To Be With You Forever

Chapter 131: Good luck baby

  Chapter 131 Good luck, baby

  When Gu Shen was on the way, he guessed that Jian Sangyu might not be at home, but he never expected that when he got home, he would see Jian Sangyu sorted out and put it in the suitcase of the guest room.

  In the bedroom, almost nothing belongs to her.

   Seeing the empty cloakroom, Gu Chen's mood, but the so-called so-called is like a thorn in his heart.

  What does she mean?

   After finishing things, are you afraid that he will settle the accounts after he comes back in the autumn so that he can run away from home?

  Gu Shen squeezed his temple, took out his mobile phone and dialed Jian Sangyu’s phone number.

  In the private club, Jane Sangyu was listening to Mina's wonderful comments on Kyoto, and even the smell of hot pot restaurants in major cities near Kyoto. Suddenly, her mobile phone rang, and Jane Sangyu glanced at the call and was taken aback.

   "I didn't expect it to come so soon." Jian Sangyu couldn't help but laughed at herself, and then picked up the phone under Mina's slightly worried gaze.

   "Hey..." Jian Sangyu just had time to say a word when the phone was interrupted mercilessly by the person over there.

   "I don't care where you are now, I will see you at home within an hour." Gu Chen hung up after he pressed this sentence.

  Mina asked Jian Sangyu, who looked at her cell phone in a daze, "Is it Gu Zhai's? Or Gu Chen's brother?"

   "Gu Shen." Jian Sangyu picked up the paper bag on the table and then stood up, "I can't eat together at noon. I'm going back first, Mina, good luck."

  Jane Sangyu sighed deeply after speaking.

  I had never been so frightened before participating in the highest competitions. Now she, about Mo is just like Mina when she participated in the college entrance examination.

   "Good luck, baby." Mina hugged Jian Sangyu and watched her leave with the file.

  Where does it take an hour to arrive home from a private club?

  Jane Sangyu arrived downstairs in only twenty minutes. After ten minutes of mental construction downstairs, she entered the elevator hall and got on the elevator.

  The sound of the door made Gu Chen, who was sitting in front of the coffee table, raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the door. After a sound, Jian Sangyu's figure appeared in front of him.

  He sat there watching Jian Sangyu keep his head down to change shoes, then walked in and stopped in front of him.

   "You..." Jian Sangyu clasped the file bag tightly, her voice trembling, looking at Gu Chen's gloomy expression, she asked, "You all know, right?"

  It is not difficult to guess what the answer to this question is.

  Gu kept his eyebrows still, his expression indifferent, "How do you explain?"

  Gu Shen turned on the phone and showed the page in front of Jian Sangyu’s eyes, "This is the art work in your mouth? Jian Sangyu, I really underestimated you before. Your ability to lie is unmatched."


how to explain?

  There is no room for explanation in this matter.

Jian Sangyu gently pushed Gu Chen's phone back, and then handed it over the file bag that had been stained with the sweat from her palm, with a soft voice, "I think this should be what you want now. ."

   "What?" Gu Chen's voice was cold and cold. He glanced at Jian Sangyu, but he reached out and took it, and then quickly pulled out the contents.

  There were only a few thin sheets of paper in it, white paper with black letters, and only a little bit of the paper was taken out, and a few large letters suddenly jumped into his eyes. divorse agreement.

  Gu Chen's fingertips lightly touched these five words, and the next second, with a soft hum, he closed the document and threw it directly into the trash can at his feet in front of Jian Sangyu.

  (End of this chapter)

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