To Be The Strongest

Chapter 5 - Stealing treasure

The plan had exactly gone according to plan. They managed to ambush two of Bluejam's pirates, one with spiky blonde hair, while the other wore a cap along with a hood.

They had tied up the pirates and dumped them near a swamp with alligators.

If they were lucky, they might come out alive.

Ace and Sabo were disguised by Akane's illusion and went towards the pirate ship.

Akane and Luffy watched over the situation from the outside.

Time ticked by as they waited.

Luffy and Akane became nervous, as almost an hour had passed.

When they finally couldn't take it anymore and went towards the ship, they saw Ace and Sabo coming their way.

When they stood in front of them, they were out of breath, but had a big smile on their faces.

Sabo triumphantly showed a money pouch in his hand.

He showed them the contents with a big smile.

Inside, it was filled to the brim with gold and jewels.

"Enough for a ship at least."

Sabo pointed at the city.

"But first we're going to eat. I guess we should disguise without the illusions.

I think a big cloak should be enough for Ace, Luffy and me. We could probably play it of that Akane can be our daughter…"

Sabo mumbled for sometime, shook his head and started to walk towards the city.

Ace and the rest followed, but for Luffy and Akane the journey was a bit hard.

Walking across the piles and mountains of trash proved to be harsh, as they didn't know if their foothold would remain.

One miss step could make the whole pile start to collapse.

Akane tried at least to be careful, but Luffy seemed to enjoy making the piles collapse.

It seemed like no matter how hard he fell wouldn't hurt.

Akane worried a bit and asked if he was fine.

"Ah, it doesn't hurt, because I'm made of rubber."

To prove it, Luffy pulled on his cheeks, which stretched impossibly far.

"I ate the Gomu-Gomu no mi, which made me a rubber man."

"Sugoi!" Akane clapped in her hands after which she tried pulling on his skin too.

It felt really strange. It felt like she was touching skin, yet it also felt like rubber.

"Ne, Luffy, from who did you get that straw hat? It looks really nice."

Akane had wanted to ask before, but grandpa Garp had been there, while Ace had pulled her away afterwards.

She really wanted to know, cause the hat looked really familiar to her.

"My hat? I got it from a pirate named Shanks. Because of Shanks I really want to become a pirate."

Luffy said, his eyes looked as if they were sparkling.

"Aah? You know Shanks nii-sama?"

Akane was really surprised. No wonder the hat looked so familiar, it had been her brother's hat before.

"Eh, nii-sama? You know Shanks too?"

Luffy seemed as surprised as her.

"Yeah! Shanks is my big brother. Before I got here I was planning to find nii-sama. He really worries me. He told me everything was fine, but then the news bird came and I saw him without his left arm. Honestly, he dares to lie to me. So I was planning to find him and tell him to take better care of himself."

Akane puffed out her cheeks in annoyance.

"Ah, I'm sorry."

Akane didn't know what Luffy was saying.

Why was he apologising to her?

"Shanks lost his arm because of me, he was protecting me after I almost drowned. Then a big sea king came and took his arm."

Luffy seemed as if he would start crying any second now.

Akane was shocked and tried to calm Luffy down in the meantime.

"Eh? But it's Shanks nii-sama's own fault. It's not Luffy-nii's fault."


Luffy looked at her with teary eyes.

Akane nodded.

"Let me tell you a secret Luffy-nii. Shanks nii-sama doesn't like cry babies. That's what he told me when he left and I was crying."

Luffy immediately tried to hold in his tears, while sniffling.

"Un, I won't be a cry baby."

Having her question answered and Luffy calmed down, they followed after Ace and Sabo.


Getting into the city didn't prove to be as difficult as they thought.

Luffy, Ace and Sabo were standing on each other's shoulders, while Akane had managed to camouflage herself with an illusion.

The soldiers only gave them a short look, after which they managed to enter the Goa kingdom.

The four of them walked through the streets of the kingdom, picking out the most expensive restaurant they could find.

They walked inside and were greeted by the owner. The owner looked at them with disdain, but after Sabo showed him a golden crest, the owners face changed to that of a bootlicker.

He showed them to the most expensive room and handed them the menu.

Sabo and Ace, having done this before, ordered a whole list of dishes. The waiter almost beamed when he heard the order, all too glad to pass it on to the cook.

Within minutes the dishes stood on the table, after which the waiter left them be.

The four of them undid their disguises and started to eat as if their live depended on it.

As soon as the table was empty, they would order more until they couldn't eat anymore. When it was said couldn't, it would depict a whole table load full of empty plates. Luffy, Ace and even Akane ate a lot.

Sabo and Ace opened the window and motioned them to leave.

They could hear the owner of the restaurant yelling at them when they ran away.

Following their eating spree, they would battle with the thugs on the streets whenever they bothered them. Every time they battled, there was a really loud laugh in the back ground as Luffy seemed to really enjoy himself.

The fights gave them a lot of fighting experience. Though not in the terms of weapon experience and more in all out brawls.

When they had enough, they left for the Gray Terminal.

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

Sabo waved them goodbye, while Ace stayed behind.

"Sabo, why don't you come live with us? Those pirates might find out we took their treasure so it would be safer if you stayed with us."

Sabo turned around, a bit shocked at Ace's words, but he really wanted to go with them.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, there's enough room anyway."

Sabo nodded vigorously, happy he doesn't have to return to the Gray Terminal and can go with the rest.

Together they left for the forest, heading towards Dadan's cabin.


Meanwhile somewhere in the new world, Shanks received a letter. As soon as he read it, his face became as white as a sheet, followed by orders for departure.

Shanks' crew was filled with confusion, but laughed at him as soon as they heard the reason.

It would be a while before Shanks could calm down.

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