To Be The Strongest

Chapter 35 - Training sessions

The day till departure became shorter and Akane and her crew spent their days training as much as they could. The Marines had left them alone for now and hadn't gone near momoiro island since they had been called back. Having all agreed to have a joint training session, Shinobu explained about the training methods of the breathing styles.

As every member in Akane's crew had some semblance of a decently trained body, there was no need to increase the exercises. The training that the crew would undertake was that to train the apnea. Simply put, they had to increase the amount of time they could hold their breath and make the respiratory muscles more supple and become stronger. It would make increase lung volume and allow for better usage of the breathing techniques.

When Shinobu put down a large tub of water, Akane already had a vague yet disheartening thought, which was only enhanced when Shinobu had the same bright smile on her face.

"Now then, I want all of you to train your apnea using these tubs. If done for prolongued times and done often, it will improve the usage of the breathing techniques. You can do it, can't you? It is basic so it would be strange if you couldn't~"

Ban was laughing loudly as he accepted the challenge, casting a taunting smile at Akane as he knew about the disadvantages she face being a devil fruit user.

Swallowing loudly, Akane still did the exercise as Shinobu had said, only to feel all the strength leave her body when she submerged herself in the tub. Luckily she wasn't completely inside, only her head, as she was saved from drowning.

Glaring at the tub as if it was her nemesis, Akane continued doing the exercise. She should and would do it. She swore she would manage this and pass the obstacle called water.

Luckily she could train in this once they would depart, so she wasn't in a hurry to learn it. The other things Shinobu taught were the way to breathe, the Total Concentration Breathing.

The technique was unique to say the least. If she continued doing it too long, it felt as if her lungs were ready to explode. This was, according to Shinobu, because her lungs weren't strong enough to withstand the strain. The only thing she could do was strenghten her lungs and her body.

After that was mastered, Shinobu would teach her the special water style techniques. Right now she wasn't ready to learn it yet.

While Shinobu taught her sword and breathing styles, Akane and Lafitte explained to Shinobu what haki was and how it could be trained. Shinobu was equally amazed by the teachnique as Akane had been about the breathing styles.

Yet when Shinobu was told how training for observation haki worked, her smile turned wry. Ban snickered as he too had to endure being pummeled by Akane. It had taken him a while to avoid the bat while he was blindfolded. The sensation of using haki was marvelous though.

So while Akane trained in breathing techniques, Ban would 'train' Shinobu in observation haki. Every now and then Akane could hear a painful yelp, but it wasn't Shinobu.

Shinobu had been fairly disciplined and kept her mouth shut every time she was hit, but when Ban started to enjoy it, Shinobu had begun to retaliate. Every time a gratifying smile was seen on Ban's face, Shinobu would test a new kind of poison on Ban.

Even if he was immortal and the poison disappeared quickly, it still hurt when it entered his body. Like this the duo were becoming masters in the technique: An eye for and eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Lafitte and Akane kept their distance when it began. Akane had laughed one time when they were getting back at the other and had been dragged in. She hadn't escaped unscathed.

Luckily for Shinobu, Lafitte taught her armament haki. It was easier to get a feel for it than in observation haki. Shinobu hadn't practiced it often, so there wasn't anything to show for her training yet, but Shinobu was glad she could even get a slight feeling for it.


While Ban, Lafitte and Shinobu were training in haki, Akane went to meditate. Her swords were laying on her ŀȧp as she slowed her breathing and her mind became calm.

Once she opened her eyes again, she was back in her mindscape. The forest looked the same as before, though a tall mountain had appeared reaching far in the sky and seemed to reach the sun and moon. The forest had changed a bit as well as it seemed more vibrant.

When she looked around in search of Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, she was quickly tackled by the big-breasted woman, near the giant tree in the centre of the forest. Akane was luckily cushioned by the dense flower garden beneath her as Amaterasu was laughing in glee.

"Kyaaa~ Akane-chan, you're back! I really wanted to see you!"

Rubbing head against Akane, Amaterasu squeeled in delight until she was picked up by Tsukuyomi and dropped at his side. Amaterasu pouted as she looked at Tsukuyomi, muttering things like 'unfair' 'meanie' and 'stupid popsicle face'.

Even if Tsukuyomi didn't show a lot of his emotions on his face, Akane could see a pissed off tick mark appearing on his face.

Getting between the two quickly before a fight broke out, Akane began to talk about what happened so far. The duo knew of course what had transpired in the outside world, but they still enjoyed it when Akane talked about it.

Like that, Akane spent a few hours medidating and getting to know her Zanpakuto's better. At the end of it, even Tsukuyomi smiled a bit more as the three of them walked through the forest and looked over the minds cape from the tall mountain.

It was apparently much bigger than Akane had first thought, as she could see the ocean far in the distance.

"This place has become really big. It's amazing."

Akane murmured, her eyes still drawn to the scenery. If she glanced high up in the sky, she could even see something like a temple floating between the sun and the moon.

"That place of bounds until you become stronger, so don't think about going there."

Tsukuyomi warned, yet a smile was still seen in his eyes.

[I wonder what's in there] Akane thought as she continued to observe the beautiful white temple floating high above her.

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