To Be With You Forever

Chapter 111: School arrival point

  Chapter 111 Learn to Point

  It can be said that when listening to the phone, there was a beeping sound that the phone was cut off. Gu Chen's emotions were indescribably strange. He threw the phone back to Jiang Xing, lit a cigarette again and started smoking.

  People pass by from time to time outside the window. Standing in this small bungalow room with only one floor on the side of the road, when you lean against the window, you can see all kinds of people passing by the roadside.

There are old ladies who have walked around in the small square nearby, and there are also children who have just returned from a classmate’s play with them. Of course, there are also young couples who are holding each other’s hands with smiles. Gu Chen walked not far in front of his eyes.

  Gu Shen picked up the phone and took a picture of the young couple. This action attracted Jiang Xing’s attention.

   "Brother, is there a situation?" Jiang Xing immediately put away his slouchy posture and pressed his voice and asked.

   "No." During the execution of the mission, Jiang Xing's veteran soldiers did not surprise Gu Chen. It was a good thing for him to maintain a high level of vigilance at all times.

However, Gu Chen was lost in thought while looking at the photo just taken while holding his phone. When Jiang Xinggan stood and looked at him for several seconds and finally couldn't help but leaned in to see him, Gu Chen asked, "Normal couples are like this. Get along?"

  Gu Chen pointed to a man and a woman in the photo and asked Jiang Xing, “I see when this man is holding this woman by the hand, this woman seems to look particularly like this.”

"Brother, where is the husband and wife? You can tell at a glance that they are unmarried couples in love, okay?" Jiang Xing silently rolled his eyes, "Look at the girl in the photo looking at her boyfriend. The look in the eyes, the gentle one can bloom a flower, can you be unhappy to be held by him?"

   "What's the difference between husband and wife and young couple?" Gu Shen hesitated, "Aren't they both a couple?"

  Jiang Xingpin has a little taste. Gu Chen dare to compare himself with Jian Sangyu's young couple.

  That's really humorous, can it compare?

  To Jiang Xing to comment, Jian Sangyu and Gu Chen are the most amazing couples in the world.

  Gu Chen’s eyes stayed on the photo for a few more seconds, and the face of Jian Sangyu that was always slightly disgusting appeared in his mind.

  He rarely took the initiative to hold Jian Sangyu's hand, especially in public.

  But the last time in the mall, when he held her, she didn't smile as happy as the girl in the photo.

  Gu Shen directly sent the photo to Jiang Xing via the button, saying: "You send it to Jian Sangyu, so she can learn something."

  Leaving a message, Gu Chen put away his mobile phone, turned around and entered the room that was still damp and cold.

   Jiang Xing stood there and was silly, his lips moved, and he muttered, why should he let him communicate?

  This kind of offense to Jian Sangyu, why doesn't Mr. Gu, President Gu do it himself?

  Furthermore, how did Jian Sangyu learn this? What to learn? Mr. Gu is holding his hands with a smile like that girl?

  That also requires him, President Gu, to please his girlfriend like that boyfriend.

  Of course, Jiang Xing still doesn't dare to say these things that can only be made in his heart. After all, he and Gu Chen are here, and he is afraid of being beaten.

  So, naturally, I didn’t dare to do nothing. Jiang Xing saved the photo after muttering enough, and then sent it to Jian Sangyu via WeChat.


  President Gu has an order, let you learn something. -The little prince of protein.

  (End of this chapter)

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