To Be With You Forever

Chapter 1391: Till when

   Chapter 1391 When is it?

  "Miss Ji, why do you compare with Jane Sangyu? To be honest, she is a big star, an actress, has works, and is popular. Today is the first live broadcast. It is really not shameful that you lose to her."

  But it was the person in charge who lost the sentence to her and gave Ji Lanxi's temper completely.

"Who said that Ji Lanxi will definitely lose to her! I spend my money, what's up with you? All you need is a word, give you the money, can you do it! If you can, you will immediately give me a profit. Do, no, naturally someone can do this for me on your behalf!" Ji Lanxi almost roared.

   After hearing that Ji Lanxi’s dog bit Lu Dongbin, he didn’t know the person in charge and was too lazy to say, "What if the person in charge of this advertisement is asking for ten million? Do you want it?"

   "Yes!" Ji Lanxi didn't even think about it. "Tell the other party that it's me Ji Lanxi is going to come. As long as they dare to ask for ten million, you will agree to it!"

  After talking, Ji Lanxi hung up the phone directly, but didn't start the live broadcast immediately, but made another call.

  On this call, Ji Lanxi only said, "No matter how much money, no matter what the cost, this battle with Jian Sangyu, I, Ji Lanxi, must win!"

  This call Ji Lanxi just said this sentence, and he hung up after saying it. Ji Lanxi drank a large sip of water and couldn't calm his heart.

  Three minutes later, Ji Lanxi received a call from the person in charge, telling her that the advertisement pushed by the scarf pop-up window has been negotiated, five million, when will the money arrive, and when will the advertisement appear.

  Obviously, there was no mention of the contract. On the one hand, Ji Lanxi wanted it urgently, and on the other hand, the other party was afraid that Ji Lanxi would not give money afterwards.

  After all, this matter is in the eyes of anyone, and Ji Lanxi is very puzzling to do this.

  Well, to make it more popular, that is, this is a lunatic behavior.

  In other words, the money burns too much.

The five million Ji Lanxi went directly to the account of the other company without blinking his eyes. Two minutes later, the advertisement for the lucky draw in Ji Lanxi's live broadcast room was put on the bib bomb along with Ji Lanxi's live broadcast room. window.

  This advertisement is really useful. Ji Lanxi returned to the live broadcast room. In just 15 minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast room returned to 30,000.

  Sure enough, Ji Lanxi also counts her words, and when the number reaches 30,000, she directly draws ten fans.

  In Ji’s family, Ji Lanxi spent five million on the front foot to buy a scarf pop-up advertising space, and Ji Qianbo and Yang Yunrui knew about it on the back foot.

  The two were watching Jian Sangyu’s live broadcast when they heard the news. Ji Qianbo and Yang Yunrui also gave Jian Sangyu gifts several times. Seeing Jian Sangyu and the girl next door chat with fans, Yang Yunrui also praised Jian Sangyu.

   "Your friend has a wide range of knowledge. At first glance, it is a girl who reads a lot of books on weekdays. It's pretty good." Yang Yunrui finished complimenting Jian Sangyu and it didn't take long for what Ji Lanxi had done.

  Yang Yunrui’s emotions are the exhaustion that can not be concealed after being astonished. This exhaustion is the emotion after too much disappointment.

   "She is getting worse and worse." Yang Yunrui sighed long, "I..."

  After me, Yang Yunrui didn't say a word in the end.

  More than disappointment.

  The Ji family is rich, Yang Yunrui is also rich, Ji Qianbo is also rich, but they have never been so squandered. The Ji family's family style has always been strict. The Ji family's entire family has never seen a child like Ji Lanxi.

   "When will she and Jian Sangyu compete?" Ji Qianbo supported his forehead with a headache.

  Ji Qianbo couldn’t understand it himself. Jian Sangyu only told him and his father about Ji Lanxi’s presence in Cannes. Why did Ji Lanxi bear such a grudge for such a small matter?

   Still, Ji Lanxi’s dissatisfaction is actually his brother and the father who brought her home? And Jane Sangyu was just innocent and angered?

   "She doesn't want to go back, so she escorts her back, she still runs out." Yang Yunrui said, "I will stop all her cards tomorrow."

  Besides, Yang Yunrui can't think of other ways to discipline her daughter.

  (End of this chapter)

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