To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1128: Blocked

   Chapter 1128

  Opening his eyes, Jian Sangyu was shocked when he could see Ji Qianbo beside him.

   "Teacher Ji, would you not guard me for a day?" Jian Sangyu sat up abruptly, and moved, dizziness for several seconds before he slowly relieved.

"Why is it frizzy? The doctor told you that you have to be gentle during recuperation these days, right?" Ji Qianbo's brows wrung slightly and couldn't hold back Jian Sangyu's reproach, seeing her sticking out tongue. With a shy smile, Ji Qianbo explained, "I went to the hotel near the hospital to rest after you fell asleep last night. If you don't believe me, see if my clothes were changed?"

  After Jian Sangyu fell asleep, there was a nurse here guarding her. Ji Qianbo did indeed go back to the hotel to rest, and did not return to the hospital until more than an hour ago.

  "Can I go to the next ward to see Cocoa?" Jian Sangyu couldn't sit still and wanted to go next door.

"It's not working for the time being. At least I have to wait until tomorrow to get to the ground. Cocoa has been taking medication all day, and has been resting. If you go, you can't chat with her." Ji Qianbo explained, "Be patient and wait for me tomorrow. Come with you."

  Jane Sangyu was rare to be obedient. Seeing Ji Qianbo seriously persuading her, she nodded and turned to the phone that was already fully charged and turned on.

  The first thing Jian Sangyu did after booting up was to go online to browse the news on Yunshen, but no matter it was the scarf or the major forums, there was no news about what happened yesterday.

  Jian Sangyu was puzzled, and Gu Chen called in.

  Jian Sangyu answered in seconds, and said in a magical tone to Gu Chen on the phone, "What a coincidence! You just called me less than five minutes after I started it!"

   "When did you lie down and sleep until now?" Gu Chen's voice was very gentle.

  Listening to Jian Sangyu’s strange appearance on the phone, Gu Chen did not tell her that he would call Jian Sangyu every half an hour from 2:30 in the afternoon.

   Until just now, this call is considered to be connected.

   "Well, I slept very hard." Jian Sangyu nodded, and admitted with a guilty conscience, and then quickly looked for the topic, "Why is there nothing that happened to us on the Internet?"

"It was blocked in time." Gu Chen explained to Jian Sangyu, "The location where you were filming was originally located in a remote location. There was such a big thing that nobody knew except the person involved, because the measures were taken in time, so this news It was suppressed and nothing came out."

  Such a major and bad social incident must be suppressed. Once it spreads, the impact will be too great and there will be too much negative energy.

  Moreover, it also has a certain negative impact on this crew.

  Of course, the biggest impact must be the local government and the local tourism industry.

  If people outside mistakenly believe that the local area is such a chaotic place because of this news, many people will be afraid of the city and dare not enter.

And the most important point is that many people on the crew were injured this time. There are not a few actors like Jian Sangyu. If the news spreads, there will be a lot of media paparazzi coming towards this side. Then, these injured The patient cannot guarantee a stable nursing environment like now.

"Everyone who made trouble last night was arrested, including those who overturned you and Zhou Keke's car. All were arrested, and none of them fell. Through investigation, the person who made trouble in the hotel last night was really Less than one-third of the people who belonged to their family members were arrested for theft, and the remaining two-thirds were incited by the village scorpion and wanted to use this opportunity to blackmail the hotel and your crew."

  (End of this chapter)

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