To Be With You Forever

Chapter 117: Nothing big

  Chapter 117 No big deal

   "What's the matter?" Zheng Shen's gaze was taken back from Jian Sangyu who was holding the mobile phone. He heard Jian Sangyu call Xiao Ting and knew who she was calling.

  And what's wrong with this sentence, I asked Dr. Zheng with a little smile on his face.

   Zheng Shen thought, if his cousin can laugh, it means that his situation is not too bad.

"Bad news, there is a tumor in my head. It's not small, good news, it is benign. When you came for an examination last time, you said that you have been apt to forget things recently. It was caused by this tumor." Dr. Zheng said, "Take advantage of this." As soon as the tumor has not deteriorated, it should be removed quickly. The good news is that according to the location of your tumor, the difficulty and risks of the operation are within controllable limits. To put it bluntly, if there is no accident, there is no risk and you can't die."

"Huh, I can't die, just scare me." Zheng Shen jumped off the hospital bed directly, "Just now, after drinking and drinking, my brain hurts and I feel that I can't hold the wine glass securely, and my eyes become dark when I shake my eyes. Save personnel, when I woke up and saw me in the hospital, I thought I had an incurable disease."

  Speaking of this, Zheng Shen beckoned to Jian Sangyu, "Are you calling Xiao Ting? Take it, let me talk to her."

  Jian Sangyu quickly passed the phone.

"Wife, it's nothing serious. I'm worried that it's broken, right?" Zheng Shen said to himself and laughed, "When you brought Sang Yu to the audition last time, didn't you say that my brain was sick? Then I was the next day. I took the time to come to the hospital for a full-body checkup. I didn’t expect that I was really hit by you. My brain is really sick, my wife, you’re really a god!”

  Zheng Shen's sentence, you are really amazing, but it's not a joke. The tone of praise is really serious.

  Doctor Zheng touched the tip of his nose and smiled awkwardly. That day, Zheng Shen came to the hospital and asked him to do a full-body examination. He asked him why he did it so well. Zheng Shen said that his wife said he had a brain disease, so he felt that he had to come and check to make sure he was sick and not. At that time, Dr. Zheng thought this cousin was really funny.

Later, I heard Zheng Shen say that he has a bad memory and forgets things. At first, Dr. Zheng felt that it might be that Zheng Shen has been busy and not enough rest has caused memory loss, but he also took the matter at ease and waited for Zheng Shen to do it. After the inspection, he has been personally staring at his colleagues and urging his colleagues to cut in the team and get the results earlier these days.

  Unexpectedly, the results came out in the afternoon, and Zheng Shen really had a benign tumor in his mind.

  Since Jian Sangyu was standing close, she could faintly hear Zhong Yanting crying on the phone. She was probably really frightened by Zheng Shen.

The two people, one in Kyoto and the other in City C all year round. Although they are divorced, Jian Sangyu can feel that whether it is Zhong Yanting or Zheng Shen, the relationship between them has always been , And did not decrease at all because of separation.

Such feelings undoubtedly make Jian Sangyu feel very envious. In this world, they are the people who are spoiled by their other half. Zhong Yanting is pampered by Zheng Shen, and Zheng Shen is also pampered by Zhong Yanting, but their way of pampering is different. .

  Zheng Shen took Jian Sangyu's mobile phone and coaxed Zhong Yanting in a low voice. Jian Sangyu and Xiao Wang looked at each other and walked out first.

After Xiao Wang walked out of the emergency room, he said with emotion, "In fact, Director Zheng loves Sister Ting very much."

   "I heard that Director Zheng was married earlier, is it true?" Chen Yuanjun asked while standing beside him.

   Xiao Wang realized that he had said too much, and then stood there and smiled awkwardly at Chen Yuanjun, but did not answer. Jian Sangyu treated himself as air.

  (End of this chapter)

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