To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1194: Someone behind

   Chapter 1194

Sister Shen paused, and then went on to say: "He often has no food for several days and grabs children’s snacks to fill his stomach. Sometimes he will go to the street to get steamed buns and run away without paying. It’s right to say that this person’s financial ability cannot afford to live in the Jingyuan Hotel." Sister Shen said, "People in the nearby villages all know him."

  Jingyuan Hotel is a super five-star hotel. Even if it is an ordinary standard room, it costs nearly 1,000 yuan a night. How can a person who can earn less than 1,000 yuan a month be able to live?

"The people at the front desk were very impressed with him, because he wore sloppy clothes when he came to check in yesterday. At first he came in slippers and big pants. The lobby manager couldn't bear to ask him out once. Changed a pair of trousers and wore a pair of half-old sandals." Xu Minwei said, "The change of the room is to make an appointment through the Internet, and then pay cash when checking in."

"In this way, there is no such a phenomenon that he has become particularly rich in a short time, or even so rich that he can afford to live in the Jingyuan Hotel." Jian Sangyu said in a low voice, "It is not an autonomous behavior, that is, being This kind of behavior is only after the promotion."

It’s easy to analyze, this person can’t afford to stay in this kind of hotel, but he just opened a room for one night in a hotel that is incompatible with him. That means that someone helped him behind his back and gave him money. Come.

  Jian Sangyu thought, and Sister Shen said just now that this person has never been married in her life because of misconduct. Then, she cannot be this person's daughter.

  Furthermore, even if there is a woman who is really blind and willing to give birth to a child for her unmarried pregnancy, she can't look at her age. When Jian Sangyu was born, this person was only fifteen or six years old.

   "Mr. Xu, did he come alone when he came to the hotel to check in?" Jian Jialang asked.

  "The front desk said that he came alone twice before and after." Xu Minwei responded, "He checked in at the hotel after dinner last night, and checked out at three or four in the middle of the night last night and left the hotel."

  Speaking of this, Xu Minwei asked Jian Sangyu, "Does Miss Jian know him?"

  If you don’t know him, how could Jian Sangyu want to check the 1933 guest room customer information?

   Looking at Jian Sangyu’s expression, she did not feel that she knew this person at all.

   "I don't know." Sister Shen answered this question instead of Jian Sangyu, "How long did she come to Cannes and work every day, and how would she meet him? If she knew each other, I didn't need to say so much just now."

   "Can I watch the surveillance video now?" Jian Sangyu looked at Xu Minwei.

   "Okay, I'll get the computer." Xu Minwei agreed without hesitation, got up and took the fruit notebook from his desk, plugged in the USB flash drive he had brought up, and directly played the video for Jian Sangyu.

"In this file are all the video recordings of all corners of the hotel yesterday. In this separate file are the recordings of guests in the 1933 guest room that appeared on the camera from entering and leaving. By the way, the last one is all the surveillance video files you showed up. As long as the surveillance video of you is here, which one do you want to watch first?" Xu Minwei's slender finger pointed in front of the computer screen.

   "Let's see if he shows up first." Jian Sangyu thought, she has no clue now, even if she watched the video all day, it might not be useful, maybe it would be a waste of time.

  (End of this chapter)

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