To Be The Strongest

Chapter 83 - Fighting the titans

(A/N: My last free day this week, next free day is on Tuesday, so expect an update then. For the one who keeps posting a reminder in the chapter comments, followed by a deletion, keep up the good work, cause I am prone to forget to update as you might have noticed. It is very much appreciated! Enjoy the chapter.)

As most of the people in brown uniforms congregate at a certain place, Akane and Shinobu had arrived near the hole. More than a dozen titans had gotten inside, all from varying sizes.

Once the titans saw them, they rushed towards them.

"Time to play our part. Shinobu, stay close to me. You aren't strong enough to gouge out their flesh, even if armament haki helps."

"Then I will stick with you. I'll make sure to shar my observations."

Shinobu replied, as she smiled gently at the titans.

Nodding, Akane swiftly made her way across the rooftops, her swords in her hands as she rushed towards the larger titans first. They rushed forward, their mouths gaping open in aparent hunger as they snapped it open and close.

"Time to clean up."

Using the walls of the buildings as suport, Akane hopped back and forth, slashing out pieces of flesh from their necks, as well as cutting of legs in an attempt to slow them down.

"Ara. It seems cutting the neck truly is a vital point of information. They regenerate their limbs if they aren't cut there. When they are cut in the neck, they die. How interesting."

Shinobu noted.

"It is."

Akane replied, as she too had noticed the abnormality of it.

"Then do continue, Akane-chan. I want to discover more about these strange creatures."

Sighing at the sudden curiosity of her crew doctor, Akane continued the 'clean-up' she was doing.

The walls of these places were brittle, too brittle to withstand the force she used to propell herself forward. It would collapse as soon as she used them, making her ways of maneuvering a lot more complicated.

From time to time, she was able to utilize her flying ability, though it was a lot weaker compared to when in fox form. It was as strong as just creating a solid like platform to step on.

And even that was only limited to only a few steps withing a few seconds.

The titans fell one by one, but their numbers didn't seem to drop at all. It wasn't strange though, as the breached wall let in more and more titans as time went on.

Let's just hope Ban and Lafitte can think something up to deal with that.

With that in mind, Akane continued her ȧssault, attacking titan after titan with no end in sight of the ending.




"So... Have a plan in mind yet?"

Ban said as he swung his Courechouse at an approaching titan, hitting it in the joints, effectively breaking them.

The regeneration sprung into action, but not fast enough to avoid the titan from stumbling. In that slim moment, Ban used his hunter fest, stealing a lot of the titans vitality, limiting its healing.

The rest was easy, as it sagged to the ground, rendering it helpless to the follow up attack of Lafitte, who gouged out the back of the titan's neck.

"I have, but it will be annoying."

Lafitte replied, as they continued the current battle tactic at the upcoming titans.

Ban smirked, and said "Hoh, the elaborate."

"The hole to the wall is big, as good as impossible to fill up with the needed materials. Some things in the vicinity could be of help, such as using the captains giant fox form to pile up rubble, such as the buildings in the surroundings. This however, takes too much time, making it easier for the titans to surround us. Our best bet would be to search for helpful allies amongst the army of this island."

Lafitte explained, as they moved up to one of the rooftops after having dealt with most of the titans in their near surroundings.

Ban nodded, tapping his chin as he too thought of the possibility of this working.

"It is a decent plan, but it would be annoying to pile up enough buildings and make it dense enough to withstand the force of the titans, don't even mention that collosal titan. Maybe something else would work better. Argh! I'm not good at thinking up a plan. Let's go find those army guys and see what they have in mind."

Ban yelled, ruffling his hair in annoyance.

Standing up, he looked around to find out where they might be.

Right then, a cannon was heard.

Not that it was that odd to hear one, but this was a single shot, one not even being used near them, where the titans were congregating.

"Seems they have something fun going on as well. Want to find out what?"

"I rather not, to be honest."

Lafitte replied, only for it to fall on deaf ears.

"Then let's go to the party!~"

"Why does he even ask?"

Smoke was rising all over it, the sight of the crowd of army personel the only thing visible.

"Oi oi, what the heck is that?"

Ban exclaimed, as he narrowed his eyes and peered through the dust cloud. He could vaguely see the silhouette of a titan, a rather big one at that.

It's eyes stared forward, seemingly at nothing, it's body only partially formed. Standing below its disintegrating form were the three figures of the teens they had seen before, Eren, Mikasa and their blonde friend.

"Those kids are really amusing, I tell ya."

Ban muttered as he sat down on the wall.

"They are indeed. But from the state of things, it has appeared that they have turned against each other, the army and the kids."

Lafitte noted, flying down the wall, completely unnoticed by those around him. He blended in their ranks with none the wiser as he came closer to the whole spectacle. The blonde kid had been passionately speaking, saluting heartfelt at his fellow men, but none seemed to be truly moved by it.

The one that called the shots was about to order something again, but a cold blade to the neck stopped the man in his tracks.

"It truly is annoying to see the incompetent at work. Shouldn't you be focussing on the mess outside this square? It makes our hard work seem like nothing."

Lafitte murmured, his usual smile on his face as the man in charge slowly lowered his hands.

"And you, do keep your subordinates from killing usefull kids."

Turning his gaze backwards, Lafitte glanced at a balding head of the one truly in charge of this whole affair.

"You beat me to it, so I have no concerns at the moment."

The bald guy said, after which he took away the kids to hear their stories.

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