To Be The Strongest

Chapter 66 - Fishmen Island VI

Having returned from her short but disturbing walk around the fishmen district, Akane met up with Duke, who had just returned with his mother.

His mother was a frail merfolk woman, who had been cast out from the upper levels. She had once been wealthy enough to live there, but one of the merman had taken all her money on the ȧssumption of a debt.

She was later cast to the lower levels to live, as she had not enough income to take care of herself and her children.

This in turn made her constitution worse, leading up to her having gotten an illness that affected her throat, giving her a hard time breathing above and below water.

Her name was Feris.

Having put Feris to bed, Duke returned and joined Akane and her crew.

The twins had left soon after their mother returned, opting to sleep with her.

Now that they were alone, Akane could finally discuss what she had seen. But before that, there was one other thing that needed to be laid out in the open.

"Tell me. Have you decided to remain here or do you still want to come along."

Duke and Asher looked at each other, both seeming to hesitate a bit.

Finally after a long silence, Duke cleared his throat and spoke up.

"We have both decided to remain here. There are too many things going on here and we need to safeguard our family. We're sorry we can't go with you captain, honestly. We both really wanted to come along, but family comes first before our adventure."

Asher nodded with every word Duke said, showing her felt the same.

"I understand. I really do. Especially when the tension is running high in this place, with Hody Jones stirring the pot and all."

"So you've already noticed..."

Duke muttered, looking down at his hands, not certain how he should go about this.

"It wasn't just because of Hody. This has been going on for a while now. It has been boiling for a while now, with Arlong having lightened up the hatred here, it would have been impossible for others to remain passive."

"Who's Arlong? Is it an item~"

Ban spoke up, getting curious of the name suddenly brought up somewhere in the middle.

"Ah, Arlong is a fishmen. He belonged to the sun pirates. Their former captain was Fisher Tiger. He has saved a lot of us fishmen and other slaves from the Holy land. He has a deep hatred for humans, believing in Fishmen superiority. I am leaning more towards boss Jimbei though. He is of the same opinion as the deceased queen Otohime. That we should coexist and let ourselves be known as people.

Matters will only get worse if we take up arms against all the surface dwellers."

Asher spoke passionately. He really seemed like he admired Jimbei a lot.

"Oh my, someone has a secret crush. Tell me, do you fancy boys or just this particular man? If you tell me, I can help with the general study on how to move your 'relationship' along. Physically that is, ehehehe~"

Shinobu chuckled, her eyes sparkling with sudden interest. Interest in the wrong things that is.

"Ah, Shinobu-chan. I don't think it is that kind of fancy. Come back to us Shinobu-chan~ No need to think of that dark thing. Most boys dislike that you know? ... maybe I should call Iva-chan again some times..."

Akane said, mumbling the last part softly, wondering if the two of them would get along if they met. Shinobu would no doubt be interested.

"Fufufu, I know~ But there is always a chance it might grow into something more~"

Shinobu said, not having entirely given up on the matter.

"No, not happening."

Asher firmly replied, snuffing any chance of the boys love route out before it could even begin.

"Had your fun? Then back on track. Does Neptune know about this?"

Ban asked, glancing at Duke, who avoided his gaze.

"...He does not."

Duke softly replied.


Duke just shook his head on that question. It seems the subject was a bit touchy.

"Because anyone who tries is killed silently by Hody and his group... Our father was as well."

Asher said, speaking up for Duke who kept silent.

"I guess you two tried as well and that led up to your enslavement?"

Lafitte surmissed, though still asking anyway.

Asher nodded.

"We tried. We failed after Hody found out. If not for a passing slavers ship capturing us, brother and me would surely be ten feet under by now."

Asher shuddered as fear clouded his eyes. There was clear terror in his eyes.

"Then I guess we need to have a chat up above, don't we Ban? Your pops is friends with Neptune after all."

Hearing Akane speak, Ban smirked his evil smirk, chuckling in a creepy manner.

"Yes, he should be~ Ah, I wonder what the palace looks like inside~ My fingers can't stop itching at the thought of all the good wine he has stashed away."

"Then we will see what happens later. It was fun having you with us for the short time you were. If you change your mind, you can always find us or wait till we visit again."

Having left these words to Asher and Duke, Akane and the others left the brothers behind as they went up to the upper districts again.

From there they began to search around for the Whiteboard crew, which was relatively easy. They just had to visit the Moby Dick, whitebeards main ship. Sitting on the deck, Whitebeard was overlooking his crew sparring with each other.

Glancing to the side, Whitebeards and Akane's eyes met, causing Akane to reveal her foxy smile on impulse. She could feel it. His intese stare that was deciding if she was a nuisance or not. Deciding if what she was doing her was bothersome or had some kind of intention.

This is going to be interesting!

Interesting indeed!

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