To Be The Strongest

Chapter 32 - Sparring

After spending a couple of days in the Kamabakka kingdom, Ban and Lafitte had aquired the special skill to avoid the okama's. Every time they were spotted, Akane snickered in glee at the frightened faces of her crew. She herself didn't have a lot to do, so it was mostly spend watching the equally queer animals on the island. It was truly a mystery as to how they became as queer as the Okama inhabitants.

Today too Akane was spending her time watching as queer pink monkeys were putting make up on the other animals. There was even a pair that was distributing all kinds of dresses.

Coming closer, Akane was intrigued by the little tea party the animals had orchestrated amongst themselves. They really did look alike to their human counter parts, as they poured each other cups of tea and giggled in a high pitched voice.

Wanting to observe this strange animal population for longer, Akane was interupted by a pair of shakking hands. Turning to look over her shoulder, Akane saw a shivering Ban crouching behind her.

"Little fox, care to hide me for a while? They almost got me into a dress, they even managed to tear the clothes from Lafitte."

Shivering at the memory, Ban hugged Akane close as she was some kind of protective charm.

"How's Lafitte? hopefully not dressed up?" Akane said, curious to know if he was being used as a doll right now or if he managed to get to safety.

"He got away safely, though his clothes suffered a lot."

Imagining the scene of Lafitte escaping with bȧrėly any clothes, Akane shuddered at the sight.

"Then that's good. He should be able to hide for the time being."

Turning her sight back to the animals, she was dissapointed to see they were already gone. Pondering on how to spend her time now that her targets were gone, Akane glanced at the shivering Ban and a smile crept on her face.

"Hey Ban? Want to spar for a bit? I found a good place, they shouldn't be able to find you as quickly if we go there."

"Let's go, Let's go! Where are we waiting for?" Ban said as he tightly hugged Akane in gratefulness. If he could stay somewhere safely for the day, he would gladly go anywhere.

"Why don't you get Lafitte as well? I figure he would like some rest as well."

Releasing Akane from his hold, Ban nodded and quickly left to find Lafitte. It didn't take long for them to return, Lafitte wearing a long coat bȧrėly hidding the torn clothing underneath.

"Why didn't you change? You should have some clothes in my room."

Lafitte sighed at her words as he buŧŧoned up the coat.

"They were patrolling along the ship and our room. It's nearly impossible to get back."

Feeling sorry for Lafitte, Akane patted him on the arm. She would've patted him on the shoulder hadn't he been so tall or she so short.

Turning into her big fox form, Akane let Ban and Lafitte get on her back as she took of to the top of the highest mountain of Momoiro island.


As they arrived near the place Akane had mentioned, they saw a big clearing amongst the giant pink trees. It was still covered in pink grass, but there wasn't any sign of other people.

Sighing in relief, Ban and Lafitte sat down to relax beneath the pink canopy.

"What are you sitting there for, Ban? I though we were going to spar? You can sit down when we are done."

Dragging Ban back to his feet, Akane summoned her swords. The blades remained the same as they were before. As she hadn't released her shikai, the blades were the same as before she had battle against Aokiji.

Ban yawned slightly as he had become very tired these last couple of days, but he still readied himself to fight against Akane, his staff placed loosely in his hand.

They both stared at each other, trying to predicting the others moves, waiting for the slightest of movements. That went on for a couple of minutes before Akane finally broke the mental battle and swung her katana as she was dashing towards Ban.

Moving forward to meet her blow, Ban blocked the katana with his staff, the other end swing towards Akane's unprotected side. Seeing the incoming blow, Akane parried it of its course with her wakizashi, continuing the movement towards Ban's ribs.

Backing away slightly, the wakizashi bȧrėly missed Ban as he began to get excited. Their speed went up the longer the battle lasted, their warm up quickly turning into a true sparring round. Blow by blow was received and countered. Blood flowed freely, mostly being Ban's, as their ŀust for battle went up.

A sadistic gleam appeared in Akane's eyes as a twisted smile graced her lips. Her switch having long turned, Akane's movements had become more savage, aiming at parts men didn't want to be hit at.

"Aww, why not play with me, Bannnn~ Your blood has suuuch a nice colour~" Akane said in a sing-a-song voice. Slashing at his eyes, Akane's smile widened as a beatifull cut appeared on Ban's cheek bones.

"Aaaand I'm done." Ban said as he backed away. He had enough of this for now. It was fun, true, but the more they battled, the more sadistic Akane became and he really didn't want his jewels to be targeted every time. Even if it healed, it still hurt a lot. Don't even mention his pride as a man.

"Awww, why not continue?~" Akane said in a pouting voice, though the gleam in her eyes was fading bit by bit.

"Nope, let's relax for now~"

Not waiting for an answer, Ban picked her up and laid down on the soft grass with Akane in his arms. As soon as his head hit the ground he fell fast asleep.

"Mou, you're no fun." Akane said as she looked up at his tired face as she pouted. Looking a bit longer, Akane smiled at Ban as she ruffled his hair. He did look tired so she should let him take some time to catch up on lost sleep.

Snuggling closer to Ban's warm ċhėst, Akane fell asleep as well, warmed by the living heater named Ban.

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