To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1227: The Proud Girl of Heaven

   Chapter 1227

"Okay." Although Jian Sangyu really wants to know how Gu Chen has been through the past few days, why he has strained his nerves too much, but Mr. Gu just took Jian Sangyu to know that this is something that cannot be said, so She doesn't ask too much.

  Old man Gu didn't say when Gu Chen would return, so he was not sure when Gu Chen would return.

  So Jane Sangyu began to lie in the room that night, squinting his fingers when Gu Chen might be back.

The room where she and Gu Chen are sleeping in Gu's house is the room before Gu Chen’s marriage. Therefore, almost every part of the room is filled with Gu Chen’s breath and shadows, as far as the decoration and book in the room belong to Gu Chen. .

  Jian Sangyu shook her phone for two days, but failed to count Gu Chen back, but first counted the film festival.

As one of the leading actors in one of the finalists of the awards, Jane Sangyu needs to show her face on the big screen of the film festival, so after lunch, Jane Sangyu was picked up by Xiaoyin and went to do the styling first. Jane Sangyu took up her dress. Good figure, good temperament, good looks, in order not to be too popular to crush the heroine and the second girl, so she just randomly selected a white knee-length dress with a pair of silver high heels. Put her out of a professional aura.

   is not overwhelming, but it will not reduce oneself to passers-by A, B, and C who are not concerned.

  At the beginning of the film festival, there was a red carpet link. Jian Sangyu directly followed the crew and walked in with several people in a row.

   Although Jane Sangyu was a small supporting role, because of her own popularity, as soon as the crew appeared at the end of the red carpet, all the media focus suddenly shifted over.

  Jian Sangyu walked all the way, her smiling face was almost stiff, and when she was almost wondering if she was about to be unable to hold on, she was regarded as following the director and they sat down.

  There is a big screen in the infield where you can see the red carpet in the outfield. After sitting down, Jian Sangyu looked down at the big screen like the people beside him.

  At this glance, it was also very shocked. The three people who appeared on the big screen last time were actually her acquaintances.

On the screen, Yang Yunrui in a black dress is walking on the red carpet with her daughter Ji Lanxi, who is wearing the same black dress of the same series. Because of Yang Yunrui's identity, at this moment, both the outfield and infield people are staring at Yang Yunrui's mother and daughter. Look.

   "I heard that Yang Yunrui's daughter has just returned from studying abroad, and it seems to have the meaning of joining this circle." Someone on the side began to share this mother-daughter gossip with people close to her.

Seeing Jian Sangyu sitting here, the heroine of the same crew turned her head and said to Jian Sangyu, "By the way, you have a good relationship with Senior Ji. You should have known the relationship between Senior Ji and Teacher Yang early? Then you and this Ji Lan Do you know Xi?"

Someone on the side picked up the words first, "An older brother is a powerful singer, an independent musician, shaking hands with many resources, and his mother is a singer and an artist. If I remember correctly, Mr. Yang Yunrui’s husband should be a background. Guard, right? This Ji Lanxi is really like the proud girl of heaven. All good resources are occupied by her. If she wants to make her debut, she will soon become popular."

  (End of this chapter)

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