit ring can hold for one hour, and as long as it is absorbed within this hour, it can be absorbed.

Su Qin was not in a hurry to absorb the spirit ring formed by the mirror shadow beast. His state at this time was not very good. If he absorbs it at this time, some unknown circumstances may occur.Therefore, Su Qin sat cross-legged and began to recover.

After a short while, Su Qin, who had recovered some state, stood up again, and now some traps were set up next to him to prevent other spirit beasts from approaching and destroying while he was absorbing the spirit ring.

After doing this, Su Qin felt a little relieved, and finally started to absorb the spirit ring.

Su Qin sat cross-legged, and Kunwu sword spirit appeared in front of Su Qin.Taking a deep breath, Su Qin summoned the spirit ring of the mirror shadow beast.

The purple light seemed to wait for a long time and finally found a catharsis. As soon as he felt Su Qin's spirit ring, he swarmed towards Su Qin's land like a sea of ​​rivers.

The rich purple light instantly enveloped Su Qin's body, and the energy in it had a strong sense of resentment. A large amount of resentful energy suddenly poured into Su Qin's body and began to violently transform Su Qin's body.

Su Qin felt the abnormality of this energy, did not think too much, and immediately operated the exercise to control this energy to follow the path of the exercise, but this energy was not as well controlled as Su Qin imagined. It was Su Qin who knew it for a while. Can't control it.

After a lot of effort, Su Qin finally controlled the energy running around in the body, and guided them to start to turn away according to Su Qin's exercises.

If it hadn’t been for Su Qin’s long-lasting body training for so many years, if this energy rushed past this time, he would benefit a lot from absorbing the spirit ring, but it would also leave some hidden injuries in his body.

Soon after, Su Qin opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, and Su Qin had successfully absorbed his third spirit ring.

Su Qin wiped the sweat oozing from his forehead, and there was a satisfied smile on his face. The mission of this trip to the Northern Mirror in the snow was successfully completed.

Su Qin stood up, with a thought, a figure that looked exactly like him slowly emerged beside him. Looking at the figure in front of him, Su Qin nodded with satisfaction, and said, "As expected, it is me, still as handsome as ever. "

This is Su Qin's third soul ability mirror clone. The number of clones is determined by Su Qin's strength. There can be one more clone per tenth level. Each clone can have up to 50% of the body's strength. The duration is determined by the body soul. Power decision.In other words, the current Su Qin can create at most three mirror clones that are exactly the same as him.

Su Qin felt the spirit power in his body, because he absorbed the third spirit ring, his true spirit power was also revealed.

"It's level 34, and the progress of cultivation is not bad." Su Qin muttered.

A breeze blew, and a strong bloody air drifted into the tip of Su Qin's nose. Su Qin turned to look at the huge corpse of the mirror beast beside him, smiled slightly, "I almost forgot you."

This place is still in the frozen forest, and the strong blood will attract nearby soul beasts. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.Funny Pen Fun Pavilion www.gxjxc.com

But before that, Su Qin wanted to get rid of the previous material parts of Jingying's body. This was the spoils he had finally killed, and he couldn't make others cheaper.

Immediately, Su Qin controlled this clone with him to deal with the corpse of this mirror shadow beast. He was not proficient at the beginning, and the movements of the clone were not very smooth, but gradually the movements were still a little stiff, but it was better than before. less.

"It seems that there will be one more thing to practice in the future." Su Qin muttered to himself while looking at the clone.

With a sigh of emotion, Su Qin continued to deal with the clone of the Mirror Shadow Beast, and even got back the leg and hand that had been cut off before.


Not far to the east of Su Qin's place, a small team of seven was walking slowly in the snow, watching the surroundings vigilantly to prevent a sudden attack by the hidden soul beast.

Suddenly, the tip of the nose of the strong man walking in the front of the team moved, his eyes lit up, and he turned to the people behind him: "Boss, there is blood coming from the front. Judging from the smell, the soul beast should have just died. Soon, shall we go up and have a look?"

The other big guys' eyes lit up when they heard that, and greed flashed through them, and they looked at the big guy with three fierce scars on his face in the middle of the team.

One of the big guys said, "Boss, let's go up and take a look. Maybe you can make a lot of money again."

The others also echoed: "Yes. Boss, let's go up and have a look! If it's a fat sheep, we can make another money."

The scarred man who was called the boss frowned for a while, and said to the brothers: "Okay, then we will go up and have a look! Ergou, lead the way!"

"Okay, boss!" Ergou at the front of the team smiled.

Ergou walked in the forefront and slowly approached Su Qin with a few people.

This team of seven people is not weak in strength, the lowest is the 41-level soul sect, and their boss is a soul power that has reached the 45th level.

What they did was not glorious and very nasty. They specially looted the teams that came here to hunt the soul beasts in this soul beast forest, not only to snatch the soul beasts hunted by those people, if the other party The strength is obviously not as good as theirs, and even kills people for treasure.

Not long ago, they successfully snatched the hunted spirit beasts of a team, and they were returning happily at this time, ready to sell the things for money.Coincidentally, they found the fresh blood in the air, and they made a temporary intention and planned to go over and see. If it is a fat sheep, they will vote again. If it is a group of ruthless people, they can only give up.

As for why they don't hunt the soul beasts by themselves, is that easy to rob?

As the saying goes,'Horse has no night, grass is not fat, and man is not rich without windfall,' this is the truth.

Not long after, under the leadership of Ergou, this team of seven quickly came to the place where the blood came from, and quietly hid their figures.

They didn't act rashly, but carefully started investigating around here.

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