To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1181: for equality

   Chapter 1181 To be fair

  Do you think I will send a screenshot to my brother, so that I can help you ask for rewards from my brother? Although your routine is very deep, but I am the king of anti routines. ——The abandoned little prince.

  Bah! ——Gu Chen's Mrs. Gu.

  What do I want, you can help me? Do you think that in Gu Chen, is it useful for you or me to speak? ——Gu Chen's Mrs. Gu.

   Jiang Xing can feel the ugly show off from Jane Sangyu across the screen.

  Well, the daughter-in-law is dear, and his younger brother was picked up.

  On the game side, Mu Mu Bu Lin has been waiting for the reply from the little princess of Egg Yolk after the abandoned little prince finished that sentence, but he waited for a long time and became more anxious.

  So, the little princess of egg yolk really likes boys with white skin?

   Still just joking?

  The little princess of egg yolk? Slipped again? ——Woods are not forests.

  I’m very curious, fair-skinned boys are more popular with girls? ——Woods are not forests.

  No no, handsome boys are more popular. ——The little princess with egg yolk.

  There is no one to tell the truth, but fortunately I am handsome. ——The most handsome boy who eats soil.

  You are no more shameless. ——It is still a small public service today

  Do you have a boyfriend? I hope you have, and I hope you will love your boyfriend till death, so that you will not fall in love with me when you see me, and I can see you with peace of mind. ——The most handsome boy who eats soil.

  Don’t worry, even if I like the little prince, I won’t like you. ——It is still a small public service today.

  No, if you talk like this, it will make me feel that I am bad. ——The abandoned little prince.

if not? Do you think you are excellent? ——It is still a small public act today.

  Am I not good? [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]——The abandoned little prince.

Do not. ——The little princess with egg yolk.

Do not. ——It is still a small public service today.

  Jian Sangyu laughed at the tacit answer between her and Lin Qiqi.

  At this time, the door of the room was knocked and Jian Sangyu’s breakfast came. She got up to open the door while holding the phone in one hand. It was also at this time that Jian Sangyu’s cell phone suddenly received a call.

   is from Gu Chen.

  Jane Sangyu opened the door and asked the waiter to push in the dining car, while answering the phone.

"I'm in the place, now the phone is going to be turned off, and I will call you when my task is over. If there is an emergency during this, you can call Jiang Xing or auntie." Gu Chen said quickly. Explained hastily.

   "Well, you are careful in everything." Jian Sangyu responded.

"Take care of yourself, eat three meals on time, no carbonated drinks, less milk tea, no ice, no spicy strips, no secretly eating spicy hot pot, rest well, and stay up late." Gu Chen was again before hanging up the phone. A long series of words were lost towards Jian Sangyu.

  He said, Jian Sangyun said, and at the end, she was confused.

  How can someone say so many sentences in one sentence?

   "Also." After finishing the explanation, Gu Chen took another sentence, "Remember to miss me. To be fair, I will miss you too."

  Jane Sangyu held her mobile phone and couldn’t help but laughed, “I’m going to start work tomorrow. I definitely don’t have time to miss you, so to be fair, you don’t need to miss me.”

  Gu Shen hesitated, and wanted to say something, but there was no time, so he could only put on the next sentence, "I owe it! Wait!"

  Then hang up the phone.

   Listening to the beeping sound on the phone, Jian Sangyu’s smile became more obvious, this guy should be angry again?


     good night~~



  (End of this chapter)

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