To Be The Strongest

Chapter 12 - Plans for the future.

Akane was happily catching up with Ace and Luffy and talking with them about what happened at her end.

Ace and Luffy had apparently needed the fight their way out with the help of Dadan. They battled fiercely and were almost done for when Dadan showed up, they beat Bluejam and they bȧrėly escaped the fire with heavy wounds.

The next day they'd heard from Dogra that the ship she and Sabo had been on was shot down by an Celestial Dragon. They thought she and Sabo had died and had been a wreck till now.

'So it was a Celestial Dragon that shot us, figures. What bad luck to run into them at that time.' Akane thought as she looked back at the moment she'd been shot. Besided the gun barreld pointed at her, she had caught a slight glimse of a bubble, so it was indeed a Celestial bastard that shot is.

'Wait until I find him, I'll shoot of something precious of him too, hehehe' A slightly gloomy and creepy smile appeared on Akane's face as she was thinking about what she would do as soon as she saw another one of those Celestial bastards again.

Ace looked at her with mixed feelings, as if he knew what she was thinking about.

Akane woke up from her thoughts as she saw Ace staring at her.

She coughed slightly to regain her bearing and shared with them her plans.

"My thoughts still haven't changed. I will become a pirate and travel the world. I will find my brother and give him a massive scolding and enjoy my travels with like-minded people who want to travel with me." Akane said.

Ace and Luffy nodded as they too planned to become Pirates. The three of them agreed to set of as soon as they became seventeen.

In the meantime they would train as if their lives depended on it. They would make sure they were as strong as they could be so that they could survive on the sea.


The time they spent was all dedicated on training in the forest with the wild animals, battling against each other and developing new techniques.

Akane had managed to get a small insight concerning her Haki. She could use her observation Haki to sense at most a hundred meter away from her, while her armament haki was also averagely developed.

She could use it by covering her body, though it was still limited by two arms or tails as most. It would be great when she could finally cover her whole body or increase the strength of it on one place.

It was still a work in progress.

Besides working on her haki, Akane had also discovered new powers she could use. Plant manipulation was one of them. She could make plant move as she wanted them to, while she could also improve their growth.

The skill wasn't that amazing as plants were very fragile and broke easily, so it couldn't be used in battle. At least she hadn't thought of a way to use it in battle. The only thing she thought it would be useful with, was the growth of plants to eat during the voyage. At least she wouldn't run out of food that easily.

Another power she was very grateful of was her ability to fly. Though she couldn't fly to great a distance, but she could still fly for most of the day, though it was only useable in her beast form.

She didn't plan on finding out if she had the life-force absortion for now. Maybe if she needed it, but not now. Telepathy was also a thing she had difficulties with to understand. She would still need ti figure that one out with trial and error and see if she could do it, though thus far she hadn't made any progress.


She had looked forward to this moment for a long time and she felt like she was ready to start her journey. In the time she had left Baba, she had learned she was too weak to be able to find her brother. He was travelling in dangerous seas, so she had to be strong enough to defend herself, before she could find her brother.

Don't worry though, she still hadn't forgotten she still had to scold her brother for making her worry. First she needed to find herself a crew. Not a large one as she really wanted to enjoy her journey and wanted to be good friends with her crew mates. It would be best if they were strong too, quality over quantity as they say.

She'd need a navigator, a cook, a shipwright, a helmsman, a doctor and a first mate. A swordwielder and a gunner would be really nice.

Akane set of for the village and hoped that Garp wouldn't arrive anytime soon. She was fortunate enough that he didn't know she wanted to be a pirate, even with Luffy's big blabber mouth.

If he knew, she wouldn't be here and would already be in the marine. Akane thanked her lucky stars he hadn't found out.

At the village, Makino and the other villagers were happily sending her of, a small ship with enough supplies on board were ready for her. She was smart enough to build up her funds over the years, so she had a decent little ship to work with.

Akane checked if everything was alright and finallly departed. Makino gave her a firm hug and waved at her together with the other villagers. Akane waved back, glancing a final time at the mountain. On the cliff where she and the others had made their promises, she saw the mountain bandits and Ace and Luffy waving at her too.

She waved back with a big smile on her face. "See you again on the Grand line!" Akane yelled at Ace and Luffy, as they both yelled back that they would.

Akane was slightly on guard as the ship moved further down towards the sea, as she had though the sea king of Foosha village would bother her, but it stayed absent.

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