To Be The Strongest

Chapter 60 - Under the sea~

(A/N: Last chapter for this week. Next week it will go back to one chapter/week)

After Akane and her crew had sank below the surface, above the surface was a mess. The marines had stopped all ships that were trying to depart, sinking more than a few of them when they inferred the owners were pirates. Needless to say, a lot were arrested and sent to Impel Down.

When Kizaru arrived, that was the scene he was seeing. On one of the marine ships were the group of Celestial Dragons, who were more than dissatisfied with the situation. The complained a lot, aiming their guns at the marines that were trying so hard to protect them.

"Any news about the Demon Fox pirates?"

Kizaru asked after he had looked around. He hadn't sensed them with his haki, so the chances were slim that they had been captured.

"No admiral. So far we have searched half the Archipelago. Chances are that they have managed to escape in the time that they had."

An officer replied, saluting to Kizaru.

"Too bad... As there is nothing left to do for me, I will take a quick look around before I'll leave. You seem to be doing just fine without me."

Before the officer could reply, Kizaru had disappeared.

Kizaru made a quick sweep across the Archipelago, noting that there was indeed no sign of the Demon Fox pirates. They must have been able to escape.

Reaching for his den-den-mushi, Kizaru contacted Sengoku.

"Sengoku-san, the fox has fled before I arrived."

"Haah... I see... You can return to your previous duties. It seems I need to renew some of the bounties."

"Lucky you. A few officers will contact you as well, something about a new bounty on a crew member of the Demon Fox pirates, as well as the amount of pirates that have been captured."

"I will never see the end of this paperwork..."

Chuckling at Sengoku's remark, Kizaru ended the call and returned to what he had been doing before he came here.

When he left, he just missed the outraged cries of the Celestial Dragons after they discovered the empty vaults. Kizaru was quite lucky.


"Indra! Watch out for any big sea kings! They might be stronger than you."

Akane yelled at Indra, her cute not so small Leviathan. Indra had opted to pull the ship forward, a notion that Akane agreed to whole heartedly. Seems like Indra wanted to be of help as well.

Indra roared in understanding, pulling the rope a bit faster.

"You're doing great Indra-chan!"

"He really is a big strong fella..."

"He's scary alright. He's bending the currents, as well as slapping sea kings away like they are sea slugs. Scary!"

Mero, Asher and Duke all commented on Indra, who once more increased his speed.

"Now go down that current!"

Mero yelled, calling out to Indra which way he should go.

While those three were busy, Shinobu was scolding her three crew mates.

"I can't belief you were slacking. You should have been able to use the breathing styles already. If you weren't slacking off, which you did."

Akane flinched, knowing fully well she had not paid as much attention to it as she should have. Glancing at Ban and Lafitte, they were both leisurely listening to Shinobu, not taking her lecture to heart at all.

"You know, Shinobu-chan, the only one who is really compatible with the breathing style on the crew is the little fox and you. The other four newcomers don't have the right body structure, while Lafitte is too old to learn it properly. And me... well, I'm just not interested."

"Fine! If you don't want to learn it then don't. Akane-chan~ You won't be getting off easy now that Ban-san has vouched for your talent~"

Akane glared pitifully at Ban, who dodged her stare all together.

"Now continue training, Akane-chan. I expect you to memorise the breathing style and the forms of the water-style by the time we arrive at fishman island."

Not getting of easy, Akane was forced to once again go through the motions, having the forms and the techniques hammered into her.

Grumbling all the time, Akane continued training as Mero and the fishmen guided Indra towards fishmen island.

Life had become a living hell for the next two day for Akane, as she didn't get a wink of sleep under the spartan training of Shinobu.

It wasn't odd that she had quickly memorized it all. Though that was all. It wasn't mastered, but it was enough for Shinobu.

Now all she needed to do was keep up her morning exercises, as well as her breathing techniques.

Only when she had mastered the water breathing and the water breathing forms was she allowed to get a break. Which meant it would take a long time before she could take a break at all.

The ship had left the dark waters, a light shining down from above. When they looked up, they could see the same kind of bubble in which their ship was encased.

"Welcome to fishmen island!"

Mero called out, smiling brightly as she had finally returned back to her home.

Asher and Duke were tearing up as well. Who would have thought that they would return after becoming a slave. Truly the good luck of a lifetime.

"Let's hurry up and go to the entrance. No need to dilly dally outside of it."

Akane yelled, a bit grumpy from the lack of sleep.

"Yes Captain!"

Indra quickly moved towards the entrance of fishmen island, where they were soon stopped by the guards.

When the guards saw Mero, Asher and Duke, they became delighted. Entry was quickly passed and the ship entered fishmen island.

"Let's get some rest and we'll set out tomorrow. Dismissed."

Akane yelled, retreating back to her cabin to get some shut eye.

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