To Be The Strongest

Chapter 39 - Leviathan

Akane looked at the small blue Leviathan, a bit confused at what to do now. She had thought it would be a bird, not a sea creature, that would hatch from the egg. Now she had a hungry little Leviathan that was looking at her and asking for food.

Small chirps came from its little snout as it nudged against her hand.

"Yeah yeah, I'll get you some food."

Akane said as she stuffed the little leviathan into her clothes. Its small head peaked out from her collar as it looked around at the scenery.

'What do Leviathan's even eat? Plants or meat?'

Akane gently lifted the scaly lips from the Leviathan's mouth, spotting small sharp fangs.

'Meat it is.'

hurrying back to the main street where the Yagara bulls were currently at, Akane rented a bull once more, as the other one had gone along with Ban. This one was more gentle and calm.

"Can you take us to the water meat shop? I'll get you some too when we get there."

Akane said to the Bull, who happily nodded and rushed up the water way. There were a lot of sloped going up and down, left and right, until they were once again in front of the little shop. The old lady smiled brightly.

"Back again so soon? I guess the taste was addicting, hehehe~"

The old lady smiled brightly. Akane and the Yagara bull were eyeing the water meat. Even if Akane wanted to eat some too, she firstly needed to feed the Leviathan and she had no idea how much food it would need.

"Give me three large bags please. As big as the boat can carry."

The old lady's smile brightened.

"Now that is doing good business. I won't say no to that."

The old lady said before she turned her head backwards.

"Hey, lazy bum! Get three of our biggest bags! You heard me, the biggest ones! Fill them to the brim you waste of space."

The little helper in the shop grumbled at the words of the old lady, but still did what he was asked. Not long after, three large bag filled with water meat, were loaded onto the small boat. Even if it was heavy, the Yagara Bull seemed to bounce up and down in delight at the prospect of food.

"Here are the beri."

Akane handed over the money, while the old lady smiled in glee at the amount.

"Here, take this. A little appreciation for being such a good customer."

The old lady handed her a small pouch. Opening it, Akane saw a lot of different spices.

"It's the herb mixture to spice the meat. I hope your chef likes it."

The old lady winked at Akane before she went back into the shop, yelling at the helper to ready some more meat to sell.

"Welp, guess we have enough food for now."

Letting the Yagara bull lead them somewhere quiet, the three of them ended up on a small but well preserved garden island. It was about ten by ten meters, but it was enough for them to relax and have something to eat.

Sitting below a rather large willow, Akane placed on bag of water meat in front of the Yagara to enjoy, while giving the other to the small Leviathan. If it didn't have enough after one, she could always give it the other.

The Leviathan chirped in delight as it began to gorge itself on the meat. Akane smiled as she couldn't help but compare it to an always hungry Luffy.

'I wonder how he's doing...'

Akane thought as she patted the Leviathan on its back, indicating it should dlow down a bit.

"No one is stealing it from you, calm down will ya. You're only getting a stomach ache if you eat that fast."

Akane snickered.

The Leviathan bobbed its head, slowing down at least a little.

"Now then. I guess I should give you a name."

Akane said as she rested her head on her knees, watching the little bugger eat.

'I wonder if it's a male or a female.'

Not planning to look for it, as she didn't even know how the genitals of a Leviathan looked like, don't even mention distinguishing them from the male or femal parts, Akane just thought of a name that could be used for both genders.

'Maybe Aqua.'

Akane shuddered at the thought. She had a feeling that if she called it that, it would turn obnoxious, one who couldn't do a thing.

'Then what about Nen? It means Ancient waters, which does sound right as a Levithan is rather ancient. The other one could be Indra, which is a warrior god of the sky and rain.'

Contemplating on what name to use, the Leviathan had already finished the whole bag. It had already grown a bit, going from the size of a kitten to the size of a full grown cat. It's belly was bulging as it slowly wiggled towards Akane, slumping its large head against her ŀȧp and falling asleep as soon as it did, curled up like a cat.

"Let's go with Indra. If it doesn't like it, I could always change it to Nen."

Having decided, Akane carried the sleeping Leviathan in her arms, as she once again boarded the small Yagara boat. The Yagara was also done eating, eyeing the last bag covetously.

"No way, this one isn't yours."

Akane said as she tapped the Yagara playfull on the head.

"Just get me back to the main street. I'll find my companion around there and you can go back to your home afterwards."

The Yagara neighed in reply as it sped towards the mainstream. Once there, it let Akane jump from its back and left soon after. Akane waved at the Yagara as it dove underwater, going on her way to find out wherever Ban had gone of to.. The should go back to the ship for now and see what they were going to do in this coming week.

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