On this day, Li Qingwu, who lives in the nursing home, suddenly received a call from her husband Fang Ziliang.

"Hey, Qing Wu, it's me!"

"It's you, Ziliang? Why are you calling?"

Li Qingwu didn't expect Fang Ziliang to call herself and was shocked.These days, under the gentle and careful care of her nephew and husband, Li Jinhuan, Li Qingwu enjoys the beautiful feeling of first love.Gradually, she almost completely regarded herself as the wife of her nephew, crawling out of bed naked from his arms every morning, making breakfast for her little husband, and then watching him go to work.Then at home, I began to look forward to the little husband after get off work, to receive his tender compassion quickly, and to experience the supreme pleasure of ecstasy with him.Li Qingwu has made up her mind to marry Li Jinhuan and be her husband's legal wife. She absolutely does not want anyone to ruin her happy life.

"Qing Wu, please forgive me! I was wrong in the past. One day the husband and wife have a hundred days of grace. After such a long time, your anger should disappear!" Fang Ziliang pleaded bitterly on the other side of the phone.

"The previous things are over, I didn't take it to heart!" Li Qingwu groaned and said, "Because the past me is dead, my new life is very happy now, but it has nothing to do with you anymore. Please stop disturbing me!"

"Qing Wu, why did you become so unfeeling?" Fang Ziliang thought that by saying a few nice words, his kind and meek wife would return to her side, so she was surprised, "Qing Wu, this time I really know Wrong! I assure you that I will treat you wholeheartedly in the future, and no longer mess with flowers!"

"Oh, I believe you, this time you really repented!" A trace of sadness flashed across Li Qingwu's beautiful face. The scene of living with her husband in the past flashed in her brain quickly, although she was sad, but She also has a lot of happiness.At the beginning, Li Qingwu and Fang Ziliang were in a free relationship. Due to Fang Ziliang's bad background, the two came together and went through many twists and turns. Both of them cherished this marriage very much.Thinking of Li Jinhuan's little nephew, Li Qingwu couldn't help but said quietly, "But it's too late now, I am no longer the Li Qingwu of the past!"

"Qing Wu, please forgive me! Think about it, how loving we were in the past!? Can you really, can you forget our love? And we still have Yanni, do you want your daughter to have no Father?...Some things are not clear on the phone now. Please see our relationship between husband and wife in the past and meet me!"

"...I... well... tomorrow morning at nine o'clock in the morning, I will be there waiting for you in Room 1214 of Qianjiang Hotel!"


After hanging up the phone, seeing his wife Li Qingwu actually promised to see him, Fang Ziliang thought that his words made his wife feel soft, and he suddenly became unstoppable ecstasy. He believed that his sincerity was enough to impress Li Qingwu.Li Qingwu used to be a very traditional woman, she always lived with her husband and child, and therefore Fang Ziliang never believed that his wife would betray him.

Under Fang Ziliang's eager anticipation, the next day soon arrived.

Early in the morning, Fang Ziliang drove to the Qianjiang Hotel, walked in front of the room, and after repeatedly checking the 1214 on the bronze medal on the door, he listened carefully. There was no sound inside, not even the sound of the TV.Fang Ziliang scanned the card reader by the door with a white card, and the light bulb on the strip device quickly jumped from red to green.

He put the card away, turned the handle carefully, and pushed open the door.Inside was a large room with the yellow ring light on the ceiling still on. Fang Ziliang knew that Li Qingwu never had the habit of turning off the light, or she liked that the room was bright when she returned to the room.

The layout of this room is not complicated. There is a double bed in the middle. Li Qingwu always likes to turn over. Before divorce, he often squeezed him aside at home, so every time she goes out, she has to change the room to this Big bed.

Opposite the bed is a TV cabinet with colorful bouquets piled on it, which should have been given by the fans at the pick-up site.Fang Ziliang held a delicate bouquet of roses and sat on the edge of the bed, imagining how surprised and happy his ex-wife Li Qingwu would be when he came back.

He tried the softness of the surface of the test bed with his hands, and if he reunited with his wife for a while, there would definitely be a battle between the sky and the ground.The room was filled with the smell of cosmetics and perfumes commonly used by his wife Li Qingwu. When he looked up casually, he found that there was a three-door wardrobe on the side wall of the bed. Fang Ziliang's inspiration felt a new idea in his heart.

He stood up, opened the closet door, and found that it was empty.After wiping the bed sheet a few times, the man took up the bouquet, hid gently inside, and slowly closed the door of the cabinet, carefully so that it did not touch the bouquet.

The entire space is not large, just enough for him to stand inside, and in this pitch-black environment, only a beam of light comes in through the cracks of the double doors.Fang Ziliang is very satisfied with his thoughts, so maybe he can wait until Li Qingwu finishes washing, and then rush out to steal the fragrance and jade, hehe, I hope I can endure that time.

His wife Li Qingwu's graceful carcass made him unconscious.But this kind of time passed too slowly, and every time he heard footsteps outside the door, he was very happy, but every time there was no expected door opening.Sweat started to drip from his forehead, it was really hot in this damn cabinet.

After waiting for a long time, he became a little drowsy, slowly lowering his forehead in the sultry cabinet, and awakened after touching the cabinet door several times.

Just when he couldn't help it, he wanted to go out and breathe, he only heard a beep, followed by a faint rubbing sound from the door shaft, Fang Zi's conscience was ecstatic, and he finally returned.But from the sound of footsteps, Fang Ziliang found that the person who came back did not seem to be alone, but maybe the friend who sent her back, he thought.But everything that happened next was completely out of his imagination.

The beauty in a purple evening dress appeared elegantly in Fang Ziliang's vision. Li Qingwu had a charming bun on her head and a seductive bulge on her chest. His slender waist was tied with the same color as the skirt. The ribbons and the plump hips are high and swelled under the waist.Before his divorce, he had seen this figure stroked countless times, so many times he would never feel bored.

Just when Fang Ziliang was thinking about going out to surprise his ex-wife Li Qingwu, or continuing to wait, a pair of men’s big hands suddenly stretched out from behind and wrapped around Li Qingwu’s soft waist, his head rested on the shoulders of the beauty. On the top, the mouth is buried between her neck. Although she can't see clearly, she can clearly hear the chirps of her lips kissing her neck.

Fang Ziliang's mind was blank. In the first few seconds, he even thought that he had hallucinations, or that it was just a filming of a drama.But he recovered immediately, and realized with pain that he had encountered the biggest accident in his life. He gave himself a huge surprise. Judging from the twisting body of his ex-wife Li Qingwu, there was no resistance at all. This is definitely not the first time.

"Have fun! It's him!"

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