To Be With You Forever

Chapter 123: This can't escape

  Chapter 123 This can't be avoided

At this time, on the train returning home, Jiang Xing looked at Gu Chen, who was always sitting on the side like an old cadre. He sneered in his heart and muttered that it's no wonder Jian Sangyu didn't like Gu Chen to go home. Changing him, facing such a husband like your uncle also has obstacles in his heart.

  After editing Gu Shen, Jiang Xing took out his mobile phone and went online, opened the scarf, and just prepared to see that Jian Sangyu hadn't released a new scarf in the past few days, but was first attracted by the hot topic of the scarf.

   "Jian Sang Yu Lingshan? Same celebrity?" Jiang Xing clicked in with curiosity, while raising his head to take a few sips of mineral water, the network was particularly slow on the way, sometimes sometimes, sometimes not.

  A bib with a picture was opened slowly like a snail that jumped for more than a minute.

Jiang Xing was thinking about taking a screenshot of the same name as the little princess of his egg yolk to show Jian Sangyu the excitement, not to mention that this was also called the piano genius, so he was so similar to the Jian Sangyu he knew. People are more interested.

  The picture buffered slowly. When the picture finally opened, Jiang Xing lowered his head and glanced casually. The next second, he poked out a sip of water and directly faced the face of the opposite teammate, washing his face for the opposite teammate.

"Damn! Jiang Xing, do you want to be so disgusting!" The teammate on the opposite side made a face, and he exploded. He lifted his foot and kicked Jiang Xing on the other side, and then directly swept the water on his face. Rubbed it on the clothes.

   Jiang Xing was in a state of bewilderment. He didn't expect to hide at all. He gave him a kick, and then the phone in his hand slammed into the ground.

   "Damn, can't you escape?" The teammate on the other side scratched his head in shock when he saw that Jiang Xing's phone fell to the ground.

   "What did you just say?" Gu Chen was sitting next to Jiang Xing, so when Jiang Xing was muttering just now, he heard Jiang Xing mention Jian Sangyu and another person's name.

  Jiang Xing's phone fell under Gu Chen's feet. After Gu Chen asked, he bent over to help Jiang Xing pick up the phone.

   But when Jiang Xing saw Gu Chen's action, he almost frightened his soul, not an exaggeration.

"Brother! Brother!" Jiang Xing quickly grabbed Gu Chen, leaned forward quickly, picked up the phone and threw it in his pocket, then smiled at Gu Chen, "Brother, how can such a small thing of bending over? Let you come, I am a brother, so I can come by myself!"

   Just kidding, he can only help Jane Sangyu as much as he can! How could this matter spread from his side to Gu Chen's side.

   Jiang Xing took back the phone and glanced at the enlarged picture. The first reaction in his heart was that the little princess of his yolk is beautiful. Among the group photos of people, the little princess of his yolk is the most eye-catching.

   Then quietly saved Jian Sangyu’s single photo and another photo of Jiang Xing who felt familiar but did not recognize who it was for a while, and then sent the two photos to Jian Sangyu’s WeChat.



  Jane Sangyu, did you borrow 500 pairs of bear-hearted leopards from the sky? -The little prince of protein.

  Who gave you the courage to be an actor? -The little prince of protein.

  My brother doesn’t know about this, right? Does the old man know? -The little prince of protein.

   Jiang Xing was a little anxious and worried. If it wasn't for Gu Chen who was next to him, he would definitely choose to call Jian Sangyu directly instead of waiting for Jian Sangyu to reply to him like he is now.

  (End of this chapter)

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