To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1159: Also pretty good

   Chapter 1159 is also pretty good

  If it wasn't for the people in the shop, he really wanted to take off her mask and kiss her.

  After a while, Jian Sangyu took her new mobile phone and was led out of the mall by Gu Chen with joy. The first thing she did when she got her mobile phone was to copy all the photos backed up on the network disk back to her mobile phone album.

At the moment the phone was broken, Jian Sangyu was grateful at the time. Fortunately, she had the habit of backing up the data in the phone from time to time. Therefore, during these times, she and Gu Chen kept a few photos of her. .

  "Don't play while walking." Gu Shen saw Jian Sangyu's forehead plunged into the phone and reminded her.

   "Okay." Jian Sangyu answered, then put the phone in her bag, turned to ask Gu Chen, "Then where are we going now?"

  "While it is still dark, I will take you to meet Lao Yang, and when you return from the Mausoleum of Martyrs, I will take you around the night market in Cannes." Gu Chen said.

   "Okay." Jian Sangyu nodded, just seeing the flower shop in front of him, dragged Gu Chen and walked forward. The two bought a bunch of flowers, and then they drove to the Mausoleum of Martyrs in Cannes.

In order to protect the peace of the martyrs sleeping here, the Mausoleum of the Martyrs in Cannes has not become a tourist attraction open to the outside world. Even though all the martyrs who belonged to Cannes for hundreds of years are buried here, Cannes still did not remove these martyrs. The story is used as a gimmick to attract tourists.

  At the door, after the officer ID presented by Gu Chen, he walked in with Jian Sangyu holding the flower.

  The Mausoleum of Martyrs is very large, but very clean. At this time, you can smell the fragrance of osmanthus everywhere.

   "By the way, Gu Shen, do Sister Shen and Brother Yang have no children?" Jian Sangyu asked curiously, "I haven't heard you and Sister Shen mentioned about children."

"I used to have one, but I couldn't keep it, and went away by accident. Sister Shen hurt her body when she gave birth to the child. She has been slowly conditioning her body for several years. She got better and just got ready. To have another child, it's a pity that Lao Yang died first." Gu Chen sighed softly. When it comes to this, I always feel regretful.

"Lao Yang has been away for a few years. Sister Shen is not too old, looks good, and independent. Later, many people persuaded Sister Shen to marry again, and many even introduced Sister Shen to someone, but Sister Shen refused. "Gu Shen said, "Sister Shen said, she has experienced Lao Yang as a husband, and enjoyed being petted in the palm of her hand. In this world, there is no one who knows how to love her better than Lao Yang. Since there is no such person, then she marrying anyone is nothing more than a general, and she doesn't feel that she needs to be married, and it’s good to stay alone with Lao Yang’s home."

  Lao Yang did not leave a son and a half to Sister Shen. As soon as Old Yang left, only the home full of his traces was left to Sister Shen.

  For a long time, that home was a place Sister Shen dared not step into.

  Later, I looked away, but Sister Shen was reluctant to leave the house.

  In other words, Sister Shen is reluctant to leave the home full of Lao Yang's memories.

   "Many people think that Sister Shen is so stubborn. When she gets old, she will regret it. There are even many people who sympathize with Sister Shen." Gu Chen said this, suddenly lowered his head and asked Jian Sangyu, "Do you think Sister Shen is pitiful?"

   "Sister Shen lost her lover, she is naturally a poor person, but she does not need anyone's sympathy, she has enjoyed the most sincere love in the world, and is willing to continue to guard that memory."

  (End of this chapter)

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