To Be The Strongest

Chapter 68 - Fishmen Island VIII

To say the palace was big would be a lie. The ceiling was so far away, she would be that there could fit more than a few giant in here. Not that surprising really, as from what she could remember, King Neptune was big, very big.

Walking just a little behind Whitebeard, Akane looked around in curiosity. This was the first time she was visiting a palace. Walking down the hallways, they ended up in the throne room.

Sitting on his throne, King Neptune greeted Whitebeard, his voice carrying a jovial undertone. It was aparent that they were good friends.

Neptune was bigger than Akane had imagine. He looked like a friendly giant, with a fishtail that is. His curly orange hair hung down his back, his beard which was of the same color and disposition, covered most of his face. On his head was a golden crown, while in his hand was a golden trident.

"I have heard about what is happening in the fishmen district-jamon. I knew it was on the bad side, but I had no idea that it had festered up till this point-jamon."

Neptune tiredly rubbed his head. The news had been shocking to hear. He was clear on the fact that there were dissatisfactions amongst the citizens living in the fishmen district, but for it to have escalated till this point...

If it had been any longer than now, he might have ended up with a rebellion in a few years.

"Neptune, it is time you handle your inner affairs. If this continues your own safety is in jeopardy."

Whitebeard said as he motioned for Akane to come forward.

"This is the captain of the demon fox pirates. She has experienced the disturbances in the fishmen district. I am sure she can enlighten us about the situation going on down there."

Glancing at the big figure of these two giants, Akane was already sure that Whitebeard was testing her. For what she had no clue. Her reliability, her loyalty to her friends, or just the fact she could earn his trust this way, who knows. It just felt more like bullying.

Scratching her fox ears, which twitched in her aparant irritated mood, Akane began to share what she had experienced down in the fishmen district and how she had managed to obtain the information.

"As only a few here know, being my crew, my devil fruit has multiple appliances. One of them is creating an illusion over myself and others to change our appearance. Using this way to move about, I stumbled upon a crowd of fishmen and merfolk who were listening to a speech from an individual called Hody Jones."

Stopping to recollect her thoughts, Akane spotted the hint of recognition in Neptunes eyes. Aha, so he knows Hody Jones. Then that makes this a lot easier than expected.

"This man spoke of fishmen superiority and the aim of massacring any surface dwellers they encountered. He also added the royal family of this island on his list of elimination targets. Now this are his words not mine, but he said that 'King Neptune does not care about the wellbeing of the citizens in the fishmen district and prefers to spend his time with humans'. The most named human in this speech of his being Whitebeard.

Two friends of mine, both fishmen that live in the fishmen district, had been saved from slavery by my cremate and doctor, Shinobu. They have relayed the fact to us that any fishmen or merfolk that had any intention to spread the news of this rising distrust, was to be killed. Their father and many others had already been killed. They themselves would have ended up with the same fate, had they not been captured by slavers."

Hearing the end of it, Neptune seemed even more depressed than before.

"This can't be delayed any longer. Citizens are dying due to my inapt ruling. I have been blind these years, giving the festering wounds time to spread and deepen. It is time to treat it all together and rip out the rotten parts."

Neptune said, his voice getting louder and louder at the end of it.

"You have gotten your fire lit again, my friend. You most likely won't need it, but if you need help, you only need to ask. I will gladly provide ȧssistance."

Whitebeard commented, clasping Neptune by the hand as the two old men made a few plans on how to clean up the fishmen district. It surely couldn't stay anymore and needed to be torn down.

Luckily there was enough housing for the residents in the cheaper but still well maintained parts of the upper levels. The people of the fishmen district wouldn't be left homeless, to fend for themselves.

Spies were send out to observe Hody for any other accomplices he might have.

In the mean time that that was happening, Neptune had offered Akane and her crew to dine with him and his family, which Ban agreed upon before Akane could answer. When she wondered why, she could hear him mutter a few words. These words being 'Secret wine stash' and 'Just a few bottles'. Ban was clearly eyeing the kings wine.

Ignoring the future troubles for the her of the future, Akane left alongside her crew towards the dinning room. As the king was busy with his reforming plans, the feast was kept small. Small in his sense of small. It was still enough for Akane to feel her stomach was about to burst.

As it was getting too late to return to the ship, Akane called up Lafitte with a den-den-mushi to share the happenings. Lafitte and Soren were slightly disappointed they weren't there, but soon returned to their usual selves. They had the whole ship for themselves after all and they could be as loud as they wanted to be.

After sharing a few pleasantries Akane hung up.

Guards were leading them around the huge palace, in case they might get lost.

Yawning, Akane couldn't help but look forward to the bed that was waiting for her.

"Do you hear that?"

Ban looked at her in confusion.

"I don't hear anything?"

Akane perked her ears, listening carefully to see if she could still hear the faint buzz she was hearing. It was still there and getting clearer.

What was that sound?

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