To Be The Strongest

Chapter 10 - Devil fruit training

Having gotten permission, Akane was allowed to read the books in the archives, limited to non-confidential information. Every afternoon she was flipping through books.

Every time she picked up a book and flipped through it, she was seen putting it back within a minute.

Every book she read was printed in her mind. She could recount everything she'd read, even saying on which page the information was found.

She was like a sponge. Every word she read was absorbed.

She looked through books filled with maps, geography, languages, plants, medicine and a lot more.

She wanted to know more.

She liked to read.

Every book told her something new, something she didn't know.

It interested her, even intrigued her.

It was like she became the writer and experienced whatever he did. She felt as if she was walking in another world with every book she read through.

She hadn't yet forgotten what Hack had said. She read through all kind of reports of past incidents and soon came to understand what their purpose was.

Abolishing the World nobles, giving the people back their freedom.

It seemed as if Sabo was meant to join them.

They shared the same view of things.

Especially after the Celestial Dragon incident at the Goa kingdom.

Afterwards, she had heard from others that they had managed to rescue most of the residents of the Gray Terminal.

Among them, some had seen two boys and a well-known mountain bandit, leave the Terminal through the forest.

Akane had been relieved to hear Ace and Luffy were all right.

Sabo had heard it earlier than her, making her seem overly excited when she told him.

It was really frustrating.

She slammed the book shut, as she had read enough for today.

She walked towards a wide training space, outside of the fortress.

Stars had already begun to appear in the sky.

She had found a couple of books on the Kitsune/Tenko, so she wanted to experiment on what she could and couldn't do.


Far from the usual training ground, Akane stood on top of one of many rock pillars.

She sat down with crossed legs as she mused over what she had read.

So far the abilities of Kitsune were as followed, according to the book.

- Physical improvement, including all senses, environment adaption.

- Predator instinct. (Activated when she was in beast form)

- Claw retraction (When beast form)

- Decelerated Aging/semi immortality

- Dream manipulation

- Foxfire manipulation (She already mastered this.)

- Flight

- Illusion manipulation (Already mastered)

- Infinite intelligence (she can remember everything she read, example)

- Life-force absorption/manipulation

- Possession (She doesn't want to be able to use this)

- Shape shifting

- Telepathy

From amongst those, there were variations for each Kitsune, according to legend.

Some were able to cast curses, become invisible, manipulate plants, tails that move on their own when in danger.

According to even older texts, which she found after flipping through hundreds of books, the older she got the stronger she would become.

From the abilities she could acquire then were, omniscience, elemental aura, divinity, space-time manipulation and spirit Physiology.

For now she wanted to try out the ones that seemed most plausible.

She was already sure of foxfire, illusions, infinite intelligence, and the Physiological changes such as predator instinct, claw retraction, Physical enhancement and accelerated healing.

The ones she wanted to try out now were flight, shape shifting, invisibility and the manipulation of plants.

Plants was going to be harder, as there didn't grow any plant on Baltigo. She would try that when she returned to Ace and Luffy.

The safest one at the moment was invisibility and shape shifting.

Shape shifting seemed easy, after all, she changed shape whenever she became a fox or entered human-beast form.

Unexpectedly, in was much harder than it seemed.

First of all, most of the time she shifted, was when she did it unconsciously.

Therefore, she needed to retrace the feeling, which proved to be difficult.

Most of the time, nothing changed at all, much to her frustration.

In her current state, it seemed almost impossible to be able to shape shift.

Then what if my mental state was calm?

This thought popped out from nothing, but gave her a sense of enlightenment.

Even her tensed body, of which she didn't even know it was tense, relaxed.

A little smile formed on her face.

"Ace, Luffy. I'll make sure to come back as soon as I can."

She looked at the full moon, yearning to see them again.

As her state was calm, without any effort she changed her shape into that of a nine-tailed fox.

Contrasting to her small fox form, this time she towered above all the rock pillars.

A sly fox-like smile spread along her sharp teeth.

All who stand in my way beware, for I will come back and leave a trail of blood in my wake.

From deep in her mind, she could feel something agreeing with her words.

Satisfied with her process she turned back, though she was still stuck in human-beast form, and went back to the fortress.

All the other abilities would be tried another time.


So far, Akane could cross out which abilities were unable to be used or were too difficult to be used as of yet.

So far the curse and telepathy were a no-go.

The other abilities that were unusable as of yet, were those, which could only be used by older Kitsune.

Those were the abilities like divinity and omniscience.

Though she had no clue as what she could do in her free time then.

She was already skilled in the sword, while most of the books she wanted to take her time with.

"Akane, I want you to meet someone."

From behind her, Dragon walked towards her.

She hadn't even sensed him coming.

Behind Dragon was a really big man, wearing a grey hat with animal ears, a black jacket and held a bible in his hands.

"This is Bartholomew Kuma, he will be training you with Haki training for the time you'll remain here."

Having said his part, Dragon turned around and left.

"Mm, Hello Bartholomew-san, my name in Akane, nice to meet you."

Akane gave a short bow as a greeting.

"No need to be polite, we will be seeing each other often."

Bartholomew walked away, motioning Akane to follow him.

Thus started Akane's training in Haki and her life with the Revolutionary Army.


Kuma taught her the basics and taught her how to train them for herself when she left. A couple of weeks passed as Dragon decided it was time for her to return. She was handed a special kind of Den Den Mushi so she could be contacted if they needed something or she had something to tell them.

This kind of Den Den Mushi was untraceable and if others tried to use it, it would stop functioning until the owner would get a hold of it again.

Akane thanked Dragon and the others, as she boarded the ship that would take her back to Fuusha village, back home to Ace and Luffy.

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