To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1118: Oh no

   Chapter 1118

  Seeing the deduction message sent by Zhou Keke, Gu Chen opened it and looked at it. It was a video.

  Playing the video, I saw Jian Sangyu’s sleepy eyes.

  The makeup on her face has not been removed yet, but she slept soundly and deeply.

  Gu Shen and her have been married for so many years and have not heard her snoring, but through the mobile phone video, listening to her soft voice, Gu Shen feels cute inexplicably.

  Seeing that Jian Sangyu is not afraid of Gu Chen, and feel relieved.

  My contact has rushed over, but it takes time, you help me take care of him. ——Mr. Gu from Jian Sangyu.

  My own business. -Zhou Keke.

  After replying late, Zhou Keke put the phone away.

   After reading the news, Gu Shen withdrew from the deduction and called Chen Xian. Gu Chen meant that before the police came, stabilize the villagers, and agreed to everything they said. At this time, he must use a delay.

  In contact with Chen Xian several times, Gu Shen also understood Chen Xian's temper to some extent, so Gu Shen didn't dare to delay any more, so he called Chen Xian.

  It’s just that when Gu Chen made Chen Xian’s phone calls one after another and no one answered them, Gu Chen realized that things might be going in the worst direction.

   At the hotel, as Zhou Keke was most worried about, the things he feared most finally happened.

  The attitude of the villagers angered the crew and some actors, especially some old actors, who met such unreasonable people on weekdays. Therefore, there was no room for negotiation at the moment, and they directly rejected the villagers’ requests.

Some of the villagers cursed with extremely ugly language. This cursing directly angered the people on the crew side. The people on both sides cursed at each other first, and then they didn’t know who pushed the other one first. He moved his hand.

  Chen Xian is also a violent temper and a short-term protector. He is so big and has never experienced such anger. As soon as his sleeves are rolled, he scolds with his throat.

  The scene gradually became out of control. Later, some villagers took out the farm tools first, and directly used the farm tools they brought to fight.

As soon as the weapon was used, blood was immediately seen at the scene. Everyone was full of vigorous young people. When they saw these peasants so fierce and timid, they ran away from the crowd. Those who were brave, took whatever they found around. When you are a weapon, you are fighting.

  The noise at the hotel can be heard by Zhou Keke hundreds of meters away.

   "Sangyu, it's not good, there is a fight over the hotel." Zhou Keke gritted his teeth, cursing in his heart, he was really afraid of something.

  After speaking, Zhou Keke immediately started the car and ran.

  Jian Sangyu was directly awakened by Zhou Keke’s bad sentence. She sat up with a dazed expression, "Why did you fight? Didn't Chen Xian control the scene? How did she fight?"

   "I don't know either." Zhou Keke responded.

   Although she was very scared at first, she felt that Chen Xian was there and she could hold back some time.

Both Jian Sangyu and Zhou Keke thought that Chen Xian would know to hold these villagers first. When Zhou Keke took Jian Sangyu away, he also sent a text message to Chen Xian, telling Chen Xian that these villagers were hiding hoes and farm tools, and let Chen Hyun be careful.

  So neither of them thought that in such a short time, they would fight directly over there.

  (End of this chapter)

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