To Be With You Forever

Chapter 145: Complementary personality

  Chapter 145 Complementary Personality

  The hearts of these two couples are not at the same time. They say they are husband and wife, even if they live together, they are not as strange as they are.

Gu Chen has been in the guards all the year round. For three to five months, or even half a year, he went home for one day or two days. Jian Sangyu never asked about Gu Chen’s whereabouts or caused trouble to Gu Chen. Good wife, she did. One hundred and twenty is a good example.

  To be honest, Gu Chenjie's unmarried life is estimated to be exactly the same.

  When the two children first got married, they recalled Shen's vacation and went straight back to Gu's house. He heard the old man asking about his daughter-in-law. His expression changed, and then he hurriedly left Gu's house with the car key.

  That time, Mr. Gu didn't suspect that Gu Chen had forgotten that he was married.

  Who makes Jane Sangyu silent, there is almost no sense of existence.

"Do you know why I gave Sangyu girl to Gu Chen before?" Old man Gu asked Gu Qingxi, but before Gu Qingxi could answer, he went on to say it on his own, "Sang Yu was a kid when she was a child. It’s always lively and lively. No matter who you are, you can play with her. In the compound, whether it’s her older or younger, she especially likes to play with her, naughty but not squeamish."

   "Dad should have wanted Gu Chen to be bored, and needed a wife with a completely opposite personality to complement him, right?" Gu Qingxi understood.

"Yes." Old man Gu nodded, and then followed with emotion," but she didn't expect that the girl would gradually change her temper because of the Jane's affairs. She stopped making trouble, she was clever, didn't fight or grabbed, and didn't like to play. Every day spent practicing and studying, it has become even more boring than Gu Chen."

   "Then when the Jian family said that they wanted to change their person to marry Gu Chen, why didn't Dad take the opportunity to break the marriage contract?" Gu Qingxi asked strangely.

"I looked at the girl who grew up, can I be willing?" Old man Gu shook his head, "If Gu Chen and Sang Yu broke off their engagement, it would be even more difficult for her at Jian's house. I thought later on. Well, anyway, both are boring gourds, don't dislike anyone, Gu Chen married Sang Yu, at least it won't harm Sang Yu forever."

Speaking of this, the old man suddenly laughed, "But I didn't expect this girl's troubles to be carved into the bones. I know that when she hid from Gu Chen to become an actor, it was a happy one. Last time they went home. When I saw it, did you see that Sang Yu was a girl who was pretending to be well-behaved before. When she gets more and more troublesome, Gu Chen will suffer."

Any divorce was made by the old man Gu and Gu Shen. On the other hand, if Gu Chen came back today and said he didn’t want Jian Sangyu to become an actor and want to divorce Jian Sangyu, he would be the first to break Gu Chen’s legs and clean up. A meal.

  Fortunately, Gu Chen's reaction was very interesting, and he was not disappointed.

Gu Chen didn’t go home immediately after leaving Gu’s house. Instead, he went directly to Zhong Yanting’s company. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the front desk, he said that he was looking for Zhong Yanting. The front desk asked directly if he had an appointment. He stopped outside the company.

  Gu Shen did not have Zhong Yanting’s phone number, and finally got it from Jiang Xingna.

"Brother, what are you doing with Sister Xiao Ting? Can you tell me?" Jiang Xing asked tentatively. He was quite afraid that Gu Chen had found out about Jian Sangyu and then went to Jian Sangyu's company to treat Xiao Ting. What are you doing?

   "Go back and find you to settle the account." Gu Chen banged up Jiang Xing's phone, and then dialed Zhong Yanting's phone. Five minutes later, Zhong Yanting came down to pick up the person in a hurry.

   ~~~Good night~~~



  (End of this chapter)

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