To Be The Strongest

Chapter 20 - Reverse mountain.

Like Akane had predicted, when the ship departed, Ban had handed Laffitte a round object on a wristband. It looked a lot like a compass, only this one was hung on a small metal thread and was moving up, down, sideways and was trembling every now and then.

Laffitte seemed intrigued by the object and was observing it intently. He had already given orders on where to go to, to enter the Reverse Mountain, so Ban and Akane didn't really pay much attention to Laffitte.

Ban and Akane made sure they stayed on course, while in the meantime they both threw out their fishing lines and started a competition on who could catch the most fish.

"Don't be sure about your win. I'll be sure to catch a bigger one than you. Bigger is better than more." Akane said as she pouted a little.

"I doubt you will. So far, all our competitions have ended in me winning~" Ban said as his signature smirk was on his face.

In the bucket both she and Ban had were all kinds of fishes. Though the difference was in the amount. Akane had around three, while Ban had seven.

Even now the fishing line in Ban's hand was being pulled. Like before, he swiftly reeled it in and revealed a medium sized fish.

Akane stared intently at her own rod, still pouting in defiance. When her line too was streched tout, Akane quickly reeled it in. The smile on her face became bigger as the line was pulled harder.

The smile disappeared when small Sea King appeared instead of a fish. The pout was again on her face. Not waiting for the Sea King to make its move, Akane swiftly finished it off with her swords, beheading the sea king in one swift sweep of her sword.

"Maa, It still counts!" Akane yelled at Ban, who was only laughing at her misfortune.

"I doesn't, Litte fox, It's my win again~" Ban said as he still dismantled the Sea King for its edible parts.

Akane angrily threw her fishing rod aside and sat at the figure head of her ship, a simple arc that curled downwards. She lay down on her back and stared at the sky, trying to get her mind off of Ban's annoying smirk.

Slowly the clear sky began to be filled with clouds, while the ship began to move faster.

Akane looked forward, only to see fast moving currents and in the distance a wall that streched all over the horizon.

"Oi, Laffitte! There's something in front of us!" Akane yelled, as the wall became larger and larger. She could even see a small crack in the wall.

Laffitte arrived on deck and looked in the distance.

We've arrived at Reverse Mountain, captain." Laffitte said as he tied the newly acquired log pose to his wrist.

"Ah, I see." Akane said, while Ban seemed intriguiged by the wall that was covering the horizon.

"How tall would it be? It's shouldn't be that tall." Ban murmured as he was feeling up to a challenge.

"Hey, little fox. How about we see who can climb up faster the next time we get at the Red line? We could do it to reach that place from the Celestial dɨċkheads. Let's see who gets there faster and who can beat up the most." Ban said, feeling totally up to it.

"Sure, but we first need to find some more crew mates. Otherwise only Laffitte would be able to bet on the outcome." Akane said, not feeling any less excited.


The ship quickly arrived near the crack in the Red line, only to reveal it to be a passage upwards.

"Wow! How cool." Akane said as she watched the water flow upwards from the currents.

Laffitte and Ban skillfully steered the ships straight into the passage, making the ship gain in speed. It even passed through the blanket of clouds, revealing a endlessly blue sky above, and a sparkling blue see before and behind them.

As they reached the top, the ship was launched into the air, only to land in the single passage going downwards.

The current was even faster when they went down.

"This speed is amazing!" Akane yelled loudly from the thrill of the moment. She wondered if they could go even faster. Her eyes sparkled as she really like the feeling of this.

It was easy moving fast by yourself, but riding on something fast was a different story and it felt even better than running by yourself. The feeling of your stomach being pressed against your back was amazing.

Akane yelled out in excitement. In the distance she could see small specks on the big blue sea.

Akane couldn't wait to see what islands she would land on and which people she would meet.

The ship quickly sailed down the passage and exited into the Grand line.


*At the Marine headquarters, Marineford*

"Flee Amiral! We've found her!" A soldier stormed into the office.

At the desk sat a tall man with a black afro, a braided beard, mustache and glasses. At his feet was a small little goat.

"Who?" Sengoku said, not looking up from the documents on his desk.

"The girl Garp found, Shanks' little sister, Akane."

"Truly? Where!" Sengoku said as her grabbed the report from the soliders hands.

"In West Blue. They killed a lot of our people on Oslan, an island near the Reverse Mountain. They have most likely already entered the Grand line." The soldier said.

"What are you waiting for? Put up a high bounty on her and her crews head. I want her brought back, alive. It will be hell if we kill her. Who knows how Shanks might react." Sengoku said as he could already feel a head ache starting. How much work did he need to do if it failed?

"Send Aokiji after them too. We need to capture her before Shanks finds her."

"Fleet Admiral. What about the price on the bounty?" The soldier said, a bit nervous from the tension.

"300.000.000 Berri. Only Alive on the wanted poster, you hear me."

"Yes, sir!" The soldier quickly left.

"You've left me a big mess, Garp."

Sengoku rubbed his forehead as he grabbed a Den Den Mushi.

pede pede pede

pede pede pede

pede pede pede

"Aokiji, It's me Sengoku. I need you to go to the Reverse Mountain. You'll get the wanted poster as soon as possible. We need her alive." Sengoku said

"Sure, What about Garp? Is he joining too?" A lazy voice said from the Den Den Mushi.

"I am planning to." Sengoku said.

"Ah, I'll see what I can do." Aokiji said and hung up.

Sengoku leaned down in his chair and hoped nothing would go wrong.

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