To Be The Strongest

Chapter 2 - Mysterious swords.

Having trained tirelessly with her devil fruit, Akane finally discovered why she wasn't improving.

The devil fruit needed a strong constitution, which meant that she would need a stronger body and mind.

So her days to come were as followed.

She would train the sword in the morning, fight with giant wild beasts and possibly bandits in the afternoon, while meditating and sword practice in the evening.

She would sleep in the night, and take breaks when needed.

Through this training she felt her control of the devil fruit grow at a snails pace, still, it increased so she was happy.

Until one day, while training, a distortion appeared.

It appeared like a whirlpool hanging in the air, distorting the surroundings.

If she looked closely she could see another world on the other side. She could see a blonde man with a striped green bucket hat and a old man with a white cloak.

The Bucket head man seemed dissapointed as he threw down two sword. As if the distortion wasn't stable, the men started to swirl, but not before she saw a hint of surprise in the bucket-head man's face as their eyes met.

Becoming dizzy when she looked at it too closely to see the man again, she momentarily closed her eyes.

As the discomforting feeling disappeared she opened her eyes in relief. What hung before her suspended in the air were two swords, the ones she'd seen in the distortion.

She carefully reached out towards them, touching the hilt of the swords.

As soon as she came in contact, the swords moved as if they had their own will.

Their pointed edge flew towards her ċhėst.

Paling in fear, she tried to move away, only to notice she couldn't move.

The swords pierced her ċhėst, yet there was no pain.

She looked at her ċhėst, expecting to see blood, only to see the swords disappearing in her body, leaving no trace of their existence, except for a small flower pattern on her left ċhėst.

Sighing in relief, information was forcefully poured inside her head, along with the image of the swords floating in her mind.

Zanpakuto: ######

- Shikai: ###### (unavailable)

Zanpakuto: Ryujin Jakka

- Shikai: All things of this world, turn to ashes. (Unavailable)

- Bankai: Zanka to Tachi, Long sword of the Remnant Flame (Unavailable)

Behind each sword appeared a transparent window with its information.

The short sword, the Wakizashi, had its information obscured except for the words of Universe. She recognised the word One Piece, but didn't know what it meant with Bleach.

The long sword, the katana, had the name of Ryuujin Jakka.

Having no idea what Shikai and Bankai was, she chose to ignore them for now.

Akane giggled as she imagined seeing her brother' shocked face.

"Ah, I can't wait to see shanks nii-sama's face again."

"Baba, do you think I'm strong enough now?"

Akane rushed inside saying those words. It had been a couple of weeks since Baba had given her the devil fruit. Baba wouldn't let her go until she was strong enough.

Baba sat on her usual spot, sipping her tea.

"Just go already, instead of bothering me all day. You were ready to go yesterday, why the delay. Just go already."

Baba shooed her away with her hands.

"I arranged a ship for you on the shore, it isn't big but it will do, so hurry up and go."

Once outside, Akane was shown a small ship along the shore.

"It's ready, completely filled with supplies to last for at least two months. A the crew will take you to the nearest town, so make sure you take care of yourself."

Baba waved goodbye after she put Akane on the boat. The ship already started to sail of, unfurling the sails.

"Bye Baba, I'll definitely come back as soon as I find nii-sama, so don't worry."

Baba gave a wry smile and went back inside the cabin.

Akane looked forward to seeing her big brother again, though she had no idea how long it might take.


While Akane was daydreaming on the ship, Baba was writing a letter.

Inside it was written:

"I hope you're prepared, cause she's coming to you. It's your own fault for making her worry."

Baba snorted as she tied the letter to the leg of a strange looking bird and set it loose.

She gave a light sigh, leaning back in her chair.

From far in the distance she could feel multiple presences coming towards her.

The people stopped in front of her house and barged in after kicking down the door.

"Murunfufufu, so this is where you live, you old hag. It was really hard to find you. Now you old hag, give it to me and I'll make sure your death will be painless."

The woman who said it pointed a sword at Baba's face.

The woman in front of Baba was really pale and quite tall. Her dark hair was worn in pigtails, but what stood out the most was her long pointy nose.

"You are too late Catarina Devon, I don't have it anymore. It is beyond your reach now."

Baba gave a hearty laugh as she sipped her tea, unconcerned with the sword pointed at her face.

"You are lying! I know you wouldn't give it away to anyone."

Devon slashed with her sword, a tin line with blood seeping down Baba's face.

"Oh but I'm not. I really don't have it. Nor will I tell you who has it now."

The cup of black tea fell out of Baba's hand and shattered on the floor, burning holes in the floor wherever the tea touched it. It had obviously been poisoned.

"No, how dare you!"

Devon yelled as Baba's body fell to the ground.

Devon yelled in fury at her crew, her eyes spitting fire in rage.

"Find out who she could've given the fruit to, now!"

Her crew ran outside, in the hopes of finding that one clue.

Devon, however, was doomed to fail, as no one had even known that Baba had been living together with Akagami no Shanks' adopted sister.

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