To Be The Strongest

Chapter 58 - Sabaody Archipelago VIII

"What to do, What to do... We still have a day to wait. I'm so bored!"

Akane yammered as she walked around the groves.

They had spent two days here and Rayleigh was almost done with the coating. It would have been done earlier, if it was not for a few annoying bounty hunter who visited their ship. If they were lucky, the coating would be done in an hour or two and then they could leave.

Luckily they had Soren on the crew now, so any damages were easily repaired.

Sighing once more, Akane continued to stroll around. Ban had left earlier, as he wanted to fill their vaults to the brimm, so he left her to her own devices. Truly a bad choice, as going with Ban would have been ten times, no a hundred times better than walking around on her own.

"I want to depart already. Everything is taking so long, I'm dying of boredom."

Eventually after taking a rest at the nearest tea shop, a poster on the wall caught her attention.

A familiar figure was posing proudly as fire was burning around him.


Portgas D. Ace

Bounty: 160.000.000 beri

Dead or Alive

(A/N: There is no indication on what his earliest bounty is, so I made one up. Thanks for the reader Lyus for inputting a estimate to what the bounty might be. It was previously 80mil, but it has been changed to the current one for certain reasons, such as the fact Ace consumed a Logia devil fruit, one of the strongest ones at that.)



Oh my, so Ace had departed as well. Grabbing the few bounty posters, Akane had a glance at all of his crew mates.

So he was now the captain of the Spade Pirates. Good for you Ace.

Smiling brightly at the fame Ace was getting, Akane stuffed the poster in her sleeve, intending to keep an eye on his bounty.

'I wonder when he will get here?'

Pondering, Akane slowly drank her tea.

Only one and a half year left before Luffy sets out as well. Knowing him, he will just ask anyone to join his crew. It wouldn't be strange to see some weird ones among them.

"Hey you! I finally found you, get her!"

A familiar voice called out, making Akane look up from her cup. Standing on the opposite side of the road, Akane spotted the celestial dragon from before. He had less soldiers with him this time, but he was still laughing stupidly.

"I will make her my pet!"

The soldiers around him rushed forward.

Akane couldn't help but get annoyed.

She was bored, but did the universe need to give her trouble to get rid of the boredom. This was just too much, alright!

Creating illusions around her to show multiple versions of her, Akane nimbly jumped on top of the building, looking on from above as the soldiers jumped at the mirages, flying straight through.

"Annoying! You are all useless! It was one bitch, one fuċkɨnġ animal! Is it so hard to catch it!?"

The celestial dragon yelled out in anger, pulling out his gun and shooting at the crowd to vent his rising frustration and fury.

'Now that won't do at all...'

Frowning a bit, Akane jumped down, making herself look like one of the guards and drew closer to the Celestial Dragon. The Celestial Dragon didn't seem to take any notice at all, only laughing in joy at the sight of the pedestrians screaming and bleeding.

"Die, you insects!"

He continued to laugh, emptying out his gun and killing over a dozen people.



The Celestial Dragon looked down towards his ċhėst, his eyes focused on the sword portuding straight through it. He could feel it, going straight from his lower back right between his upper ribs. Blood seeped from his lips, as the sword had surely torn right through one of his lungs. The Celestial Dragon feebly tried to move away, in the hopes of saving himself.

Another sword appeared that stabbed right through his throat, stopping any scream that might come out.

A soft whisper was heard behind him.

"How does it feel to die like an insect, Hmmm?"

He wanted to scream out in fear, but his voice didn't come out. Any word he wanted to say was only drowned out by the blood filling up even more of his lungs. Blood splattered from his mouth, frothing with every labored breath. His sight became blurry, his knees starting to buckle.

Drawing out her sword from the pigs body, Akane slashed it outward, splattering the blood on the ground, leaving her blade sparkling clean.

The Celestial Dragon lost all support, falling lifelessly to the ground.

Akane quickly hurried away. It was only a few seconds later that the guards realised their charge had died without them knowing.

"Call an Admiral! Hurry! evacuate the other Celestial Dragons!"

Orders were called out as the pedestrians fled the scene. All the pirates present rushed towards their ships, wanting to have nothing to do with this nightmare that had started out of nowhere. They had to leave as soon as possible, before the admiral arrived!

"I wonder if Ban managed to clear their vaults out?"

Akane muttered as she casually walked back to her ship.


At the same time.

Ban whistled leisurely, throwing bag after bag of gold from a marine ship into a smaller ship beside it.

All the marines that had been present had been rounded up and knocked out in the ships hold.

So far he had stolen about twenty billion beri from only one Celestial Dragon. How much would it be if he cleared out the others as well? There were still three more ships to go after all.

Humming in delight, Ban gave a loud whistle.

From below the water, a scally head poked up, glancing at Ban as if questioning why it was called.

"Don't look at me like that! Move the ship to ours before the Marines get back. I'll call you again when I've cleared out the other ships as well."

Indra, the pet Leviathan, had grown large enough to pull their own ship. Luckily it could shrink and enlargen as much as it wanted to, so keeping it wasn't that big of a hassle.

Indra nodded, grabbing a few lines that hung from the side and pulled the small boat towards their own ship.

"What a great haul! On to the next one~"

Ban's afternoon was spent clearing out the vaults on the marine ships. Not even the food, weapons and canon balls were spared. The only things left were the undėrwėȧr, as he didn't want to guess if those were clean or not.

When an alarm went off in the ships, calling out that a Celestial Dragon was killed, only then did Ban leave, satisfied with the loot he had gotten.

The day was going well for him.

He wondered what the little fox was doing?

He had a faint inkling who killed the Celestial Dragon, making him annoyed she hadn't taken him with her.

He would have loved to kill one as well.

Humming in happiness and slight annoyance, Ban returned to the ship to await his captain.. They would be leaving as soon as possible after all, so no need to stall any longer.

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