To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1077: You've got it

   Chapter 1077

  After finishing speaking, Qi Li looked at his friend and asked, "Why do you seem to be interested in Gu Chen?"

   "No, just asking." After the man said, he picked up the wine glass and touched Qi Li, raising his head and taking two sips.

  Qi Li did not ask more when he saw his friend, only if he was really curious and asked a few more questions.

  However, curiosity is useless. Qi Li doesn't know much about Gu Chen.

  On the bib, there was the bib that Zhong Yanting issued to prosecute Ning Meng first, and then Zhou Xuanming's bib that sarcastically scolded Ning Meng, and in just a short while, the entire bib's comments fell on Jian Sangyu's side.

  More people still think that Ning Meng must hate Jian Sangyu for not forgiving her for causing her to be blocked, so she deliberately spilled sewage on Jian Sangyu.

  This matter was resolved so easily.

  So, when Jian Sangyu later called Gu Chen to talk about this, she could still talk to Gu Chen with a smile.

  The work of the studio, Jane Sangyu, has been handed over to Zhong Yanting, so Zhong Yanting has been really busy recently that he is spinning like a top every day.

  Many formalities, Jian Sangyu heard it loudly. Usually Zhong Yanting brought some documents to sign for her. She just glanced at it and signed.

   Later, after file after file, Jian Sangyu's head was big.

   Busy time, it flies like a blink of an eye.

  After shaking God, it turned out to be Friday.

  Wake up early on Friday morning, Jian Sangyu is in a particularly good state of mind. He wakes up early in the morning and is always in a good state at work.

  As if I can’t feel tired, I’m busy until the sun sets.

  Jian Sangyu didn't film the movie at night, so she stopped work before six o'clock. After changing her costume, she didn't even have time to take off her makeup, so she pulled Zhou Keke all the way back to the hotel.

  Jian Sangyu wanted to go back to the hotel earlier to remove her makeup and wait for Gu Chen to come to her, but she did not expect that as soon as she swiped in the room card, she saw that Gu Chen was already in her room and was organizing things for her.

  "Why are you still standing at the door? Not coming in?" Gu Chen folded the clothes at hand and put them in the closet for Jian Sangyu, turned his head and spoke to the person standing still at the door.

  Jian Sangyu moved, closed the door and walked in.

But after walking two steps, I changed to running. I ran towards Gu Chen all the way and rammed into Gu Chen’s arms directly, holding Gu Chen’s waist with both hands, and his face was in Gu Chen’s arms. It's rubbing hard.

  "Why did you come so early! Why didn't you tell me when you came!" Jian Sangyu was complaining, but his eyes were full of smiles, "Also, why did you come into my room?"

   "If you want to come in, the more natural way is to do it." Gu Chen rubbed Jian Sangyu's head with his hands, and asked with a low laugh, "Happy to see me?"

   "No!" Jian Sangyu retorted subconsciously.

   "Anyway, you are duplicity, and you don't have a few truths in your mouth." Gu Chen hesitated, "Isn't it happy that you ran all the way in?"

   "Then a little bit." Jian Sangyu stretched out **** and gestured a little bit.

   "A little bit?" Gu Chen raised his eyebrows, "Holding so tightly, wouldn't it be that you started holding your fingers and waiting for today since I sent you back?"

  The expression on Jian Sangyu's face was obvious, and she was stupid.

  When Gu Shen saw it, the smile on his face was even harder to hide.

   "It seems that I guessed it?" This answer made Gu Chen feel happy. He put his arms around Jian Sangyu's waist, and bowed his head to kiss her lips.

  (End of this chapter)

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