To Be The Strongest

Chapter 71 - Fishmen Island XI

While the others were waiting outside of the minds cape, Akane and Shirahoshi had entered Akane's mindscape.

When Shirahoshi opened her eyes she was greeted by a sea of green. Literally.

"Akane-sama, is this a tree?"

Shirahoshi said as she closed in on one of the trees she was floating near. Touching it, Shirahoshi began to smile brightly, ċȧrėssing the bark of the tree, smelling the scent of the leaves and admiring the many trees that were around her.

"That's right. This is a tree. What you see around you is a forest. That's what you call such a huge amount of trees. Come, I will introduce you to my swords."

Left confused by her statement, Shirahoshi followed Akane to a clearing with one giant tree in the middle. Sitting at the stump of the tree were the two individuals, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi.


A figure dashed towards Akane and tackled her to the ground.

"How could you! Leaving us so long and daring to use a water technique when I am clearly one who is the definition of fire! I won't accept this!"

Despite Amaterasu's angry yelling, she was firmly hugging Akane close to her ċhėst, rubbing her cheeks against Akane's hair.

At the side, Tsukuyomi was just shakking his head in exasperation. Why did this happen every time Akane visited them? This was clearly one of the reasons she chose to stay away for a while.

Deciding to break Amaterasu apart from Akane, Tsukuyomi forceful dragged Amaterasu away, the latter crying tears of lament as her hands clutched at empty air.

"Stop doing this every time! It's bothering me!"

Akane yelled, though she didn't seem that angry at all. Merely annoyed.

Straightening her clothes, Akane turned to the shocked silly Shirahoshi.

"These two are my sword spirits. The black haired woman is Amaterasu, while the white haired man is Tsukuyomi."

Shirahoshi looked once more at the two spirits, feeling they were quite funny.

"My name is Shirahoshi. It is nice to meet you, Amaterasu-sama, Tsukuyomi-sama."

Shirahoshi said, introducing herself to the two of them.

Tsukuyomi cracked a smile smile, his lips bȧrėly moving.

"It is good to see there are such nice kids near our Akane. There are too many odd balls around her."

Tsukuyomi replied, having taken out a pot of tea somewhere and pouring a few cups for himself and the others.

Yet when she looked besides her, she could spot a lake in the distance with a small island in the middle of it. At the other side, a tall mountain was visible, though only faintly, as a mist covered most of it.

Then the last odd thing was the white temple like palace floating high in the clouds, giving an imposing atmosphere.

Just besides it were a moon and a sun, both illuminating the sky in their own way.

"This place is so pretty. Is it as beautiful above the surface as it is here?"

Shirahoshi said as she couldn't help it but continue to look around. She was especially mesmerized by the countless flowers growing around them, all in different shapes and sizes. They smelled like nothing she had smelled before, nice and fragrant, but not too overwhelming.

"Less pretty. There is more to see though, as there aren't any other living creatures here. Only Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi."

Akane replied.

Shirahoshi nodded, feeling a bit sad for the two spirits who would be left here all alone when they were gone.

"Don't worry Shirahoshi-chan. We can see everything what Akane is seeing, so we won't be lonely~"

"That's good! It would be sad if you were left here all alone. It's best to meet a lot!"

Shirahoshi said, drinking the last bit of her tea.

"It is time we go back. We can't stay here too long, otherwise the others will worry."

"Yes, Akane-sama!"

Waving at Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, Akane and Shirahoshi faded away.


Opening her eyes, the first thing Akane saw was the bouncy curves of Shirahoshi's pliant ċhėst.

Shirahoshi herself woke up soon after, sitting up straight and almost launching Akane from her ċhėst. Almost, as Shirahoshi was fast enought to grab Akane in her hands, covering her with both hands as she stared in shock at the figures that were currently in her room.


Neptune looked up only to see the shocked face of his daughter, staring at all the strangers in her room.

"Shirahoshi! I'm so glad you are safe!"

Neptune yelled, throwing the playing cards in his hands to the side.

"I knew it! You were bluffing!"

Ban yelled, reminding Neptune he had been playing a card game not too long ago.

Neptune glanced at Ban, who was more into the game than the sudden awakening of the others. What a nice team mate, Neptune thought in sarcasm.

"What is wrong, father?"

Shirahoshi asked, confused as to why he and his friend Whitebeard were in her room.

Whitebeard had also put the cards to the side, waiting to see how Neptune would react.

"I was worried something had happened to you. My friend just decided to accompany me."

"I see! Father, I saw the most beautiful sights of a tree, a forest, mountains and flowers! They were so pretty! I can't wait until I can see and smell the real thing once we can go to the surface."

Seeing Shirahoshi so excited, Neptune cracked a smile as well, deciding he would ignore the act of Akane and her crew breaking into Shirahoshi's room.

"Ban! Did you do what I asked?"

From between Shirahoshi's hands, a muffled voice could be heard.

"I did captain. It's gone."

Ban replied, still looking at what hand Whitebeard had. Naturally, Whitebeard refused and kept the cards facing downwards to the ground. He wasn't about to let a cheeky son of his become his better in a game of cards!

"Good job. Then I suppose Shirahoshi can go out from now on. At least roaming around the castle should be fine."

Shirahoshi quickly placed Akane down, wondering what they were talking about.


"Oh right. Remember what I asked Ban before we went to sleep? He removed the mark that causes those weapons to fly towards you. It is destroyed, so you won't have to face such things again."

Hearing this, both Neptune and Shirahoshi teared up. While Neptune kept the tears at bay, Shirahoshi cried openly in joy.

She could finally move out again without any fear!

She could finally visit her mothers grave.

"Thank you so much, Ban-sama, Akane-sama, Shinobu-sama!"

Neptune nodded as well, stealthily wiping away the tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Then we shall take our leave. We have a palace room waiting for us to be slept in. See you tomorrow."

Without further ado, Akane and the rest left.

Whitebeard followed their example, leaving as well as he had a crew waiting for him. He hadn't been here for too long, mostly for about fifteen minutes.

This left Neptune and Shirahoshi to cry by themselves, both overjoyed at the prospect of regaining a normal life.

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