"I don't know, this"

One girl was leaning her neck in the lab.

Beautiful girl with peachy hair. What she stares at with her slender eyes is a brown object lined up in a box.

It smells sweet. I don't know who it is.

The boy who did give this to me said 'hey'.

"Shelly, what's going on?

It was an old man who spoke to her from behind.

He has all-back hair mixed with gray hair.

"Ruslan Deputy School Director......"

"I promise to call you my father when you two are together."


Shelly laughed like she was in trouble.

"So what happened to that chocolate?"

"Chocolate? I got this from a boy at the Demon Swordsman's School."


Ruslan touched his moustache.

"That's a fancy treat that's been rumored to women lately. It must be a gift for you."

"What? But he was a stranger"

"Love at first sight, the one. That's the finest chocolate of illusions you can't even get in line in the morning. I guess I couldn't do it for you."

"Love at first sight..."

Shelley dyes her cheeks a little and squeaks.

"What are you going to do with the reply?


"I'm sure he's waiting for your answer."

"So, but I..."

Shelley turned bright red and let her eyes swim.

"You should learn how to deal with people as well as research. That's what schools are like."

"... Yes"

To the leaning sherry, Ruslan smiled gently.

"So how's the artifact thing going?

"We're just getting started."

Shelley smiled like she was in trouble with a little red cheek.

"So is that."

"I just found out one thing. That artifact uses characteristic cryptography."

"Characteristic cryptography?

Shelley spread the material before Ruslan.

"Perhaps it was used in an ancient country or organization. And... it's very similar to the cryptography my mother was studying."

"Well, Lucreia's... she was also an excellent researcher"

Ruslan closed his eyes as if he remembered the old days.

"I want to know the meaning of this cipher my mother was studying just before she died."

Her side looking at the material belonged to a polished researcher.

"You got a good request."


Ruslan stroked her head, and Shelley hung up.

"So where are the artifacts now?

"Then the knights are more protective in separate rooms."

"Don't you have to take it?

"Only when you need it. It's important to think alone, because I'm nervous that it's in front of the knight."

"Right. Gee ho, goe ho, and excuse me..."

Ruslan turned away and coughed.

"Father-in-law! Are you all right, sir?

Shelley rushes to ruslan's back.

Ruslan's body was thin and his cheeks skinny.

"No, it's okay, it's okay."

Ruslan took a rough breath.

"I've been doing well lately. Disease is a difficult thing."


"Don't worry about that. More than that, we're talking about studying abroad from academic cities again."

"Lawagas, an academic city…"

"The best brains in the world are acknowledging your research. You can grow more if you go to Lavagas. [M] That's a very good story."

Shelley shook her head.

"You can't leave your sick stepfather alone."

Shelly, you don't have to worry about me.

"If my mother had died and your father-in-law hadn't welcomed me as an adopted child, I would certainly have died. I... want to help my father-in-law who saved me."

Shelley complains with moist eyes.

"Shelly...... I had a good daughter"

Ruslan smiled gently.

"Good luck with your research. And eat your chocolate."

"... Yes"

Ruslan left the lab behind.

The leftover sherry dyes her cheeks and puts the chocolate in her mouth.

"Sweet...... yummy"

And I reached out to the second.


Having had a peaceful day without Hyolo, Jaga or Alexia, I walk home alone.

As the number of students decreased through the sun-dyed garden, a female student approached the fence.

He puts his sophomore academy uniform, dark brown hair, together in a dough and wears wild glasses in his eyes of the same color.

But I have a long history of mobs.

This is a discreet type of beauty pretending to be a mob.

"Hey, can we talk for a second?

The voice sounded familiar.


When I whispered, New nodded.

Classy adult sisters change with glasses, makeup and hair.

We talk in a whisper.

"Are you going to school?

"No, it's a borrowing. Because if you wear a uniform, it's inconspicuous."

"I see."

It's a school where you don't know more faces than you know. You wouldn't be so blamed for wearing a uniform.

"Where do we talk?

"Then on that bench over there"

Not popular by the bench overlooking the beautiful gardens.

A little sunset. There we sat.

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