To Be With You Forever

Chapter 109: Why is it black again

  Chapter 109 Why is it blacked again


  Caller ID is your husband?

  When did she have such a person on her phone?

  Jian Sangyu’s first reaction was a fraudulent call.

  Just as many scammers now disguise their phone number as 10086 to conduct fraud, the current scammers may think that the previous set is not easy to use, so they set the scam phone as a husband for fraud.

  Jian Sangyu directly refused to answer the phone, and dragged the phone into the blacklist without saying anything. By the way, she pressed the label of a fraudulent call.

  After doing this, Jian Sangyu was still grateful to mutter, "The fraud is really clever, pretending to be a husband, and then make up a reason for his wife to help transfer an account or something, which is hard to prevent."

  Getting into the car, Jian Sangyu directly put her mobile phone in the co-pilot position and started the car and left the community.

  On the other side, Gu Chen frowned as he listened to the busy line coming from the mobile phone again and again, or the notification that it could not be connected.

  I didn’t understand it last time. This time Gu Chen already has experience, so he was hacked by Jian Sang Yula again?

In order to verify this speculation, Gu Chen went back to the room with a black face and saw that Jiang Xing was playing a game with his mobile phone. He directly reached out to grab Jiang Xing's mobile phone and quit the game, and then dialed the number that is not difficult to remember. Got out.

  Looking at the little princess egg yolk displayed on the screen, Gu Chen glanced at Jiang Xing’s face.

  The call will be connected after the call has been dialed out. It is no longer a reminder that it cannot be connected or is busy.

  The phone rang several times before Jian Sangyu parked the car on the side of the road, glanced at the call, and answered, "Hey."

   "Why is my phone blocked again?"

  Without a word of extra words, Gu Chen directly asked this question that had piled up in his heart.

   "Fuck!" Jiang Xing was not at all anger at interrupting the game. Hearing Gu Chen's words, his eyes came out almost.

  Jian Sangyu is able to bear it, and even blacked out his Gu Chen’s number again?

On the other side, he picked up Jiang Xing's call with a relaxed mood in his clothes, but he heard Gu Chen's sullen question from the phone. The two words in Jian Sangyu's heart were no smaller than Jiang Xing's. .

  How could it be Gu Chen?

and many more!

  What did he just say?

   "I blacked your phone?" Jian Sangyu looked dazed, "No, it's pretty good, why did I blacken your phone?"

  She really blocked him last time, didn’t he get him out of the blacklist later?

After   , Gu Chen didn't provoke her again, and she didn't do anything like hacking him again.

  Although I really want Gu Chen to lie on her blacklist for a lifetime, is this possible?

  Not divorced yet!

"I called you two minutes ago. It was either busy or unable to connect. I used Jiang Xing's to call you but it was immediately connected. You said you didn't block me?" Gu Chen sneered, "Jian Sangyu, although I don't play with you Gaming is addicted to mobile phones, but Gu Shen is not a fool, understand?"

  Understand, this is a rhetorical question with sarcasm, and Jian Sangyu heard it instantly that Gu Chen was really angry.

  Jian Sangyu quickly explained, "Gu Chen, I swear, I really didn’t block you, I thought about it two minutes ago..."

Jian Sangyu really thought about it for a few seconds, and then said: "In two minutes there was a scam phone that pretended to be her husband and called me with this note. I easily blacked out that number. Would you just call me on that scam phone? Call me together when you come in so it shows me busy?"

  (End of this chapter)

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