To Be The Strongest

Chapter 22 - Kenzan Island.

From the islands of which they were told, Kenzan island appeared to be their destination.

In the distance they could see the sword like mountains which were known to be inhabited by the long arm tribe. There were apparently also many undiscovered animals and places, so Akane and Ban planned to resume their challenge on this island.

"The most interesting thing. I will definitely find a better one than you, Ban. Just you wait. I'll definitely win this time." Akane said as she pointed her finger at Ban.

Ban smirked as he just patted her head.

"We'll see about that little fox. Thus far I've continued to win. Who knows, you might win this time, but I doubt it~"

Akane was all fired up and couldn't wait to depart from the ship onto the island.

The ship had to navigate past multiple whirlpool, making it hard to advance forward. With skillfull navigation from Laffitte and quick reflexes of Ban and Akane, the ship managed to pass the multitude of whirlpools safely.

As soon as the ship was near the shore and the anchor was released, Akane and Ban dashed of towards the mountains. Laffitte waved at them as he too went of to some place. Someone had to do the shopping and information gathering.

While Laffitte was on his way to somewhere inhabited, Ban and Akane were scouring the mountains for something interesting to win the bet.

The mountains were high and there were many valleys and mountains all around her. There was a lot of greenery and a lot of animals she hadn't seen before. There were a lot of animals she recognised from books though. There were birds in mulitple colours and a lot of wild boars. Even a few bunny's, though they shimmered in a pale jade green colour.

"Wow, there are so many animals. I really want to take a few with me." Akane said as she carried a small green bunny in her arms.

"Maa, let's see what else there is to see." Akane had completely forgotten about the bet at this time.


Ban looked around as he was strolling through one of the many caves on the island. If there was something on the island that could be worth finding, then it would be hidden treasures. Those would mostly be hidden in caves.

At least that was what Ban was thinking as he searched through many caves at a breakneck speed. So far he had found many gems and even stones that radiated light in the dark, but no other treasures so far.

Ban carried a bag filled with it on his back as he continued walking through other caves, as he too had forgotten what the bet was about.

Both Akane and Ban had partly forgotten about the bet and had started to collect things they thought were nice and interesting.

Meanwhile, Laffitte was gathering information in town. The town was inhabited by a tribe called the longarm tribe. The looked quite strange as the all had an additional joint in their arms.

What he heard from the residents, they were currently in the Tehna Gehna Kingdom. The buiding were quite strange as they weren't like anything he had seen before. There were Asian looking building and pavilions build in the town and there were large manors with large gardens.

The residents wore Hanfu's with their long arms sticking out of especially long sleeves. Though there were a few tourists and a couple of tourists shops, the longarm tribe didn't seem to like normal humans. They looked especially fierce at people with extravagant clothes and a lot of jewelry.

Laffitte didn't think it was strange as he had heard that the longarm and the longleg tribe were often kidnapped and sold as slaves. It was a miracle that they still allowed humans on their island, but there were probably measures taken to prevent kidnapping. When he looked around he could see guards standing near every two houses. It gave a safe feeling for the longarm tribe and made sure they were as well protected as they could be.

As he walked through the streets, unnoticed by all the people walking there, Laffitte noticed how much the Longarm tribe prided their arms. They would show them off as much as they could, just like what was heard about their nemesis's. The Longleg tribe also liked to show off their legs.

Having bought all the supplies they would need, Laffitte went towards the informants of the underworld, hidden in the obscured back alleys. There was a reason for the high bounty on their heads and Laffitte couldn't wait to find out why. They had a full week to find out what the reason could be, so Laffitte wasn't in a hurry.

Once evening came, Ban, Akane and Laffitte met up at the ship. Laffitte had already poured himself a glass as he waited for Ban and Akane to pull out their items. As he looked, the smile on his face enlarged slightly as the items they got really fitted with their character. Ban had thrown all kinds of gems and precious objects like gold on the table, while Akane had a bunch of fluffy animals in her arms and a few large animals were dragged behind her. The little fluffs were mostly rabbit, while in her bag was a deep blue egg the size of Ban's hands.

The large beasts she dragged behind her were obviously to be eaten, as the blood was still dripping and a long bloody trail was dragged behind her.

"It seems you two had a lot of fun." Laffitte said, the smile still on his face.

"So, who won? Surely it's me." Ban said full of confidence as he couldn't help but look at the fluffy beasts in Akane's arms.

"W-well, I'll give you this win. I couldn't find anything interesting anyway." Akane said as she turned her head away, hugging the green rabbit's closer to her ċhėst.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure, next time we bet on something, be sure to remember the bet, alright~" Ban said as he already imagined she had completely forgotten about it.

"Hopefully the new crew member we get will be able to beat you." Akane mumbled to herself, as she couldn't see herself winning in a bet against Ban.

Ban continued to smile as he grabbed the beast behind her and started dismantling.

"If you've got time to mumble, come help me with the dismantling. You're the one who eats the most anyway, so you should at least help with skinning them." Ban said as he handed her a knife.

Not one to complain, Akane grabbed the knife and skillfully skinned and dismantled the meat. She wasn't a stranger to these kind of tasks as she did it often when she was still living with Dadan.

Having fininshed all their tasks, the trio went to eat, drink and talk about their day. The things Ban had found were stored in the treasure room, while Akane's little furry companions had found a room of their own in the ship.

Like so their day ended like usual.

Having done their bet, Akane and Ban planned to go shopping the next day, as they were both quite interested in what kind of things they could buy on this island.

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