To Be The Strongest

Chapter 48 - Thriller Bark IV

Excusing themselves from dinner, Ban and Akane went towards their room. They didn't trust their host enough to separate just yet, so the safest option would be to share the room.

"You take a shower first. You have a more dire need for it than I do."

Ban said as he planted himself on the bed and looked curiously at the strange paintings hanging on the wall.

Looking at herself, Akane was covered in dirt and some splashes of blood here and there. Don't even mention how she smelled, as her nose had become numb to it.

"Don't mind if I do."

Akane didn't hesitate as she started to undress then and there. Ban had the decency to refrain from looking, as his mind went on a trip. Like him and Elaine chatting on the world tree, all comfy as the stars were their only companions.

Not bothered one bit, Akane walked to the bathroom and tossed her clothes in the sink and filled it up with water and soap. While that was soaking for a while, Akane stepped under the shower, her bushy tail becoming a lot thinner once wet.

She hummed a little tune as she quickly cleaned herself as well as redressed. She didn't have to worry about wet clothes, as only a few minutes close to her foxfire would dry it up nicely.

"Ban! Let's leave when I'm done. The doctor weirds me out."


With that figured out, Akane and Ban finished up as soon as they could. Unbeknownst to them, hidden eyes were watching every move they made.

The paintings in the room Ban had been looking at were following every move they made. Their eyes were secretly spying, as their mouths couldn't help but twitch into a small smile.

Not taking notice, Ban and Akane left. Even if they knew about the paintings, neither of the two would have bothered with them.

Forgoing the front door, which would no doubt be closed, Akane and Ban jumped down from the window, leaving the mansion behind.

Glancing back, Akane could see many silhouettes standing in front of the window they had just left from. The stitches were clear to see, indicating the zombies were truly watching their every move.

"There are creeps where ever we go."

Akane mumbled, as she and Ban left towards the ship.

"I just wonder why some would even think of preying on a kid~"

Ban snickered as he ruffled Akane's ears.

"I wonder..."

Leaving those words hanging, they soon spotted their ship. Everything seemed in order, with the only thing that was odd being the tied up girl lying passed out in the bushes.

"Who's she?"

Ban asked to no one in particular.

From the deck, Lafitte looked down, spotting his captain and Ban staring at the intruder.

"A nobody who tried to steal your loot."

Lafitte summarised as he once again went back to what he was doing before.

"Heeh~ Tryin' to steal from me?"

Ban exclaimed, a humorous glint in his eyes as he watched the audacious girl. It didn't do much though, as Perona had long passed out. That didn't restrain Ban from acting out his petty revenge, as he tied the girl to a branch, covering her completely with bugs and sticking a note to her bum saying "I am repenting".

"You really are petty."

"There is no petty. There is only revenge."

Ban said sagely, wiping his hands on Perona's clothes.

"Suuure, keep being like that."

Not bothering further on this subject, Ban and Akane went back on the ship. Ban left to check on some things while Akane shared her observations, which Lafitte found interesting as he too wanted to have a quick look at these supposed zombies.

"They really aren't that interesting. They are quite boring really."

Ban said as he had just come back from checking on his treasure. Everything was untouched and Ban was relieved it was.

"I see."

No longer interested, Lafitte went to the helm, ready to depart when they wanted.

"No need for that. It is already late so we will depart once everyone has rested a bit."

Following her example, Ban too went to his room, one that was completely his and could contain his large built.

"Then I will take the night shift."

Lafitte said as he sat down at the helm, not having moved one step since before.

"Do what you want. I'll take over later."

Ban replied, leaving Lafitte to himself. Lafitte looked out over the island, a hint of worry on his face.

Ban and Akane returned too easily. They had made contact with a foreign force and it let them escape without any problems. It wouldn't be strange if they were attacked in the coming hours.

As if on sign, a silhouette of a person appeared from the shadows. In his hand was a sword that radiated dark energy.

"Your journey ends today."

The man came closer, revealing his appearance.

The zombie stopped in front of the ship, staring at Lafitte while he kept his hand on his sword.

"I have been tasked to capture you pirates."

"I must decline. The captain just went to sleep."

"Then I will need to resort to force. My name is Shimotsuki Ryuma. State your name."

Lafitte just shook his head as he grabbed his cane and jumped down from the ship.

"Lafitte. I will be your opponent... for now."

Lafitte said, his cane taking on a black sheen.

The zombie glanced Lafitte over once as he too drew his sword.

"So be it. Come at me."

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