To Be With You Forever

Chapter 115: You are not allowed

  Chapter 115 You are not allowed to be like this

  Seeing Jian Sangyu not speaking, Zheng Shen once again fell into deep self-doubt, "Am I wrong again?"

After the muttering, Zheng Shen put the matter behind, and after recruiting Jian Sangyu to sit down, he took out the tablet from the drawer and handed it to Jian Sangyu, "Lingshan's costume is pretty good, right? By the way, the crew will have a few dinners in the evening. You will come together. They will all take part in the makeup photo shoot tomorrow. I will introduce you to some of your seniors."

  Jian Sangyu is really grateful to Zheng Shen for helping her all the time.

  In this circle, especially for those who are new to the circle like her, it is really valuable for her to meet such nobles as Xiao Ting and director Zheng Shen.

  For this, Jian Sangyu felt that she had to increase her tolerance for director Zheng Shen’s memory.

The costume of Lingshan's character is just like Xiao Wang said. It is really amazing at first glance. The pink suit was worn by Lingshan before the accident. It seems that there is a girly and charming atmosphere. The jasper color and white color added a hint of coldness and dust after going through the vicissitudes of life.

  There are many people who have dinner together in the evening, with a table for actors and a table for main staff.

  Jian Sangyu sits on Zheng Shen's left hand, the male one Jiang Chengge sits on Zheng Shen's right hand, and then the female one Chen Yuanjun, and Jian Sangyu's other side is the statement style.

  Probably because I have been in the same scene, and I have seen it during the audition, so the tone of the statement and Jian Sangyu should be familiar.

Zheng Shen probably really took care of Jian Sangyu as his younger sister. Everyone at the table was drinking wine. Only Jian Sangyu had a glass of juice in front of him. It was not that Jian Sangyu wouldn't drink it, but Zheng Shen didn't even ask her. Asked for a bunch of freshly squeezed juice for her, and because of Zheng Shen's action, those who had originally wanted to persuade the wine also stopped.

  The people on the table were drinking and talking about the script. Jian Sangyu was not very familiar with everyone, so she didn’t interrupt. Besides, she was a small supporting role, and there was really nothing to say.

It was that the statement wind suddenly found a topic and chatted with her. At first, he told her a lot of interesting things he encountered while filming. Later, he suddenly asked Jian Sangyu, "I heard Director Zheng’s assistant Xiao Wang said Do you know the little teacher?"


  Although she didn’t want to deliberately engage in relationships with the young teacher in front of outsiders, but the young teacher has to cooperate with the crew, and maybe she will see it tomorrow, so Jian Sangyu couldn’t hide it, so she admitted.

"I heard that Mr. Xiao is currently preparing a new song and is choosing MV actors. Did Mr. Xiao invite you? If so, when I get the MV male lead, maybe we still have the chance to work together again." After speaking, he smiled, "The last time I was in the scene with you, I felt very good."

   "I heard from Teacher Xiao Liao that she is planning to go to major schools to look for new talents in this MV."

Zheng Shen on the side suddenly joined the topic and said something, then looked at the statement wind and raised the glass, and said with a smile, "Look at your teacher talking to Sang Yu, how was the wine in the glass at the beginning, and how is it now? Well, this won’t work. I won’t let you get drunk tonight, but you won’t be allowed to do that.

As soon as Zheng Shen was talking like this, the people on the table focused their attention on the statement wind and Jian Sangyu. Zheng Shen stood up and patted Jian Sangyu, "I change positions with you, I have to drink well with the statement wind. Two cups."


     Zheng Shen: I have to look at my daughter-in-law on behalf of President Gu, and can't let the ghosts and spirits get close to sister Sangyu.

     Statement wind: Bull, ghost and snake, is it me?

    Jian Yinghou: In fact, as long as Gu Shen is not with my baby, my baby's IQ is very online.

     President Gu: Daughter-in-law, don’t talk to people like monsters, ghosts and snakes.

     Statement style:? ? ? ? ?



  (End of this chapter)

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